Teacher Assignments-- Westview

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Macy - if this is the teacher I got, can you PM me? You've got me scared now! I'm sure you don't want to bash her on here, so just pm me please!
  2. macy

    macy Well-Known Member

    teacher assignment - westview

    atten: DJM MOM....your teacher is not the one i posted about..you are lucky. thanks macy
  3. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    What if you dont like your kids teacher. Do you get to pick a new one?
  4. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    Haven't seen you on here in a while. . .
    No, I would not think they would get to change their teachers. Seems like it is what it is!!!:nopity:
  5. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    I'm sure if you pitched enough of a fit WITH a valid reason they would accommodate a parent, but like I said A VALID REASON. Not just from hear say.
  6. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Can't change teachers unless there is a documented VALID reason. I do believe that you can't go on hearsay though as every child is different. And just b/c one teacher isn't right for one child, doesn't mean they wouldn't be right for another. I always give the teachers benefit of the doubt unless I face otherwise in person. And trust me, I have. One teacher my daughter had(not at Westview) last year was not a very nice lady. Won't go into details but just know I will NOT let my upcoming daughter have her for sure. (and I DO have documented proof on that one). Other than that though, haven't had too much negativity w/ the teachers. Now, w/ an IEP meeting...that's another story--LOL. But in general, we've lucked out w/ teachers. Hey, any teacher that can put up w/ us as parents advocating for our child is great in our book.

    Just my 2 cents, whatever teacher your child has folks, give them a chance first before going on hearsay or what others have experienced. I do suggest visiting as much as you can at the school. Gives you an idea of how things are operating in the classroom. Especially if you sit down w/ a group of kids at lunch. They'll tell you EVERYTHING!!!

    See some of you at orientation on Thursday.

    stephanie--mom to 7
  7. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I wish my teachers would hurry up and do their websites!! I think all the 3rd grade teachers have done theirs except for mine!! I know they're busy, but I am so anxious, and because they (apparently from what the other websites have said) aren't sending letters home this year, I'd like to see the supply list, and know all that I can before orientation! Same with the K teacher, although I don't think any of them have done theirs yet, guess they have a little more time though.
  8. SuperFam

    SuperFam Guest

    My daughter had Mrs. Butcher 2 years ago...We LOVED her! My neighbor's son had her last year and they also loved her. Both children had a great year. I volunteered for her several times. She truely loves the children and has an amazing ability to manage a classroom. Your daughter will have alot of fun while learning ALOT!
  9. Soccermom81

    Soccermom81 Well-Known Member

    My son has Mrs. Carlson. Daughter got Mrs. S. Davis. Mrs. Kreiger was a great teacher last year. Also Mrs. Butcher is great. My daughter had both of them and I really liked them.
  10. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    dont get too excited about the websites, some dont do them at all and most only do it right at the beginning....very few maintain all year long.
  11. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I do enjoy it when teachers keep their websites updated...

    Well, my son's 3rd grade teacher finally did hers yesterday, right after I got my letter from her in the mail. I've also emailed her back and forth, she seems very nice! I've also spoken via email to my son's K teacher, she seems nice as well. She hasn't done her website either, but most of the K teachers haven't, but like I said, they have more time. I had to switch our K orientation due to my other son's preschool orientation being at the same time! Boy, I've got a lot of kids!! And I've realized there will never be a time when all 3 will be at the same school, (unless my oldest is held back, which hopefully won't happen, but you never know).
  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    as long as they'll email me, I am fine. I dont care about the webpage so much. I have been super lucky with all my boys teachers over the years (they are in 6th this year) with the exception of one, and with the email. I still talk to most of them even...last years teacher even sent them a birthday card this week. I am going to miss her so this year.

    Whether the teacher is new or old, has a bad reputation or others dont like her....I believe in developing my own relationship with my children's teacher and forming my own opinion, to hell with the hearsay...... sometimes it is true what you hear and the relationship is more difficult to build, but I have always been successful and had a great relationship with all the teachers. I let them do their job in the classroom, and I do my job as a parent. It goes hand in hand.

    Always remember that their teachers spend more time with them than you do, throughout a school year. It's important to have a good relationship.
  13. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    :iagree: My kids have never had a teacher who I've heard a lot about, good or bad, so never really gone on hearsay...Even on here, there's only been 2 people who've given opinions, and all they said was: she was a good teacher. But yes, you definitely need to go by your own instinct/opinion/conclusions. I will say in the past, I've not had good luck with teachers getting back to me, I always wondered if they even used their emails through the school system because it seems to take days to get back to me. These 2 seem to be on the ball though, so I'm glad about that. I'm very excited about this year for some reason, maybe because I have 2 in there this year so will get to be more involved, and I'm also going to be more involved with the PTA, so will feel like I'm contributing more. Yay me! :hurray:

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