A family members birthday is coming up and she has mentioned wanting aqua globes to place in her plants so they will stay watered even when she's out of town. I tried ordering Aqua Globes on-line ... but they are backordered & it may take 6 or more weeks to get them. I know that sometimes I've seen stores like Linens & Things have "As Seen on TV" sections ... but I haven't been able to find a place where I can buy these things. Has anyone seen Aqua Globes ... or something similar ... than I can buy without having to order on-line or via ebay? Thanks for Your Help
If you're out and about, you might also try CVS, Walgreens, or Rite-Aid, in their "As Seen On TV" section. Seems to me I've seen them at CVS, but I'm not 100% sure.
Yep yep they have a pack of 2 at BJ's but I can't for the life of me remember how much they are. And they have tons of'em as of about a week ago. I know I seen 2 separate stands of them in the store.
You guys are AWESOME!!! I just made it back from BJ's after buying 4 sets of aqua globes. That was much faster & MUCH cheaper than ordering the things online. THANKS AGAIN!!!!!
I had never even heard of these before today and had to look them up to see what they were. Purdy cool!