Clevland Ele. School

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by rjfields, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    Ok so am I being insane for thinking that the school is being out of line with the early morning care? They have a perfectly good covered side walk and a front door to the school yet they are making the kids come in a side door like some "speak Easy". I'm confused on why the early morning staff are trust worthy enough to watch our kids but not have keys to the front door?
  2. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I'm just guessing here...maybe they don't want the people who show up early for carpool to think the school is open and it's ok to drop off their kids when it's not? I don't even have kids that go to that school, but it's just my guess.
  3. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    What is the closest door to where the children are being kept. Example-when mine was in it with West Clayton Elementary, we used the front door, because the Cafeteria was right beside the front door, so it was convenient.

    Maybe they are having it in a separate location than where the drop off and pick area is? It would have been easier if ours had been set up that way, because when it came time for year end tutoring, etc. I couldn't just pull up and pick her up, because of all the parents sitting out front waiting on their tutoring pick ups. I'd have to park way out and walk up.
  4. michellegrl77

    michellegrl77 Well-Known Member

    I believe you are right. Parents are dropping there kids off at like 800 and 815 knowing there are not suppose to till 825. Not the ones in the early morning program.
  5. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    the caf. is closer to the front door, it just seems a more than a little odd that I there is a front door there that I can't use, but I am having to send my six year old to a door on the side.
  6. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    there are no 'administrators' in the school at that time, so the gals that are running the EMC dont get the keys. I went all the way up the chain of command (yes even Parker) and its a law, blah blah. its not going to change, blah blah. went through this 2 years ago at Dixon and 4 years ago at McGee's. its just the way it is.
  7. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    Sort of off topic, but....

    I was at kindergarten orientation yesterday around 8:45. There was a car that pulled up out front and a little boy got out. I went in the school and he was right behind me...I held the door open for him.
    He looked scared and asked me if he stayed in the line with me, and asked where his mom was.
    I then asked what grade he was in, and he told me 2nd. I asked where his mom was and she said she had dropped him off. :shock:
    I brought him into the office. Poor thing.
  8. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    That's sad. I'm surprised at 2nd grade he was that lost, unless he's new to the school. Poor little thing.
  9. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    If they unlock the front doors, then there will be half the school in the halls and classrooms, before the teachers even get there. The first day of school, we had at least 40 people lined up in front of the front doors at 10 till 8. The doors are opened at 8:15. But, we also have EMC in the cafeteria, which the kids can be dropped off at the back doors, right in front of the cafeteria.
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I just don't get the parents that feel they are above the rules and just drop their kids off (esp young elem children) to "wait it out" in front of the school for 20 to 30 minutes.

    PAY for the freaking BSC you lazy, irresponsible idiots! Put your Middle-Schooler on the bus. What is the big deal? We all get the same literature/contracts/forms EVERY year that states the front of the school is NOT free daycare. They are NOT responsible for your children until those doors open and they enter the building. Do these parents think they are getting over and nobody knows? EVERYBODY knows which losers drop their kids off to wait it out.

    This might seem OTT, but I think they ought to go out and take names and call parents, have them come back to the school and have an LEO present who will explain to them child-endangerment and the possiblities of accidents and/or kidnapping just leaving your kids at an unsupervised area. If that doesn't work - the next time they drop their kids off like that, call social services.

    Do you know how easy it would be for somebody to watch the kids get dropped off daily, and one day drive up to them and say "Hey, so and so. Your mommy was just in an accident and wants me to bring you to her". Look at that, kidnapped from right out in front of the school. And what about the kid that is horsing around, slips on the pavement and cracks their head open. Come on people, your bank account is more important than your child???
  11. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I couldn't agree more Cleo. Those parents that do that and something happened to their children, they'd be on the news trying to blame the school system. Makes me sick...either pay for BSC or put your kids on the bus!
  12. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    Is going in a side door really a big deal? I don't understand.
  13. Just a thought here, I totally agree that the kids should not be dropped off that early...parents should shell out the money....but as for putting them on a you know how much training bus drivers get? And they are making all kinds of positions drive a bus....doesn't make me feel good to put my son on a bus that is for sure...
  14. scbuff

    scbuff Well-Known Member

    apparently these losers are still dropping their kids off before 825 because the principal dropped off another note this week reminding parents to not drop their kids off early
  15. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    Now that school starts a little later, we've been early on several occasions. At 8:25, when we've arrived, cars are sitting around the driveway and the front entrance is filled with kids and parents waiting to get inside. It's almost 8:30 before anyone comes out to direct the kids, but before the people get outside and the front doors are unlocked, the parents in cars start unloading their kids and drive away.
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Don't even get me started on the back lot by the P-K. How do you pull up and park, blocking off the exit to an entire lot? You could not park in a designated spot and walk an extra 40 ft like the rest of us? Are you THAT important?

    And to the lady who leaves her car running while she picks her child up in the afternoons.... WTH are you thinking????
  17. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    That stuff used to irk me to no end last year. It was hilarious when they started enforcing the early pick up time. This year I'm in the back carpool but will be in the front again next year once DD starts.

    Just make sure the lady who leaves her car running isn't leaving a child unattended in the car. That happened last year.
  18. scbuff

    scbuff Well-Known Member

    I noticed one thing this year is the increased amounts of people who pick up their child, get out of the car in the line, put their kid in, and leaves... WTH, your kid should be old enough to get in the car by themselves and put their seatbelts on....
  19. Grammie

    Grammie Guest

    I totally agree with you. Some parents are lacking in the smarts dept.

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