Have no idea but we close on a refi on Friday...hooray!!! I know of one other house in the neighborhood that is under contract but don't know when they close. I hear the Raleigh area is still active but around here I've seen many homes for sale for lengthy periods of time. Also, I heard via word of mouth(never a trustworthy way to obtain info--LOL) that no houses have sold in Broadmoor in 2 years. --Is this one of those unfounded rumors does anyone know? Not the new homes but used homes. I heard this from a friend who heard it through a real estate friend. I just feel she must have mixed up info somehow. Reason I'm asking is b/c if houses are not selling we may hold off. We'd like to possiby try to sell in the spring. Thanks. stephanie--mom to 7
I read in the N&O an article that had some sort of info on the selling slowdown. The quote was 36 or 39 closing in JoCo -vs- well over 100 for the same time period last year. Now I cannot remember the time period - a month or what? I read this in the last 2 weeks. Anyone else see it?
Thanks Mama, I just pmd you, sounds like a rumor ab, at least I hope so Thanks Kel, I need to google that.
Hi Kel, I found that article, thank you. http://www.newsobserver.com/business/story/1185589.html You were thinking 39% decline not the number of homes8)
One of our posters on here used to live in Broadmore. I don't think she's been in Apex for 2 years !!!
Thought so. Thanks. Sounded way too "out there" for me. I knew this was the place to get the scoop--LOL. Stephanie-mom to 7
No the rumor regarding Broadmoor is not correct. Plenty of homes have sold in the past 2 years. Feel free to PM me if you would like more detailed information.