Ok. Tell me if you think this is a smart idea. Since my oldest son is a new freshman, I understand that the freshman have 1st lunch which is like 10:30 or so in the morning. He told me though that line is so long that when he finally gets up there to get his lunch, he has 10 minutes or less to eat. They only get like 40 minutes to start with and most of that is spent in the line. He and I have decided that it may be better for him to pack a lunch so he can just go in an eat and have time to taste it. Do you think that is probably the wisest thing to do? My middle schooler and elementary schooler are ok with their stuff. I am okay with them. I'm not one of those "my poor little baby" types but I get concerned that he might put off eating altogether or not finishing and then going all the rest of the day, plus football practice after school, hungry. That goes for all kids to me. I don't know where it came from but I just have a real passion on this subject. I cannot stand it if I know or feel like a child has no time for lunch or no lunch altogether. I just can't.....it's like a freakin...bug that won't go away...LOL oh yeah..LOLOL He is going through culture shock too by the way, cause they slammed them with homework and all this stuff.....he was pretty taken by it. I thought it was kind of funny) :twisted: I told him you are running with the big dogs now. Suck it up and pay attention and you'll do fine.
My oldest has the same lunch time. I told her to pack her lunch, but she told me she eats such a large breakfast that she's not even hungry at that time. She hasn't been eating yesterday or today, but eats a snack when she gets home and then dinner. I can understand her not being hungry though, because if I eat a good breakfast then I usually don't get hungry until around 3:00 and she's about home from school before 3:30.
My dd is a senior, her lunch is at 12;30. She has taken her lunch for the last 2 yrs - because there's never time to eat if you go thru the line. She eats a pretty good breakfast and usually just takes something like an energy bar, maybe a 100 cal snack pack, once in a while a sandwich and either water or a flav water.
I, for the life of me, can not understand why a parent would come to a message board to ask and make sure if its ok to pack their childs lunch so the have time to eat it. I just cant.
I remember when I was back in HS 20 years ago, me and my friends would actually run to the lunchroom so we could be the top 20 people in line. That gave us 30 or so minutes just to chill out and socialize.. If you didn't, you were stuck in the line for quite a while
My oldest, who has already graduated and is in college, took her lunch almost every day for all four years of high school, same with the last one who is a Junior this year. They have no problem with what people think about them being cool, they want their lunch and love to pack their lunches with better food then what they can get with the school lunches. I don't recall anyone having an issue with them taking their lunches (teasing and what not), seems that the kids in high school these days just don't care about these trival things as in the old days, its really no big deal. Our youngest said that she only has about 20 minutes for lunch this year. The problem comes when all their friends that don't take their lunch what to have a little bit of theirs.:lol:
Perhaps I said it wrong but I am a little overwhelmed at some other issues in my life and maybe I should have used the phrase, "What was easier for everyone else?" My kid can decide for himself but he is also a teenage boy, first year in highschool, finding his niche, on the tail end of puberty along with foot ball practice, amongst other things I need not say openly. I think we all can say that 14 to 15 year old boys can be rather "dingy". Those of you with older and more seasoned kids probably know where us "newbies" to the high school world of today have been. I have another son to go to high school next year and will be a little more seasoned to this and will not ask such unbelievable questions. Anyway, this may be the time to say that this may be a CLASSIC situation where people have to THINK before they respond. You never know the WHOLE situation....k? Try reading a post and THINKING about the meaning. Your "take" may NOT be the way it is. Sure that may be the way you took it, but still.....think first. I apologize if I led anyone to believe I was a dingbat that asks dumb questions. :mrgreen: Now....with that being said, thanks to all for the wonderful input. I appreciate it and have made some changes!
Oh, don't mind Grinder. I see it from both sides. I let mine make her own choice as a freshman. At first she saw Chick-Fil-A and thought, yeah baby...but wound up not having time to eat all of it plus went over budget. A few times like that and they will make the decision to pack sometimes and buy sometimes. Heck, mine has share days. She's a junior now and the biggest decision this past weekend, other than what clothes to wear, was what to get at the grocery store for lunch. By the way, she has early lunch as well. I don't think it goes by grade but by their schedule. Good luck, Sherry
lunch My child went to her early lunch at WJHS and they had run out of rice, so they handed her french fries. She figured it was a substitute for the rice. She was fine with that until she gets to the cashier and they charge her $4 (regular lunch is $2.25). She said she asked the lady and was just told to keep moving that she had already paid for it. She'll be taking her lunch more often due to that.