I agree! So many parents get all worked up about the buses being late, :chillpill: If you have had kids in the JoCo schools you should know by now how this works! :lol:
Yes I am. The oldest had about an hours worth of homework last night and the little one didn't have any. HS did her homework while I cooked dinner and then got organized for today (clothes laid out, book bag packed, shower) and the little one got her stuff organized and took her shower while I was still cooking dinner. Needless to say, everything has went smooth so far, oldest gets herself up at 5:00 am (makeup/hair/breakfast/tv) and leaves for the bus stop at like 6:10. Littlest one I wake up at 6:00 (breakfast/tv and I flat iron her hair-she's afraid she's gonna burn herself) and I drove her to bus stop and waited since it was raining. Bus came at 7:07 (I hope it keeps that time). It usually takes a good week for the bus drivers to get their schedules down. Both of my girls drivers called last night to make sure they knew what time to be at bus stop this morning. :lol: Sherry-at least your daughter is being safe. That's a good thing for sure.
I have a question for those of you with pre-teens and teens. What time do you have them go to bed at night? Our kids don't agree with bedtime, so I am curious to know what time others kids around our kids' ages go to bed.
11 yo-9:30, but she's usually out by 9. 14 yo is between 10-10:30-she's a night owl, like her Mom. If she's really tired, she will take a nap after school or go to bed earlier.
Thanks for your replies everyone! Bedtime for our 10 yr olds, 12 yr old and 14 yr old is 9:30. It might seem early for the 14 yr old but he has to get up at 6am. Also they never go right to sleep. Last night the 12 yr old and 14 yr old complained it was too early to go to bed, (it was around 9:45). Well low and behold, guess who went back to sleep this morning and missed the bus? :lol: When will they learn to just listen to us parents? :mrgreen:
Mine fusses all the time about his bedtime. The rules are in bed by 9:00 and he can watch tv until 9:30, he never makes it. Normally 9:15 and he is out for the count. He is 13, but has to get up at 6:00. And he is one that most certainly needs his at least 8 hrs of sleep. Enough time to sleep away the "grumps".
I have a 10 year old, soon to be 11 bedtime is 8:30 period. TV until 9:30, the only thing we struggle with is when we wake him in the morning the tv is back on. Tried sleep timer, doesn't work.
my kids get to have tv from 8-830 w/ lights out and tv timer set for 30. I have the parental control on theirs, it wont even let them cut the sucker on manually without the password. THe remote goes with me once the timer is set. :mrgreen:
girl, I have so many tricks....you have to be smarter than they are. Mine are scared of the consequences around my house. I run a tight ship. period.
Don't you just LOVE that feature? :cheers: Our kids don't have tvs in their rooms, but I do that with the living room tv so they can't get up and sneak in there to watch tv after we go to bed. Man it's nice to know I'm not the only one that does these things!
they are far from angels....however, they are well mannered, well spoken and do well in school. they know when I say 'no' it means 'no'. and if they screw up, they know there is a price to be paid.