Shout out to Clear Water Pools! I just wanted to give a shout out to Clear Water Pools. NO, I don't work there, but thanks to their expertise we have had another season with perfectly balanced and clear water in our pool. We haven't had the first problem with algae and they haven't tried to sell us any chemicals when we didn't need them. They are behind Golden Corral at 40/42 so many people may not know they are there. For anyone in this area I would recommend them over anybody else. DH is outside backwashing our pump and it made me realize how maintence free the pool has been all summer again.
their name is clear water pools not clear comfort. as clear comfrot pools no longer exists. but i do agree Jason and the folkes at clear water pools are fantastic!! very informative and pleasant. love them 2.
We use Clear Comfort Pools too. They are great. We just switched to the Salt water system. They gave us all the information we needed, they came out and installed it. Since it was installed we purchased the original salt to get it all started and since then we have only had to add two 40lbs of salt at $13.00 a piece (when we had all that rain) and 1 bag of something else. But in jest we have only spent about $50.00 in order to maintain a great looking pool.
They are great folks. Were you able to switch out from chlorine pool to saltwater? Didn't realize it could be done. Ro
I like these folks too, I will have to ask them about the salt water process - maybe do that next year... Is it alot of trouble to start up?
Does anyone have an inground pool? We are 'thinking' about putting one in. Just was wondering what the cost of putting one in is. We just started looking and was just looking for an idea of what we are going to need. Thanks for any help or names you can give me.
LMAO:lol::lol::lol: about the name. But yes they are great to work with up there and i have thought about the salt system too, just waiting for them to possibly go down a little in price.
Hmm Well, I can certainly say they were nice enough up there to us, and it seemed as if they were doing everything they could to help us. However, after spending over $300 to get our pool clear, we decided to stop adding the chemicals they suggested, drain it and start over. Now our pool is perfectly balanced.
RO, Yes, we switch ours out at the beginning of the season. You buy a system that reads the level of salt in the water. As long as it is between 2900 and 3300 it is great if it falls below you add salt. Don't know what to do if it is higher since that has never happened. It was the best decision we have ever made!!!
Clearwater put our pool in last year and they were great. For the person that was wanting to know the cost of an inground pool, expect to pay around 25k. To get the pool alone installed was around 20k and around 5k of concrete to go around. Don't forget to add fencing to the cost if your yard does not already have one. I too, will recommend the automatic chlorinator. People keep referring to this as a saltwater pool but it is not. Basically you are adding a little salt to the pool water and the device converts the salt to produce it's own chlorine and it only produces as much as is needed. After a year, the bathing suits have not faded, no stinging eyes, and no green hair. The device also tells you when to add salt. We have added 3@50lb bags over the past year so basically $42 for the year. And yes you can add this to your existing pool because it is still a Chlorine pool (with a very slight salt taste)
definitely go with a salt system. Put our pool in3 years ago and have not any porblems with clarity, algae,etc. it will pay for itself in just a couple of years and all we do is backwash, clean out hte skimmers and drop the robotic cleaner in once a week! 10 minutes of our time tops! I get my salt in 40lb. bags at lowes for less than $5.00 a bag. Only have to put more in after a hard rain. If the salt level istoo high you just drain some water and then add water back--this lowers the salt/water ratio.
We've heard about the salt water system and if the Bacquacil ever fails us, it would be the way to go. But in asking about it, we found you do have to shop very carefully. Stay away from Capitol Pools on that one! High$$$$
salt water Cleo, I purshased a salt water system this year, and HD decided he did not want to switch over, Therefor, I paid $800. for this system and cant convince him to do it. So i put in on classifieds last night for $600. or best offer. it is still in its box never opened. so the warenty is still good. if you are interested please let me know. Thanks GAM
You are right. This is the fourth year we've had our inground pool. The pool itself was 20k, then with the concrete and landscapping we ended up spending 30K. We already had the privacy fence.
I bought an Aquarite salt system in Jan 08 off of Ebay for about $465 which included shipping. Much higher when I just checked. I would suggest waiting for the off season and checking Ebay. There are some great deals and it's very easy to install yourself. We have a 24' above ground and it took about 350lbs of salt to get started with. We've only added salt once this season because of the rain. Very low maintenance system.