I have a 9-month-old baby who has yet to sleep through the night. I am really at a lost of what to do. My son was sleeping through the night at 4 months. She wakes up crying constantly but does not seem to really be awake. I’ve tried letting her cry for a little while to see if she will just go back to sleep that only works sometimes, but usually she just gets extremely upset and it takes me longer to get her back to sleep. When she wakes I usually have to go in there pick her up and rock her for about 10 minutes and she goes right back to sleep. Now that would be fine if I only had to do that like once or twice, but I do that all night long. Sometimes I have to go in there every 10 minutes for like an hour. She can stay up half the night and still get up a 5 in the morning. Her father is no help she will not go to sleep for him. She either cries until I come and get her or she thinks it time to play and tries to play with her daddy. I really need some sleep so any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!
Yikes, I dont have any advice just wanted to offer sympathy. We always give up and our kids sleep with us. Nursing is easier and I dont have to fully wake up. That doesn't work for everyone, but eventually they grow out of sleeping with mom and dad. Good luck and hope you get to sleep soon!
Thanks! When she was smaller it was so bad that she would cry as soon as I laid her down in her crib so I tried letting her sleep with me, but she would just cry as soon as I laid her in the bed next to me (she always wanted to be held) plus I was always paranoid I would roll over on her. She has gotten better she doesn't cry as soon as I lay her down she just waits until I get in my bed.:lol: I just keep telling myself it will get better as she gets older. But I don't how much more I can take.
My sis-in-law used small fans or boxed fans in her sons' rooms for the noise. She pointed them away from the kids and the noise would keep them asleep. Another suggestion I've heard is soothing music or cd's with water sounds. Good luck!
Wow! I feel your pain. Is this something you've always done with her, the part about holding her until she falls asleep and then placing her in the crib? If so, this could be the cause of her bad sleeping habits. Off the top of my head there are two things you can try but remember there is no quick fix for this long time habit. 1. You can try placing her in her crib when you feels she is sleepy and ready for bed, leave her there and let her try and fall asleep on her own, if she starts to fuss go in the room and tell her it's bedtime, give a hug and kiss, go back out the door, if she continues to fuss give her about 15 minutes then go back in and do the same routine of it's bedtime, kiss, hug and nighty night, go back out the door, if she makes a fuss extend your time of going back in the room to 25 minutes, do the same routine and each time she fusses just extend the time between you saying nighty night to her and going back in the room. This worked for my sister (took about a week) but not for me. I would allow mine to fall asleep on a blanket on the floor in the living room, scoop them up and place them in their crib, never had any issues but I tried not to hold them at that age to get them to sleep, they had their blankie and would curl up on it and fall asleep, unless of course they were sick then that weren't no rules for my sick baby. Good luck and give your pediatrician a call, they could direct you to some good resources for this problem.
Will she sleep in a bouncy seat or other position? Sounds like she just doesn't like to sleep lying down, flat? Have you talked to your pediatrician about it? I know inner ear infections bother them more when they lay down - but thats probably not it if its been going for this long - just thinking if there's something thats 'bothering' her when she lays down.......... Sorry you're having to go thru this - I know its tough! :neutral:
I have a 3 1/2 month old and she sleeps thru the night. Do you have cereal in her bottle at night and make it warm? I too have the small fan on the floor for noise and a humidifier too... We always hold her until she goes to sleep or lay with her in our bed first and move her to her bed. I know the warm bottle with cereal helps a lot of people... Also try to keep them awake a lot during the evening/late afternoon.
Thanks for all the suggestions. She never would sleep in anything like a bouncy seat or a swing. I think she is the only baby that will not fall asleep in a car. She is 9 months old so no she doesn't have cereal in her bottles she eats plenty of solids during the day. She has two naps a day and I make sure they don't last longer than two hours. I use to hold her for her to go to sleep, but once she started to get older I started a nightly routine. She has her last bottle, a bath, and then I rock her to get her drowsy (but never fully asleep) and I lay her down and usually she is so tried by then she goes right off to sleep. But about an hour later she starts crying so I go in her room and most of the time she doesn't seem to be really awake just crying. She does depend on her pacifier a little to much. Some times I can just slip it back into her mouth and she goes right back to sleep, but this can happen 10 times in a row and by then she is awake. I have mentioned it to her doctor before but when she was small she had gerd so she wasn't sleeping good for a number of reasons. But she has outgrown the gerd and still isn't sleeping well. I have tried the fan trick but it did not work. She sleeps pretty good during thunderstorms sometimes so I think I am going to try a cd next. I sometimes think it maybe night terrors by the way she cries out during the night and doesn't seem to be really awake, but I don't know much about them.
I feel for you, and what I am about to suggest is going to sound strange. My son didn't sleep through the night til he was 2, and I wasn't doing ANY of those things you aren't "supposed" to do. Is the crib near the air vents for your HVAC system? I finally figured out that a lot of the time, he was waking up when the air came on. I relocated his crib and life got a whole lot easier. I truly understand your exhaustion and hope you figure it out sooner than I did. :? I never had any more kids, and the sleep loss is a big part of it. 8)
You know I think her crib is near an air vent. I am going to try this tonight. I have got to do something I just can't keep this up.
Believe me, I understand! I had to quit my job for a time, because he was keeping both of us up all night, and DH nearly wrecked falling asleep driving. I took over all the night stuff then til we got it under control. It's bad!! :grouphug:
Although it has been a very long time ago, I can sympathize with you. My son had colic when he was a baby and he woudl cry all the time. His dad was in the Navy I had to do a lot of things alone. He would sleep in a swing though. I did not have one that ran on batteries at the time, but it would swing for approx 10 to 15 minutes and that is how I use to sleep. Thankfully I had some neighbors that helped me out now and then.
I don't work I don't think I could right even if I needed to. And my baby girl just won't let my husband help, but he does try sometimes.
This book looks perfect. I am going to order it tonight. I just never could let my precious little baby cry it out even when I had no sleep at all. I would have just gone on without sleep if I could not find something that worked that is why I asked for help.
Jen jen , wow i also feel your pain , My son is now 18 months and does not sleep through the night . He wakes at least 6 times screaming . Now as some of you know i just moved out of a very scary haunted house but he slept much better there then here in the new house . I dont know what to tell you other then i know what your going through and just hang in there sweetie things will get better . I have been through this 4 times and omg this has got to be the worst . It might be because im older now but i get to feeling the same way . If you every need sleep and you would like to drop her off with me for a few hours or all night i am more then willing to help ya out . She would be fine in my care .I know how it feels to be without sleep . I am a mother of 4 , 2 of which are teens and the others 9 and 18 months . Great kids and my daughter loves babies to ! Just wanted to throw that out to you and i hope you get some sleep sweetie !
I know this sounds strange but I used to watch my friends baby so she could go back to work and the baby would just flat out refuse to nap. so I had the mom leave me her night shirt or pj top some times i ended up with the pillow case and when I would lay the baby down for a nap i would lay her on whatevere article momma left, she would go to sleep after she would squish the article around till she was comfy then she would go out for about an hour or 2, maybe you might try letting her sleep with something that smells like you, I am sorry you are having so much trouble, do you get to nap when she does in the afternoon? I hope so. if you need any afternoon help p.m. me i would be glad to help. good luck. GAM
Hope you get sleep soon. My babies ages 7 and 12 don't sleep through the night still. only my 10nyear old does. At one point my friends said I looked like a zombie. My 7 and 12 year old are just so bratty it only helps when I sleep with them all night. My 10 year old was always the obeyer. Good Luck, I would also try a sound machine of some sort. My 10 year old loves noise. the other 2 are a lost cause.
I too wish I could help, but I can only say I know how you feel. My almost 8 year old still doesn't sleep through, unless he's on my floor which I allow so that I can get some rest. My 4 year old is a better sleeper although he still comes into my room a lot of nights and then my 18 month old is the angel of the group. The 18 month old does need a snack right before bed or he doesn't make it but it doesn't sound like that's your problem. I know the crib mattress is hard and I have a pillow in there for him. It sounds to me like she might have tummy pains or something for her to be so restless. My oldest does have night terrors caused by medication, esp if he's on Claritin.