Their off!!:hurray: My babe has left on the school bus heading for learning central! ok that was really corny.opcorn: But HEY! what the heck am I going to do with myself now?:allears: Do you realize that they already have their first holiday MONDAY?!! Holy Cow!
Girl, what do you mean "what am I going to do with myself?" Aren't you in school too? If you can't find anything to do, I've got some homework you can help me with! LOL
That is why where I went to school, we didn't start until AFTER Labor Day. The state didn't want to break into the end of the summer tourist season. We did good this morning, only one of our five kids missed the bus!
My kids missed the bus on the first day of school. She came almost 15 min early. They just started walking down to the bus stop and she was turning around leaving. Mama not happy about that.
I was a little sad about my oldest going off 5 yo said he's going to miss him "very a lot" today. On our way to school I realized I forgot to take a picture of him, but he was happy, hates that sappy stuff. I said no worries, I'll get one of you getting off the bus! :mrgreen: I walked him into his class (he hated it, said he's too old), but I compromised and didn't give him a kiss (I hated that) but I gave him a high-five instead. I wanted to give him a big smooch though! I'm very nervous about the middle one starting K, he's not as mature as the oldest one was, it's going to be hard sending him off into the school by himself, when I finally stop walking him in. I'll be crying every day for a week. I won't let him see me though...
Omg....and here I thought I was bad. Both of my girls will be in pre-school next week. I am having a hard time with my 3 year old (although she will be going 3 days a week) She is still my lil baby. But my 4 year old...this will be the last year before she goes in to K. They sure grow up fast :cry:
I'm right there with you! My 4yr old will be starting pre-school next week too! I get teary just thinking about it. Maybe we should start a support group!:lol:
I saw my oldest off today too. SENIOR in high school. That was a real big tear jerker. I didn't cry but I think I might later. He wouldn't let me walk him in either. lol
My oldest did the same thing to me last year when he started Kindergarten. Breaks your dern heart! He just blew me off this morning too. I didn't even get a high five. I got "the look." The 'Leave MOM everyone is watching you' LOOK. :lol: I feel ya girl!
I was at the school orientation yesterday and I had some parents asked me where I am gonna send my 4 year old for K.....I'm like.....let me send her to pre-4 first...I haven't much thought about it yet. Since we are on the subject of school...can someone give me a run down on Polenta and McGee's elementary. Pros and cons...Thanks.
Ya'll are making me feel bad!! DS started the 4th grade this morning. I watched him get on the bus and felt happy for him, he was so excited to go back. I do remember getting a little teary eyed when he started K, but they are all off on a new adventure this morning. :hurray:
It's bittersweet for me. I can now get some more work done BUT I miss the little bugger like crazy! I've still got his toys strewed all over my office and I don't have the heart to pick'em up.:lol:
I was more sad for his brothers because they were gonna miss him today. And that he doesn't want me anymore...but beleive me, I'm excited for him (and for me, I need a break!!) 2 more weeks until the other's in K and little one is in preschool 3X a week!
I don't think I will ever stop being sad when they go back. It just seems like they are gone all day now. By the time they get home we do homework, eat dinner get to church or practice then it is time for bed. I really miss them. I actually went back into my 1st graders class and asked him if he didn't just want to come back home with me. He said "Mom--I don't think I can do that!. I don't think they need to be at school for 7 hours. I'm sure they could learn enough in 5 or 6!!
In elementary school I always followed the bus on the first day, to see where they stopped, how long it took and to feel closer to my daughter. I parked the car at school and met her at the door of her class to wish her luck. In middle school I followed the bus the first day for the same reasons above but did not enter the school. In high school she rode in a car with someone in the mornings her freshman and sophomore years and we left each other notes. I would find one in the house telling me how much she loved me and she would find one in her book bag stating the same. This is her junior year and she drove herself to school today. I would not allow her to take anyone because I want her to understand the traffic and all first. I cried after she left. Seems she grew up before I knew it. In our house we never depart without letting the other one know how much we love each other. It would kill me if something happened and I had not said that to my daughter. Good luck to all, Sherry
My first grader didn't want me to walk him in. We were the only car going thru the carpool line. Everyone else was riding around looking for a space to park! I was in and out quickly today.
I was sad this morning...oldest started HS and youngest started middle. My baby didn't want me to wait at the bus stop with her as she was hanging with on of her friends. :?