Did anyone notice a formation of 4 planes early Tuesday evening in the Cleveland Area ? Anyone from C3 to Chops could have seen them. I am off of South Shiloh. The aircraft flew in a single file formation at a constant rate of speed. The bottom of each aircraft each had a row of 3 rectangle shaped blue lights. They were at a fairly low altitude and certainly not commercial !! My 12 year old step son observed them as well and nearly began to cry. There is no way that they are conventional aircraft because there was no wings or tail. The were almost square in shape.
Where was this at ? Cleveland road area ? I have no idea what it could have been but i do have a theory ...hehe
Call Nasa... I think our neighbors from another planet are visiting us again. :mrgreen: J/k .......:lol:
This occurs on a fairly regular basis and has been happening since I was in high school. They are c-130 planes en route to Fort Bragg.
As a paratrooper of the 82nd AIRBORNE! Division, I took many a one way flight out of Pope and all over middle NC, just to drop into Fort Bragg. Although the jumpers require less in terms of maintaining proficiency, the air crews and especially the pilots require precision training and exercise, and they can't get this on a 20 minute flight just to leave Pope, fly over Normandy DZ and return to Pope. I have heard complaints from folks who didn't like the noise of the aircraft overhead. I tell them it's a small price to pay for the sound of freedom.
Even most military planes now are quiet. Unless you occasionally get buzzed low by a C-130 from Pope, the loudest military jet you're most likely to hear is one of Seymour Johnson's F-15E's making a hard, fast turn at higher altitude. They (Strike Eagles) often train at high altitude over Johnston County, but even they are almost always undetectable. Usually in cruise mode, they'll only present a slight muted moan passing overhead.
That's so funny you mention this...there were a bunch of kids on the back deck getting ready to do smores and they all ran in the house stating they saw UFOs. They said there were circle lights on them and they were in formation of four. They said they just disappeared. :lol: