Were to get still photos made from DVD

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by claytonian, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know where to take a dvd containing footage to have still prints made? I've been checking the internet and it appears this can be done but I didn't see a specific place to take it to. Any help is appreciated.
  2. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I dont know anything about this person/business, I just stumbled across it and thought of your post. Maybe they can do it? It sounds like they do the reverse process, but it is worth looking into.

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2008
  3. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Try calling the different drug stores, who process pictures, to see if they can do it.

  4. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    Don't waste your money going to a business to do this. Go to Best Buy and buy a Dazzle Video Creator device. It is a go between from your camera to your PC. You can burn the DVD to the hard drive of your computer. You can pause your video on your camera and simply perform a "print screen" to capture your image. I know this is confusing but go to Best Buy and just tell the salesman what you want and they'll explain it.

  5. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I recently purchased Scrapbook Factory Deluxe 4.0. It says you can create CD photo scrapbooks you can watch on TV. You have to have a drive on your computer that lets you burn CDs. I've not used it yet but am hoping it works :lol: Target was the cheapest place I found it ... $30.
  6. H3xKing

    H3xKing Well-Known Member

    If you have a computer with a DVD drive installed, most DVD playback software has an Image capture function.

    All that is required is to scan to the desired frame and capture the image. You can then print it out on your computer.

    Depending on the content, photo printing services may not print the pictures for you.
  7. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    Thank you - I'll have to double check our computer. Content is fine - just a dvd of our son skydiving

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