OK...I had an earlier post on where my sister could have her wedding reception. They decided on Lake Wheeler. But they are looking for someone to perform the wedding. If anyone out there does weddings or knows someone PLEASE let me know ASAP. Her wedding is Sept. 7, 08. Thanks again.
Categories: Professional Services No Photo Ad Number: 92286 Date Posted: 07/01/2008 Contact: Rev. L. Carl Johnson Garner, NC 27529 USA Telephone: 919-320-7428 E-Mail: Reply to Ad Web Site: http://www:fishtales.org Description Ordained minister to officiate at your wedding ceremony. Beach weddings, Unity candles, Sand ceremonies, alternative, religious (non-denominational) and civil ceremonies of your choice.
yes, that's Hatt6, he is a regular poster on here too. Perfect person I would think, to perform the ceremony.
Anyone have a new web address for that site. I can't pull it up for some reason. Or tell me if it is just me (wouldn't surprise me)
you can call the County Clerks office and they will direct you to the Magistrates and Judges that are officiants and do it in their spare time. When I got married the first time, when we went to get the marriage license, we found a magistrate to do it....came to our venue and performed the ceremony.
Anyone can become ordained online... I had a Pastor do my wedding because I prefered it that way but I know people that got "ordained" and had a friend marry them too. :neutral:
Thanks...and I fixed my website booboo Kell, Thanks for your recommendation and the compliments. RC, Kaci, and others, thanks for pointing out the link did not work. That was all my fault and I apologize for not detecting it or fixing it earlier. I have since fixed it. As for July of 09, I'm fairly sure I can pencil that in...lol Can we do it on a cruise? thanks, Carl
LMAO:lol: actually they have not selected a venue yet, that is what we are working on - either somewhere in Raleigh or a beach wedding - i am playing Mom of the Bride and Groom since her Mom is in Chicago so learning as i go:lol: Now for the cruise, that is what i am hoping maybe if money allows, to do next May for our 25th anniversay - we would like to do a ceremony renewing our vows but at this point, that is still a dream
I've done vow renewals aboard ship..they were beautiful. We're taking a cruise this year, and among the crowd joining us is a couple celebrating their 40th WA. They're bringing a group of 40 family members for this one, and I am honored they wanted me to do the renewals. As for the beach, I'm good for that as well. And C6 is a great photographer, as well. For a few of the weddings we've done provided hard copy books of the ceremony with pictures from it interspersed throughout the book which were given to the new in laws and other close relatives. If you'd like, I'd be happy to send you some examples of ceremonies I've done...PM me.
I have a friend that is looking for a photographer, but not outragously expensive. Let me know if you know of anyone that does this service.
H6, Do you have a venue of your own as well, or do you just go to other locations? Sorry haven't had time to really check out your site, but I will!
RC, I travel to where the ceremony is located, within reason, of course. For Southern Wake, Western Johnston, I do not charge for travel related expenses. And, if I'm on the cruise to begin with, as is the case for the wedding for the cruise renewal I mentioned before, I'm already there, right? And, although pulling it together at that point without having met the folks prior is a challenge, they have seemed to work out well. Again, my philosophy is that your ceremony should be just that, YOURS..and it should reflect more about the wedding couple than anyone and anything else. I am pretty flexible, IMO. I do have a few basic things though. And knowing these ahead of time offer some insight as to where I think the focus should be. Ceremonies can be brief or elongated, multifaceted with sand, candles, and other intermixing ceremonies. I've performed for new couples, blended families, etc. As an example, here is some of the guidance I give to all who ask for my participation. ................................................... "...I’m honored that you are considering me to officiate at your wedding. Before you choose, though, it might make it easier for you to understand my philosophy and background, pet peeves, perspective, and some “show stoppers”. It’s only fair that you understand my feelings on this, and knowing them, make your choice. Let me give you a scenario, and tell me how you’d respond: Wedding activities went off without a “hitch”. (Pun intended.) Reception has been a blast. It’s time to cut the wedding cake and serve each other. With loving eyes, you two are facing each other, with a piece of cake in hand, preparing to feed it to your mate. Do you: A: Tenderly and respectfully feed it to each other? OR B: Smash the cake into a face, an expensive dress, or expensive suit? If you chose “B”, STOP READING THIS IMMEDIATELY, OPEN THE PHONEBOOK, AND BEGIN YOUR NEW SEARCH FOR YOUR OFFICIANT! In my mind and heart, the cake mash is disrespectful and demeaning. I have never known a marriage where this happened to be a full and vibrant one. Trying to show up your new spouse is bad form. Listening to your friends who yell at you to do it, while your new mate begs you to not, tells more about you than you know. It’s juvenile, immature, and FOR ME, UNACCEPTABLE! I WILL PLAY NO PART OF THIS. THIS IS A SHOW STOPPER, AND WE NEED DISCUSS NOTHING MORE. " ........................................ So, you can see I do have some standards.... thanks for asking, Carl
I SO agree with you on that Hat! I am absolutely disgusted by that practice. Had DH shoved cake in my face, the marriage would have been over before it began. :? Not funny in the least to me.
My niece just got married last month and that's what she did instead of having a guest registry, the photographer had provided them an awesome book with the picture put on the black sheets and then the guest just signed in the book with a metallic pen on whichever pics page they chose. It was a beautiful book and one of the best ideas I've ever seen.