Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kmmsmile, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. kmmsmile

    kmmsmile Member

    I have been wondering what happend to Ms. Dawn. She is the BEST dance teacher I have ever seen and I've seen a few! My kids adore her and she has opened her own studio in Garner. Her new place is called TheDanZeZone and it is awesome. If you're looking for a place to take your child to dance go there. She is amazing with kids. My kids play Ms. Dawn at home and they fight over who gets to be her. She is all about the kids! Here's the info for all you others that have been looking for her:
  2. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    I agree!!!! She is the best!! My daughter adores her!! She is also a sweetheart to the parents!! I have to check out her new studio. I have to get my son's practice schedule before I can sign my daughter up for a class so the two won't interfere during the week. It's funny.......it's almost like she casts a magical spell on the kids. They all behave with her!!
  3. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    Oh wow, thanks!!!
    This dance studio seems very conviently located.

    Anyone know how much classes run???
  4. kmmsmile

    kmmsmile Member

    It's done by the total hours you take in a week. One of my girls is in a 30 min class which is $35 a month, my other is taking 2 classes, one is 45 minutes and the other is 30 and it is only $55 a month. Siblings get a 10% total discount too! The number is 772-7755.
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Well dang, if my tutu wasn't at the cleaners I'd go give Ms. Dawn a try. :lol:
  6. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Looks like some people join just to post in this thread :roll:
  7. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Ironic, isn't it?
  8. cannedjam

    cannedjam Guest

    I like this website and view it often, but have never posted anything, but after reading this, I had to register. I can not help but wonder why children are on here posting comments and most of the comments don't have anything to do with the thread. Where are your parents? I know nothing about dance and am way too old to take dance but just from reading the ugliness and random comments kids are making on here it makes me not want to go to dance art.
  9. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Don't let kids who have nothing better to do discourage you from Dance Art. They SHOULD have a JOB and not be hanging out with the adults on line. Where are the parents? :?

    I personally know the owner of Dance Art, she runs great programs for her students.

    If I had little girls, they'd go to Dance Art.
  10. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Ms. Amber is great. I am very pleased with DanceArt.
  11. Karmol

    Karmol Well-Known Member

    We have gone to DanceArt for three years and had three different instructors and loved the all.
    We have had Ms. Judy, Ms. Amber, and Ms. Dawn. I have to say my daughters favorite was Amber.
  12. m2475

    m2475 Well-Known Member

    DanzzeZone posting for advertising

    It is my understanding you cannot use this site for advertising and it looks like the owner of DanzezZone is doing that.

    This is from the posting guidelines off the 4042.com website:

    6. Postings concerning business "opportunities", advertisements
    for products or services, multi-level marketing, etc. should be
    posted in the 4042.com FREE Classifieds - not in the Discussion

    It looks like the screen name “kmmsmile” is posting for DanzzeZone in Garner.

    If you look at the post and the descriptions in the post this is the owner advertising:

    someone started talking about dance and gymnastics on 8-11-2008. If you notice….the last post is from “kmmsmile” saying her kids go to Danzezone. The person only has six posts and she says her kids take dance at DanzeZone. That could be true. But if you then scroll down to the post from yesterday titled “I FOUND MS. DAWN” by “kmmsmile” the person then acts surprised that she found Ms. Dawn. She was just trying to bring attention to herself and her business. If “the parent” was so excited she found her then she would have put that in the first post on 8-11-2008. She of course then advertises for herself posting her phone number, website, and location. Scroll down to where “kmmsmile” describes the prices. It is stated just like it came straight from a brochure.

    Then if you go to the post yesterday for “WINDOW TINTING” and they ask about where to go…. “kmmsmile” is the last post recommending Tint Shop (james)….his shop is right beside DanzeZone. It is obvious this was for advertising purposes.

    It seems quite obvious that it is a new member with very few post and all the post are geared towards advertising for her business.

    However, I guess all the dance studios will get quite a bit of advertising with this one! Everyone seems to be joining and posting.
  13. kmmsmile

    kmmsmile Member

    Crazy People

    I don't know why you people feel the need to do this, but I have two kids and I am not Ms. Dawn. I wish I was that cute. We thought a lot of Ms. Dawn and just wanted to post where she was because I've heard a lot of people asking. Who woud of thought is would stir up trouble. When I signed my girls up at TheDanZeZone I was happy with their location. I have used Tinted Image before on my car and was impressed so that's why I added that. Obviously you have nothing better to do than make up ridiculous comments. I'm sure that Ms. Dawn is very capable of advertising herself, You are in my prayers.
  14. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    we go there!! Love her and the place! I had to leave the other studio due to a bad attitude and unprofessional service in the past. I LOVE IT!! We did a camp there over the summer and now doing a class. Great prices too! 45 mins is 40 dollars and so on!! LOVE IT! her website is www.thedanzezone.com
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  15. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    AGREE! I am far from Ms Dawn as you can read many of my post!! And if you ever had Ms Dawn you would know why people are excited! I went to DanceArt and so did several other people who have left. I can say this because I do have a child that went there and I personally did not like the owners attitude or the cost of tickets to the recitals! I was given an attitude 2 times there which is 2 times too many when you are paying for a service. Again.... I am not Ms Dawn and doubt Ms Dawn has time to be on here! I am a mom who has been there..... done that and love her as a teacher!! You have to know her to understand the excitement! 8)
  16. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    <stepping up>

    My Little One started dancing as just something to do. Coming from a family of dancers, she was doomed (in my opinion, lol). She had a wee attention span, hung on the barre (grrrr) and flitted around. I couldn't watch her in class. She took ballet, tap, and jazz, then ballet & tap, then just ballet. Still, last season, I couldn't watch her dance. Then mid-season came...

    She started talking with me in French. She was able to talk intelligently about class, her routine, and the exercises that were challenging...and refused to give up. She knew the 3 Rules of Class very well and had buckled down. Her pronunciation of the movements was correct, she knew what they were and how to execute them. She talked with me about ballet history, she discovered a favorite ballet and knew it well enough to describe it (Copella), and was having fun while being serious in class!! She loved her teachers, and I liked the fact that she got constructive criticism when needed, but also got an "atta boy" when she was working hard. Very positive, well-trained teachers.

    This past Spring she asked and was given permission to audition for Company, and made it. I was very very proud. They have just finished their summer classes for Company and she has learned so much. Her technique has improved, as has her discipline and attitude...as much as can for a lanky soon-to-be teen :p. She has not only learned "how to dance" but has uncovered her self-esteem, is much more dedicated at school, and takes pride in everything she does now. She has also made friends that will be with her for a long time to come.

    My humble opinion, first-hand knowledge of Step Ahead Dance Studio at 40/42.

    The 3 Rules of Class at Step Ahead Dance Studio

    1) Always respect yourself (as well as your classmates, & your teacher)
    2) Always strive to do your best. Don't compare yourself to others in the class. Everyone's 'best' is different!
    3) Never, ever, EVER say "I Can't"! This is the one rule that comes with discipline. (It breaks rule #1 by disrespecting yourself, and gives you a negative thought pattern instead of a positive one. Saying "I'm not able to do that now but I'll work hard on it and try my best" is a much more positive way to look at the situation).
  17. dancemomof1

    dancemomof1 Guest


    My daughter has been a dancer at Dance Art since the day Amber opened her doors. This will be her sixth year! She is now the youngest competitive dancer on the senior company team! I knew my daughter loved to dance at the age of 2 but it was not until we started at Dance Art that her love for dance became her passion for dance. I have watched this little girl blossom into a beautiful dancer over the last six years. I cannot thank Amber, Debbie and the entire Dance Art staff enough for sharing their love and passion for dance with so many children! The senior company team is under the instruction of Mrs. Cheri Snow and she is incredible! The girls/boys know that they are loved by Mrs. Cheri but also know that when they arrive at the studio they are there to Dance! A special bond has been built with their new instructor! They truly adore and respect Mrs. Cheri and it shows day after day! They have all grown so much over the summer with dance! Mrs. Cheri is just amazing with these kids!!! If you are looking for a wonderful dance experience for your child....Dance Art is the place to be!!!!!!!:)
  18. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    I am glad your daughter loves it! I loved Ms Judy, and Ms Dawn.... however many people had bad experiences with Amber and her mom. I am not the only one that left her school. I know this is beathing a dead horse.... but the teachers were great but the other part - not so much. Recital tickets are very high when we bought 18 tickets - $180 but that is ok even though a little high compared to others. However, 2 or 3 unprofessional attitudes by the front staff is not ok. You have to be professional in my opinion and I will not go in detail of the problem but it was there and they should know this too. I have a feeling someone posting may also work with their company (not danzezone). :) :beathorse::):)
  19. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I just got the connection.

    Ms. Dawn = Dawn "Z" (her last name starts with Z)
  20. joydance

    joydance Guest

    i totally agree

    I am in total agreement with you. My experience there was very similar to yours.

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