What is this? x-District Attorney & Defense Atty in Johnston County under investigat

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by HersheyKisses, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. HersheyKisses

    HersheyKisses Member

    Ex- Assistant District Attorney(Correction)

    1270 WMPM

    District Attorney Calls For SBI Investigation
    The state Attorney General’s Special Prosecutions Unit is conducting an investigation in Johnston County at the request of District Attorney Susan Doyle. Though unconfirmed, persistent reports over the course of the past few weeks suggest at least one former assistant district attorney and an area defense attorney are at the center of the investigation. North Carolina Department of Justice spokesperson Noelle Tally confirmed the existence of an investigation requested by Mrs. Doyle, conducted by the SBI and supervised by the Special Prosecutions Unit, but would provide no further information. “We can’t comment on the nature of the investigation and are not confirming the names of any possible suspect or suspects,” Ms. Talley said Wednesday. According to several independent sources speaking on condition of anonymity, the investigation reportedly involves a former assistant district attorney having provided a defense attorney with blank, signed dismissal forms. The forms were reportedly used to clear cases the attorney was handling. Mrs. Doyle declined to comment on any aspect of the investigation. ”I can’t comment on anything,” Mrs. Doyle said. “I’m not involved in (the investigation).” State Highway Patrol 1st Sgt. Todd Evans, whose district covers Johnston County, said while he is not familiar with the specifics of the investigation, SBI agents have interviewed several of his troopers who had DWI cases that were dismissed. ”That’s been our extent of it,” Sgt. Evans said. “I do know that there’s an ongoing investigation and I know that they are addressing that issue. “Obviously if there’s an SBI investigation it reaches up there where it’s gotten somebody’s attention and they’re looking to hopefully fix it,” he said.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2008
  2. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    You should probably ask the webmaster to change the title of this thread to read x-Assistant D.A., instead of x-District Attorney. There are, to the best of my knowledge, only 2 people in Johnston County who could be described as X District Attorneys, and it does not appear that the investigation involves either one of them.
  3. HersheyKisses

    HersheyKisses Member

    Thanks K.D.

    Is there a way I can change the title myself?

    Will also write a letter to the webmaster
  4. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    No, I'm afraid not. I'm sure Webbie will do it for you, though, if you ask him.
  5. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Just delete the post and start over.
  6. HersheyKisses

    HersheyKisses Member

    I just tried to delete the post, and it wont let me,
    can you please help me.

    I feel horrible about the mistake I wrote!!!!!
  7. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Only the webmaster can delete the first post in a thread or change the title of the thread. You can delete any of your own posts with just that one exception.

    Don't feel bad, we all make mistakes and I'm sure Webbie will fix this one. ;)
  8. HersheyKisses

    HersheyKisses Member

    KD...Thank you, you are so sweet

    I just feel horrible about a mistake that could make someone totally innocent look bad.
    I e-mailed the webmaster, and put up another post with a correction, If either ex District Attorney's are reading this, I apologize about this, and it was nothing more than a typo and I'm so sorry.

    Thanks again, KD... you are very nice.
  9. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    If you click on 'edit' then on the next screen click on 'go advanced' and then you can get to the title and correct it , and I think you can also delete it entirely from there.
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  11. HersheyKisses

    HersheyKisses Member

    Thanks Bandmom,

    I tried a million ways, but you can't delete a post if it's the first one.

    Kd's Grandma said that as well.....

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