The 70 Bypass is a nightmare...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by colinmama, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    You always end up behind those people too? I just thought it was me that got stuck behind the slow drivers in the fast lane. Glad to know I am not the only one!!!
  2. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I'm right there with ya sista!

    That's one of my pet peeves...

    -Slow drivers in left lane
    -Drivers on cell phones and not paying attention
    -Drivers who think you should stop or slow down so they can pull over in front of you because they weren't paying attention and the lane is ending
    -Children in resturants or department stores and their parents just let them misbehave and throw fits....

    I could go on....:lol:
  3. EngNCSU

    EngNCSU Well-Known Member

    There is a NCDOT project that will add an interchange there, they had a public workshop at West View a couple of months ago. However, there is no funding for this project. Just like there is no project for a 3rd lane on I-40 all the way to Garner. The 3rd lane project is interesting in that it was added to the NCDOT project list within a week of NC 42 opening. I think they knew that shouldn't have opened it without adding another lane, but where are they going to find millions of dollars to add that lane.

    My suggestion for everyone who is complaining, send an email to WRAL, and the News and Observer or call the NCDOT division office in Wilson at 252-237-6164 or 919-733-2520. Share your concerns with them, that is how the situation at I-540 got fixed. BE LOUD TO BE HEARD!
  4. littlemrsb_nc

    littlemrsb_nc Active Member

    I'd like to add one:
    -Slow drivers in the left lane, when you finally get in the right lane to pass them is when they find their gas peddle and don't let you pass...arg!

    Great idea....we should all do this! I'm all for the 3rd lane. I think this would clear up so much congestion.:iagree:
  5. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    I'd like to add one:
    -Slow drivers in the left lane, when you finally get in the right lane to pass them is when they find their gas peddle and don't let you pass...arg!

    Yep Yep Yep!! I agree with both of you!!
  6. snapper

    snapper Well-Known Member

    I try my best to never get on 40 unless it's b/t rush hour.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    I go this way as well, but let me caution all the newbys to this route, there is upon occasion either HP or Deputy hiding out in Greenfield parkway at times, not to mention a fair amount of morning walkers/joggers using this area for exercise, as well as big rig trucks, so be careful in this area because the speed limit is only 35mph and I have people flying past me (with me going about 45mph, 10 above as it is) at about 55-60 because they can't get their butts out of bed in time to leave for work at a decent time allowing for the drive and end up acting like their Mario Andretti.
  8. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    All i know is that it has added extra time to my commute to Raleigh, used to be a straight shot from 42 until i hit the Garner exit but now it is always stop and go down at the Clayton exit too and i thought it would relieve some of the traffic up on 42 at rush hours but i haven't seen that happen - oh well, the price of growth i guess:)
  9. sacosta

    sacosta Well-Known Member

    :iagree: I always seem to have people screaming past in the industrial park. I've seen the HP hiding out there a lot, but they never seem to be around when these idiots are driving like it's the Coca-Cola 600.
  10. joann

    joann Member

    getting too popular now :)

    This route is now the most popular route. I'm afraid it too will now get congested
  11. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    I drove on the bypass for the first time today. I was in Smithfield and had to go to Cary. It was awesome but then again it was 2 in the afternoon. There weren't anyone on the rd til I hit 40.
  12. bchcrsr

    bchcrsr Well-Known Member

    You do have to watch out for the troopers. They are hard and heavy. My experience is if the idiots in the left lane would move over, i would not have to rocket past them. I mean come on, your vehicle is built with mirrors on the side and in the middle of your car. USE THEM. Don't make me swerve back and forth hoping you might catch a glimpse of me swing around you. Cause by then they are so caught up with watching the grass grow, when they do see me, it scares them, then they hit the brakes. I have said for years I need a cannon in the grill of my car with a big red button right beside my radio dial. So when i feel the need, BOOM. No more slow driver. OK, I'm off my rant now.
  13. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    They also need an exit to get on to 42 east. I don't get the whole Ranch Road thing.
  14. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    DH travels from Pine Level side of S'field to Cary for work 2x a weeks or so- WOW the bypass makes a huge difference for him.

    I have driven on it 2x now.

    I have told my Western NC buddies how nice it will be for their next drive to Morehead City.
  15. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    we live right at Amelia Ch. Rd and 42, and took the bypass towards Smithfield for the first time tonite. It made a noticable difference in the time it took to get down to the outlet stores. It doesn't make my commute to work any better, and I never took 40 anyway, even though I could. I take the backroads out of Clayton and cross Poole Rd. to Hodge and hop on the 264E Bypass in the a.m, from there you can hit 540 or the beltline quick.
  16. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    The bypass just dumps the SAME traffic onto I-40 three or so miles earlier. This just makes rush hour be backed up three miles earlier. DUH. If they had have made it THREE LANES ALL THE WAY UP TO THE OLD ON RAMP FROM HWY 70, IT WOULD HAVE MADE A REAL DIFFERENCE. But they didn't because the bridge would have had to have been widened. So during rush hour in the A.M. going into Raleigh or P.M. coming out you're screwed. Maybe I'm wrong but, it just made the good part of living in the Cleveland community of getting to Raleigh without having to go through Clayton GONE. Oh well, progress.:banghead:
  17. gooberama

    gooberama Guest

    I agree, living of of Cornwallis I have seen a change in traffic on that road. The backup in the afternoon to turn onto White Oak from Raynor Rd is now a lot longer. This used to be a shortcut when 40 was backed up before 70, now it is like this all the time. More poor planning by the DOT.
  18. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    It really came as no surprise that 40 would become a parking lot during rush hour. You can funnel three lanes of traffic from the west during the afternoon into two lanes and expect it to work. Nor can you think that running westbound 70 into two-lane westbound 40 at peak A.M. drive time will work either. Even when they 70 bypass opened, the DOT officials told folks there would be some continued problems. I haven't gotten caught in the afternoon stuff, but I would expect that it would be worst than morning traffic as the vast majority 70-bound traffic tries to taper down from three eastbound lanes into two to travel the 3 miles or so to the bypass.

    Two things will remedy the problem. Obviously, the addition of two more lanes from White Oak to the bypass and ultimately, the I-540 completion to I-40 east of Garner, which will then be designated I-640. In my opinion, I think the entire stretch of the northern and southern portions of the Wake Expressway should be tolled for fairness to all. This will allow for better road maintenance and to speed up the completion of the project. With the time and gas saved on taking the road, motorists shouldn't mind.
  19. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    :iagree: OMG! If I would have blinked the other day no telling where I would have ended up. <no snide remarks please>

    When you take that darn exit one has to go past Burger King and then around to get to 42 East. Not sure if it is worth it or not for us.

  20. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    It's just silly.

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