I need 2 large wire dog crates, the 48 inch size. Anyone out there have some they want to sell? Thanks
I probably do. I have to go look and see what condition they are in. One is in great shape, I am not sure about the other one. I can go look in an hour or two. Just re read your post, I think my only 48 inches are plastic (airline approved) The metal ones are all smaller- sorry.
I checked early this am and didn't see any but I will check again. Did you see them under pets or farm and garden?
Project racing home. Their website is www.getagrey.com. I am soooo excited. We are adopting 2 girls and will bring them home this weekend.:hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray:
There is a gentleman on Hwy 50 towards Benson. He sells rain barrells and fire barrels. He had several crates out there the other day, and the large ones were like $40. I don't remember if they were metal or not. He is right past Benson Grove church.