I believe that has already been stated to Clif, and yet in his hard headedness fails to see the reasoning, because he refuses to understand the fact that paperwork, that ties up the courts still has to be done, even if he pleads guilty via mail. Mayhap he would better understand if it were broken down so that instead of a single court cost, it would actually show individual cost for each step involved. Seems to me that Cllif is the one who can't understand what is being said to him, instead of the rest of us who have failed to understand his question when giving him direct answers to his question concerning why he must still pay court costs. Craig
Actually in the case of a ticket/citation. you are charged at the scene. And it is up to you then to decide if you wish to pleady guilty, pay the fines and court costs, hire a lawyer, or choose your own fate in front of the judge. Craig
1st I'd like to say I am truly touched I'm not on your ignore list! Just for more kicks and giggles what'd ya get? Well this isn't just for more k & g it's to elaborate on this... A sheriff won't generally stop you unless you are being C&R or going more than 9 mph over posted. A local/city cop about the same and a State trooper pretty much the same. So you HAD to be going well over 9mph over posted. In other words... your plea with me that it wasn't OBVIOUS... is pretty much a load of crap. Clif, most all of us have had tickets. I got my first ticket in a long long time while I was preggo (I did get one when I was 16; daddy handled it but that's for another story time). Sure I could have pulled the "I've gotta go pee... I"m pregnant... officer can't you let me slide" card and after he handed me my ticket he smiled and said he would have let me slide. I shouldn't have asked :banghead: But did I get on here and cry about the 140something in fees I had to pay? NO! I sucked it up and sashayed my fanny in the court room with my new baby girl in tow and *gasp* PLEAD GUILTY... in which the judge reduced to 64 in a 55! I was going 70 So now that I've had my little story time... what's your's? No jumping... just laughing. I do bouncy bouncy sometimes when I truly get as tickled as I got this morning. Again THANK YOU! BUT when you get on here and complain about ANYTHING dealing with JUST getting a ticket; you can say you aren't mad about the ticket all you want... your true feelings shine through. They always do, honey! I know it stung a little to see the blue lights... it's never a good feeling. Just sucks you were caught... and here I thought you never went over the speed limit! :shock: If you do the crime pay the fine! Suck it up, Clif... be the bigger man, bend over and take it like a big boy. So to answer you question AGAIN... They charge those fees BECAUSE THEY CAN. Ignore you!? NEVER...this is too sweet to pass up!:lol: NO beef with ya but this is a long time coming for him. So I don't have the energy to nor the want to take you up on your questions. I need to focus on Clif's dilemma! He needs me more now than ever and I'm here for him!
I was speaking of the meaning of the words. You stated that you could not in good conscience plead not guilty, and I was responding to that. In other words, I was saying that you don't have to be innocent of the offense to plead not guilty. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty; that doesn't mean you are innocent.
At this point in time, I have no ignore list. So you are saying that cops never give out a ticket unless the person is speeding? Isn't that right up there with, "cops never arrest innocent people"? I know cops sometimes pick the wrong car that their radar tagged. It happens. I've read a news story recently where some kid got a speeding ticket and he swore he was going the speed limit. It was the first time GPS data was allowed in court and it did show the kid was going the speed limit. Why the cop thought he was speeding doesn't really matter, the fact remains that sometimes speeding tickets are given out to people who were not speeding. Since I was not paying attention, I cannot say for certain whether or not I was speeding. Since I was not paying attention, there is a good possibility that I was speeding. But I will not say I was or was not, because I simply do not know. Once again, I am not complaining about the ticket or the fine. I went to court this morning and pled guilty. Apparently not, if you think I was upset with the ticket. Apparently I am wrong. More than happy to, haven't you been paying attention. I don't mind paying the fine at all. I admit that I may have been speeding. Even if I wasn't, not paying attention while driving is equally as bad. IT'S NOT THE FINE I AM COMPLAINING ABOUT!!!!! All I'm saying is that I'm asked to pay court costs whether or not I chose to go to court. That's the way it is, I understand that. I don't think it's right. If they want to charge me $151 for speeding, fine. I don't think they should charge me for court costs oif I don't go to court. Period.
Clif, Just mail in the $30!! Maybe they will come and get you and lock you up!! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Could not have happened to a nicer guy!!
Awww you're sweet in me... I JUST KNEW IT! It's your picture, paint it with whatever colors you wish! Too bad all the money you make in a week can't pay for a good lawyer to get your GPS data admissible in court. That way you wouldn't be on here complaining about COURT COST (aka fines to the court for doing a crime)because you got burnt by the fuzz. PRICELESS! This is irrelevant since your betching and moaning about COURT COST aka fines to the court for doing a crime. Then tell me again why you are fussing about fines that you had to pay already b/c YOU WENT TO COURT. But you come on here to betch and moan about a WHAT IF scenario? What if I didn't go to court... what if I just mailed it in? What's the freaking difference? You went to court, you didn't mail it in... why make a stink over it? You just wanted to make my day didn't ya! You ole dog you, you knew I need a pick-me-up and this DID THE TRICK! Again THANK YOU!! Then why say anything... you went to court. And it still stings that you got a ticket! enough said. I was too busy frantically laughing and typing witty responses for you, my love, to catch the late post of you going to court and paying the fine. IN this post ---> You said nothing about going to court today, you give the impression you aren't going to court and opting to mail in payment. Do you have literary expression issues? If you posted that you went to court in the first place this wouldn't have been an issue. You going to court packs an even more entertaining punch... THANK YOU. Can't say it enough FINE!!!!!! COURT COST AKA FINES BY THE COURT!!!! (I know where the exclamation key is too. Careful clif, don't get to close to the edge. :lol: Some things in this world just aren't right Clif, like platypuses... have you ever seen the way they look?! Just down right wrong. Again, I was too busy to catch the late post of you going to court and paying the fine. I just have to say this honey pot gets sweeter b/c you went to court just to see if you could fight it didn't you...:lol: Because *gasp* you aren't a law abiding citizen like you claimed yourself to be when you reamed others for trying to get out of tickets. But clif, you went to court. so why start a thread asking "what if's" It's for no other reason than to voice your disgust in the fact that the court can do what it pleases. And it just took 151 of hard earned dollars for a crime you committed. ONCE A CRIMINAL ALWAYS A CRIMINAL :shock:
If my GPS was running at the time, I could have used it. Court costs are not fines (if they were, then why list them separately on the ticket). But you prefer to ignore this fact so everything else that I would address in your post is meaningless.
Maybe look at it this way: It's not necessarily a courtroom fee but rather a court system fee. Your case (such that it was) still had to be processed through said system whether or not you chose to appear in one of the courtrooms. Now, does the processing of a speeding ticket really cost $121? You'd have to convince me. (Maybe those data entry folks are making big bucks and I chose the wrong line of work.....?) I think that the court costs should at least be lower if someone chooses to mail in payment rather than show up. After all, they would be helping to speed things up a little bit. Glad it's behind you, though. Going to the courthouse can be such a pain in the neck.
Riiiight. Sure, let me guess b/c you still think you're innocent. :nopity: Since we're riding on the WHY train... why post about fines that you have to pay anyway because you went to court? Oh let me use the "correct" term COURT COST. My guess: online theatrical performance by the infamous returning male poster.
Where in here did I declare my innocence? The GPS would have shown whether or not I was speeding. As I have said for the umpteenth time, I simply don't know. Not that you care what I say, you will read what you want, it seems. If I did not have to pay the court cost by mailing in, I wouldn't have gone to court. But since they were going to charge me anyway, I might as well make them earn it. Just my little way of getting back at the system. And you have been a wonderful audience. Thanks and good night, don't forget to tip your server.
Gosh clif, you get a lot of tickets. Havent you talked about them before here? You are going to kill someone one day. Pay the dang fine. I am sure it is just as much work even if you dont show up. JMO.8)
Suck it up Loser! You can not have it both ways. Whether you go to court or not the court costs will be paid! You ignored the speed limit just like you ignored Webbie's and your own advice to stay away, but you keep coming back. Can't do the Fine & Court Costs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't do the crime!
Since we're on the topic of tickets (that IS what this is about, right?) my husband got a ticket on Cleveland right past West View. Watch your speed, folks.
While I was in California I got one of those "First of all I am all right!" phone calls. Rearended an SUV, but did not get a ticket because the Hispanic couple did not want to wait around for the police. Unfortunately to repair the vehicle it will run a little bit more than Clif's court costs.