I had to go there cause I couldn't get an appointment with my doctor. It was last minute. Well I had to go and register, didn't mind waiting 1 1/2 hours. Patients will appointments also waited that long. I was finally called. Taken to a room that smelled like Urine. The floor was dirty the table was dirty and the PA that examined me, seemed like she was just a gofer for the doctor. Although they virtual are, usually most PA's are on the ball. She took notes and reported to the doctor. OK fine, he ordered an X-ray. That's fine the technician was on the ball, she showed me the x-ray, I than knew what was wrong, just by looking at it. Well the doctor walks in and tries to send me for an immediate C-Scan. Well at this point I was like What? Because I was in the hospital a couple days before and knew what was wrong, just needed help. To the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing. I have double cover insurance so all test are virtually covered. In the end I walked out mad, didn't go for my c-scan and continued over the counter drugs. Yesterday I saw my regular doctor and with her listing to me, She knew all I have is IBS and just need help sometimes. Please just watch what doctors are ordering and if the room smells like urine, run like the wind.:?
The place you are talking about is not Wake Med. At first, when I read this I thought you meant the Wake Med Clayton building, but then saw you wrote near Just Tires. That facility is an urgent care center. I think it is called Wake Family Urgent Care or something like that.
It's not uncommon for a doctor to order a CT if an x-ray is unremarkable. Who told you the results of the x-ray? The technologist or the doctor? If it was a tech, he is not allowed to "read" x-rays to a patient, as he is not trained in that respect. If he were, he'd be a radiologist. If he isn't registered as a technologist, get your x-rays somewhere else.
I went there yesterday, matter of fact. I have been there lots, especially with my kids. The office staff needs some improvement but otherwise I like it there. I have never smelled urine either. I usually don't even have to go get a RX filled, they give me free stuff from their supply/sample closet. I've always had a good experience there.
Sorry about the wrong name. The doctor read the results, and remember I did say I was in the hospital a couple days before. I know technicians can't read the x-ray. And if you read on, my doctor helped me without a c-scan. Yes the staff needs a little more personality. Not trying to be mean just giving a little heads up
Kellbell....I am with you. I have never ever had any problems there. My son has had to go there several times and not once did I have any issues with them. Yes, sometimes you are going to wait, after all, it is an urgent care facility. I have never smelled urine or felt the place unclean. Maybe someone else there was having a problem and the urine smell was a result. The staff, especially Dr Ray is great. He even spent about 3 hours one night (part were after they closed) to perform a procedure on my son. I didn't hesitate to let him do it, because of past dealings with him. After following up with a specialist, the specialist couldn't believe the work. He said he could not have done it better. Another time, he put 8 stitches in my son's face. There is NO scares to be seen. So to the original poster, sorry but I for one don't agree at all with you opinions of this place.
Ok, I've got to tell my story . . . spent a whole day in there with hubby about a year ago. He had diverticulitus (sp) and it was acting up (we thought). After trying to get an X-ray FOUR TIMES and not being able to read it they finally just told him he was constipated. Yep, constipated. I assure you that was not the case. Plus, he was throwing up from the pain the whole time we were there. They sent us home with nothing. Two weeks later he ended up in the hospital for surgery on his colon and it turns out that he was having appendicitus (sp) while we were at the urgent care center and they just didn't recognize it! I would still go to them for colds and stuff but for the serious stuff I'll take my butt to the hospital.
see I would never go there for anything like that....I keep it super simple when going to those places.....colds/fever/sinus'....
Yeah, Dr. Ray was nice, however my daughter was with me and also smelled. some people have good experiences and some people have bad.
My exhusband had a similar situation there......I brought him in becuase of horrible pains in his stomach (he knew it wasn't appendicitis and after many WEEKS of arguing with him over going to the doc I convinced him to at least go there). They told him "you just need to 'clean out your system' and you'll be fine." They told him to buy something over the counter. Well 24 hours later I had him in the ER and he had to have surgery for the diverticulitis as well. They said the worst thing he could have done was to clean out his system!!! I forget which doc he saw but he isn't there anymore. I go there if I can't get int o the doc and it's just fevers/sore throats/flu/sinus and I like Dr. Ray as well. I've never smelled urine in there or I would have left in a heartbeat! Sorry original poster had a bad experience.
I will never ever go there again. Took my DS there a few yrs ago. They sent him home saying he just had the flu. He was running a high temp and the dr even said it almost looks like appendisitis. Well the next day his regular dr said get to Raleigh NOW. His appendics were perforated and leaking into his system. He did have appendisitis. Too close for comfort so I just rather drive all the way to the ER for now on.
That's the office that told me my case of vomiting/nausea/dizziness was bulimia. That I needed to leave the office and stop wasting their time. Well it took me four years to find out the cause of my vomiting/nausea/dizziness and needless to say it was NOT bulimia. Between them and Clayton Medical, I felt like I was just being tossed around for my medical conditions. BTW: it was gallbladder problems due to Lyme Disease. Anyone could have done a simple scan of my abdomen to see what was wrong with my belly, but it wasn't until I was rushed to the ER that someone finally thought maybe there is actually something wrong with this woman.
I have been going to Wake Urgent Care & Family Clinic for 3 years now. They are great at their jobs!! I have NEVER had a problem with them at all. Remember that they are human ,and as such, they can make a mistake. It doesn't matter where you go, we all make a mistake from time to time. I will always trust them with my care.
A human mistake shouldn't almost cost me my son's life. The dr even said hmmm signs of appendisitis. But did she take the time to do the tests to tell if that is what it was or not? NO! It was close to their closing time. I can understand a sales person kicking someone out of the store b/c it's closing time but not a dr. We are all entitled to our opinions though. I just refuse to ever go there even for a splinter. My children are way too important for me.