Any opinions? Closed areas along Outer Banks upset vacationers, fishermen
That sucks. When we lived in Wilmington we'd go to the South End (Kure Beach) and camp out with the dogs etc... Only had to empty beer once. :lol: I understand about the turtles, peoples trash etc.. BUT... for people who have a 4x4 and don't have a boat - that's just messed up. I love taking the truck out on the beach camping and surf fishing.
Yeah, this pretty much sux to me. Luckily it doesnt appear to have effected the beach I go to (Freeman park) yet. But you can bet that some environmental wacko group will be attempting to close this beach as well no that they scored a victory. I've never had a desire to own a 4x4 vehicle of any type before my first trip down there (bout 5 years ago), now both my vehicles are 4x4 and I wouldnt consider purchasing one that wasnt. So what about guys that the only reason they have a 4x4 is for driving on those beaches? Are they going to be reimbersed for the additional cost of 4x4, the extra gas, etc now that they cant use it? I think not.
That's the only reason we had 4X4. Did you read on the second link I posted, that they closed an entire beach because of ONE chick last year? I really feel for folks down that way, there was building and whatnot gong on - now alot of those plans have been abandoned or just sitting and waiting for the maket to pick up again. I know Southport went through the Downtown revitalization thing a while back, all some of these small towns have is fishing and tourism.
SUMMARY From the WRAL article: "Last summer, a portion of the Bodie spit was closed because of one plover chick." That beach will be permanently off limits. You watch.
Ok, someone help me out a bit, can't see the links, does it say anything about the North End of Carolina Beach? That is where we camp several times a year.
Why do we continue to let the .1% of the population dictate what the other 99.99% does? Will someone hurt their gd feelings already?
Because rule by majority is tyranny of the minority. Some of us are concerned about the extinction of species along the coast. I guess if enough people go there and develop it, eventually the reasons why they all wanted to go there will be gone. Compare Bogue Banks from Atlantic Beach to Emerald Isle from 25 years ago to today, and tell me that's progress? Or the massive changes "Down East". Cultural things are rapidly disappearing. Some of us want to strike a balance between development and preservation.
Different subject-she is talking about access not development. You can use the beach without destroying the beach.
Pepper, Those beaches are used by many species, turtles for egg nesting, several species of birds, and all have a role to play in the bio diversity. And, the way it usually works is that you have the access first, then the developers follow. Most politicians who vote on access and development are usually willing to listen to, and vote in favor of development. Yes, some of us use the beach without hurting it. Next time you're in the water wading, count the number of cigarette butts, discarded cups, plates, diapers, and other and assorted trash. I don't want our beaches to get as polluted as others. One bird? Seems to me like we wasted too much time trying to protect that species already. They were at the beach long before we were. Would you feel as cavalier about the last remaining cocker spaniel, bald eagle, or other species? As for fishing limits, most of my family that tried to make a living as commercial fishermen couldn't make ends meet, between the regulations and cost of operations. If you don't like the size and catch limits, take it up with NC DMF at any of their several public meetings. Their web site is: 'Bout the only thing left is tourism, which may be a thing of the past, if we don't protect the reasons people go to the beach. Or if people like the Rep Lt Governor candidate thinks. His ads state he didn't want to pay for raising an old pirate ship. The Queen Anne's Revenge is a significant find that can tell a lot of history, AND bring in some tourist dollars. Or is this idiot just another flatlander who thinks the coastal people don't count? I'd bet the old so & so thinks of SC beaches as the place to go, and cares not a whit about our coast. How many "Paradises" can we overpave with a parking lot, before they are all gone?
:iagree: And, of course those percentages a FAR from .1 and 99.9. Driving on beaches is very harmful to the environment, in a variety of ways. Interrupting species' breeding sites is only one of them. Besides, driving on a beach wastes a perfectly good opportunity to walk on one, IMHO.
would be pretty difficult to carry all the tents, food, everything for a weekend camping trip on the beach in our arms:lol: