This Saturday afternoon from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Elizabeth Church, we will be having a Back to School Bash, with outdoor games, bounce house, firemen, deputy, EMS, and a DJ, followed by an ice cream social beginning at 4:00. Everyone is invited.
4269 Cleveland Rd. It's on the right hand side going toward Smithfield, a plain white, 19th century church. Just west of Lee Trace s/d. Hope you can make it, the kids have a great time, and grownups, too!
How did it go? I did not realize that my teen had already made a commitment for something else before we saw the Thread. Please let your church know that our family thinks this was so great. Sherry
My kids had the best time there and just wanted to thank the church for putting it together. It was beautiful weather and we met some wonderful people. I even got to meet some 4042'ers in person. It was just really enjoyable. HOpe to see some of you at a service next weekend. We were hoping to make it out today but it was a busy day for us and I was watching 3 other kids as well. Thanks again everyone! Stephanie--mom to 7
Stephanie, I'm so glad the kids had a good time! I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you, I've been down with a stomach bug all weekend, but I hope to see you next Sunday.
Hope you are feeling better. It was said just yesterday you will be missed if you are not around in that church. It was a great day-Cookie is awesome!