does any one out there in thread land know of a reliable electrician that does side work? please p.m me. thank you all in advance GAM
ok all through the day today outlet after outlet just sends sparks and smoke through the house. the dryer made a horrific zapping sound and the surge surpressor for the pc was fryied, i mean black and burnt. i dont know whats going on and because it is Sunday no one is available, I am afraid to sleep. if there is any one you guys know that can help, Even give me a diagnostic i would greatly appreciate it.
omg i am no electrician but i would say please please go somewhere to sleep tonight and dont sleep there ! That really is bad . I hope you can find an electrician tomorrow . Please keep us updated and be careful !
I was doing this same search for an electrician a month ago and I got some suggestions. I called L&M electric, over in Peddler's Village beside the Party store. I was very happy with their work and price. Talk to Barry.
Thank you Dephy, I also used Jeff's service a long time ago and couldnt find a recent # so i figured he wasnt around here any longer. thank you for the updated # and we made it through the night. my DH has someone comming in the morn of Tues. so looks like one more sleepless night. thank you again for your concern and Jeff's #. GAM
I think I'd be turning off my breakers. Doesn't sound safe to me. We had a light over the kitchen sink that arced once when my sister was here, she came to babysit for us. Thank God the house didn't catch on fire, becaust that thing smoked. I've been scared of it ever since.
oh yeah, trust me, i turned everything off all breakers off. still had trouble sleeping. DH has someone comming out in the morn. we had no trouble last night or today, probably because all the breakers are off. fortunatly it isnt 100 degreese. I am thankfull that nothing else has come of this. thanks to all my thread peeps! GAM
A Big Thank you to all of you that helped me. We are all fixed now. i feel so much better. progress energy came and shut us down early yesterday and my friend came and fixed the box, The energy company came back in the evening about seven thirty checked it all out and turned us back on. all checked out and we are up and running. Again thank you. GAM
Good! Was hoping all was ok. I couldn't find the info of the guy we used years ago. Guess he's no longer out there... Frogger