And what is your problem with that? The majority of their (and I emphasis their) workers are Muslim, and I believe it is only the one facility. The factory probably would not be able to operate safely on that day anyways with it understaffed, so why not give them the day? Or are you just a religious bigot? I imagine the majority of your fellow employees are Christian, how do you feel the Jew, Muslims, atheists and other non-Christians feel about you getting Christmas off. Personally I just enjoy a day off. Note: It was the Union not Tyson that requested it in the link I attached (you forgot yours),2933,397645,00.html
Heard this yesterday on the way home. Bill LuMaye (680 WPTF) was trying to get people up in an uproar over it. First, they did not trade a religious holiday for the Muslim holiday, they traded Labour Day for it. I doubt if anyone actually knows any more why there is a holiday called Labour Day, to most it's only the last big hurrah for summer. Second, it was not the company that decided to change the holiday, it was the workers. They voted and more than just the Muslims voted for it. Finally, this is a free country and if a independently owned company wishes to have whatever day off for whatever reason it is their right.
not to mention that any other type of chicken out there to buy is basically just gross IMHO, taste nasty and I've tried all of them provided in the grocery store, other than Harris Teeter brand chicken, all others are just nasty tasting and extremely small and has more fat. Ya can't beat the Sunday Best Roaster they have, just my opinion.
Story update, this year they will get both Holidays. Looks like the religion bigots won because after this year it goes back to the way it was.
I'm glad they got both, just wish they would do it every year. 500 on one side and 700 on another is kind of close, if it were 700 vs 200 then I would understand.
How about 800 v 200? That was the vote for the change in contract according to the article. The rest, who were not in the union, were still given the choice.
No More Tyson The way the election was conducted may have a lot to do with the outcome of the change in holidays. First of all, if they had a mail out ballot, the return for something like that is only about 1/3 of mailed ballots. That is a high vote. If it was something proferred by the Union, it may have been at a Union office or appointed location. You cannot take time off work to go vote for it so it would be on your own time and then the percentage of votes goes down even farther. The article didn't actually tell how many voters actually participated..It only gave the total number of workers...So there may have only been 400 workers and more likely many fewer who voted and then the number would have been much fewer than I am reading in the posts here. It is very plain to see the people there don't care for the reason for Labor Day. I have learned it is a day set aside for past workers who virtually gave their lives not only for Unions but also for the rights that all of us take for granted today. They haven't had to learn any American history and are not trying to assimilate into US customs...only continue with the ones they brought with them.
I had to slap my hand on my previous post. The article does indicate that80% of the 1,000 workers voted for this but I find that very hard to believe when the figures I quoted above are pretty true for votes on accepting a newly negotiated contract, actually striking and hitting the streets with signs, no paychecks coming in, etc. I still believe what I wrote above but cannot substantiate it....sorry I worked under Union contracts for over 30 years and was very active during some of that time so I do have an idea about voter turn out and issues.