WOW-Ken is Gone?! I was just wondering why Ken's whole profile was deleted yet potty mouth Clif is allowed to continue to grace us with his presences?
An elaboration would be nice. Just want to know when I might be in trouble and kicked off .....and if I can come back under another name.
how can that be fair? Clif said he wanted to be banned, dropped the f'bomb many times and got the whole dern board shut down, and he is allowed to come back? well that's a big hot steaming pile of not fair.
no crap... what the heck is up with that... Clif "wanted" to be banned and did all he could in his f-bomb dropping glory and he's back.. and you forever deleted Ken/Devilock? Nice.
I'm pretty sure he is the one that got the chat room shut down too. And he comes back as clif001 like no one is suppose to know. Talk about rubbing peoples faces into it.
I actually stooped down to his level and reported one of his new posts. The response I got from Webbie is that he has no control over someone simply creating a new log in.
DANG!!! You gals are talkin' some NASTY STUFF today!!! Maybe The Nevil/Devil deletion has more to do with where they're saying it now than what they said then ?!!! I mean, it's competition, no matter how you look at it !!
how can that be? that's crap.....Clif said the f-bomb more than once, said to heck with Webbie and f everything and everybody and go suck ken butt...and he gets to come back under what is an obvious 'new' name?