Boggles my mind. Really. We were members of his chamber. I have no idea as to how the business of the month is chosen. Had the choice of selection of the BOM gone to me, I would have most definitely passed on this one as the BOM. As a business who partners only with the best we can, and intolerant of those who promise yet never deliver, I am seriously rethinking continuing membership with this chamber.
What a joke!! Last month when 8 of us went in there, the waiter spilled a whole cup of coke in my daughter's lap. He was very apologetic but the manager saw the incident and she never said a word to us. At least offer her first choice on what pizza to put in next!!
i may be wrong but if i remember correctly, they basically just rotate the members to be business of the month if it hasn't changed since about 5 years ago.
Kaci, we've been part of them for three years. never heard any mention of our business being nominated. Lord knows we pay taxes, and support our local businesses as well. Yet, given the history of the business involved, the community etc, I wonder if a more appropriate choice could have been made. ANd, FWIW, we're not tooting our horn for the nomination. To paraphrase Lyndon, "we will not seek, nor will we accept". Carl
Has anyone else noticed this?? My DH & I both think the manager of the Pizza Inn bears a striking resemblance to a younger John Ratzenberger
Politics, politics, politics...... and I'm sure $$ was involved. There is not way that THIS business is better than ALL THE OTHERS in the Cleveland area. If so, I will be patronizing White Oak more. :?
ahh Shadow.....I think your doggie may have eaten there recently.... A sleeping puppy is cute but your quote is a bit over the you are mean. Poor Puppy. I think I am still on a self imposed restriction from Pizza Inn. The food was pretty good, as I recall, but the service...ah...the service....or rather UGH.
Yes that is better. i like my doggies alive and well... He still expired.... Why not try for a live action shot? You know, all that romping and playing stuff... Anywho...what exactly does the Chamber of Commerce do? We are all part of different towns yet we have a Cleveland Chamber of Commerce? when do we get to be a town? I wanna live in Cleveland Springs for now.
My perception is that the Chamber is mostly for local business who want expand their business relationships. Some chambers sec8ure discounts from members to members. Some chambers advertise and promote. Some chambers do all this and much more. What chambers do not generally do, though, is intercede between a business and a customer. Sometimes confused with the BBB, Chambers occasionally receive letters complaining about business "A" or "B"...with the expectation from the letter writer that the chamber will police itself. Get real. The chamber would not exist if they cut off the hands that feed them. Chamber membership here gets one mentioned in the chamber add and media stuff, and offers discounted fees to be a part of the Strawberry Festival. I had hoped that the chamber would try to lead a local determination or survey to gauge the interest level in incorporation, as well. It does not appear that the chamber is doing anything in this area, at this point.
thanks for the clarification. I use many chamber sites in my business but I haver understood their actual purpose.
you have got to be kidding, i was told by a Chamber Member that they were pursuing getting incorporated and would be having meetings to that effect in the near future.
Kaci, Many of us have wondered aloud about this incorporation issue. And if the chamber is actively doing something to bring that issue to the forefront, I'm all for it. One has to ask, though, would it not make sense to energize those who have expressed interest in this issue? I spoke with Marlene at the chamber about this last year. The impression I had was that this issue was no where near the immediate interest of the chamber, moreover, I have heard exactly ZERO about it since from the chamber. And, I do believe I have received every broadcast email sent out by the chamber, for a meeting for this, that and the other. I suggested contacting the new mayor and town council of Eastover, the small town that incorporated last year in Cumberland County, as their concern was the CC was going to run roughshod over the Eastover township concerns. They got their ball rolling and incorporated. If anything, I'm sure that the mayor and or those who saw what it took to incorporate were asked, they'd be happy to address us and our concerns. The sticking point, in my mind, that most folks I hear say they don't want the additional taxes, and that's why they live in the country. In my mind, I think I'd rather go ahead and incorporate where we can set the tax rates and set up a local representative governing body, rather than being annexed or absorbed, and have almost ZERO in the way of political power to affect change for ourselves. School me..and thanks.. Carl
I went to that Pizza Inn once and never went back. the whole thing was confusing. you pay first, and the check out person didn't say a word to us except how much the total was. The soda fountain was out in the dining area, so I concluded you get your own, and we did. then I noticed that everyone else was giving a waitress drink orders and she brought them to their table. I guess we offended the waitress by getting our own drinks, because she was not very pleasant the one time she came to our table. I'm not hard to please as a restaraunt customer. give me my food in a reasonable amount of time in a somewhat ffriendly manner, and I'm happy. I won't go back to that Pizza Inn.