Does anyone happen to know or have any "inside" information on the open house times and nights for Dixon Road, McGees Middle and West Johnston? I may be a little bit ahead of myself but I find that we get notice like 2 days beforehand and then we're all running around like a bunch of "possessed Linda Blair's" on drugs trying to get to everything.......:lol:
Not sure about Dixon, but McGee's Middle is on August 21st (6th grade 8-10:30 am, 7th grade 6-7:30 pm, 8th grade 4-5:30 pm). West Johnston is having orientation for incoming freshmen on Aug 14th from 8am-12pm. Hope that helps.
Dixon is Thursday August 21 from 4:30-6:30. Letters with teacher assignments went out yesterday as far as I know and I think most grades should have that information included with their supply lists.
OH my son will love that. the 21st is his 13th birthday! Nuttin' like spending your birthday at the schools open house! Woo hoo!
I did! My daughter will have Ms. Hunter for 4th grade. Now...when she saw this she was like "NOOOOOOO!!!! She's mean!" I personally never heard of her. Can anyone fill me in? daughter finally calmed down......LOLOLOL Sheesh...........
When did you get it? My son is going to be in 1st grade so I can't help you out with who the teacher is. I am so impatient. My son could care less but I want to know who his teacher is and what else I am going to have to buy him for school. :lol:
:lol: Tell your daughter this little story for me. When I was going into the 3rd grade I found out my teacher was going to be Mrs. Bunch and I was terrified. She had a BAD reputation... for being the meanest, most strict 3rd grade teacher in the whole school. Turns out, she was strict. She wouldn't let us say "fart", we had to say "expelled gas" instead, the ol' meanie. By the end of the year she was my FAVORITE teacher... and she stayed my favorite teacher... EVER! Tell your DD to give Mrs. Hunter a chance. Just because some kids didn't get along with her doesn't mean she won't. :-D
I got it yesterday. Yours will probably come in a day or 2 if not today. Depends on how strange the mail wants to run......I'm impatient too! LOLOL But I was rather shocked that we got it this soon. We ususally get stuff 2 days before school. :x
I know when I heard they had already mailed them out I was shocked too. I have been disppointed everytime I have checked the mail. :lol: I was just sure we would get it today since we live so close to the school but we didn't.
Just FYI for those who have McGee's Middle students.... Open House has been changed to August 20th from 2pm-6pm, for all grades.
And I just asked to leave early on the 21st.....Ok. Well, I guess if I left at 4:30 and got there by 5:00 or 5:15 (as long as it's before 6:00) I'd be ok. I don't recall it taking all that long for the middle school kids. And I only have one middle school kid this year........Pretty much go from class to class. With just one kid, I can do it. He'll be in 8th grade so it's not like he doesn't know the layout of the school and the gist of what to do......
We are going to Dixon for kindergarten and have received our teachers assignment. So what about the bus assignment? When do those go out or do they. How do I find out? Anybody?:allears:
kindergarten is a whole different bucket of hair.....LOL....have you checked Dixon's webpage? called the school? there should be someone there to help a girl out....
Last year when my son started kindergarten at Dixon we found out the first day we took him to school. Kindergarten is staggered and the first day you have to stay with them at the school for a few hours. You will get all the info you need when you meet with the teacher. And I still haven't got my son's teacher assignment.:x
Just so people don't read this and get confused...this isn't the same at every school...the first day of school at West View for K kids, the parents do not stay with the kids! The orientation you stay, but not the first staggered day, the one where 1/2 the kids go, and 1/2 stay home, that's a normal day for them, they ride the bus, carpool, whatever you do...
Yeah, it's different at Dixon unless they changed it this year. You don't go to orientation. They split all the kids up and the first day they go is kinda like an orientation. It isn't really long just a couple of hours. A few go one day and then a few more until they meet everyone. You sit in the library while the teacher meets with your child. Then the kids go outside while you meet with the teacher. I might have been wrong (it has been awhile) that may not be considered the first staggered day. I know the next week is like westview where 1/2 the kids go and 1/2 stay home. And after labor day they all go together. Well at least this is how they did it last year. I am not sure if that is how it is going this year.
According to the letter is sounds different. The first day is labeled "Your Parent/Teacher/Student Orientation Day" . Their first staggered day is a week later. It doesn't say if we go on the staggered day though. I guess we will find that out on the orientation day.