Did anyone see Al Gore's speech last night? i loved it especially the references to what would be different today if the results had been different 8 years ago. i still am not sure what i am going to do come election time, still considering writing in Harleygirl, but the convention was eyeopening for me and i intend to watch the entire Repulican one too so as to have a true comparison but i am looking forward to the debates - no scripted replies i hope just real debates, i believe they show the real person.
Not that i recall, it was actually a very inspiring speech to me, i am sure you can google and find it to read for yourself. Like i said, i refuse to just jump on one bandwagon, i will listen just as close to the Republican convention and the debates before making a final decision.
I like it Southerborn. Though, in my opinion, would be a little false. Fly, he is not. Maybe if fly means old fart.
Do you have a window in your house? Please look outside, the world has changed...quite a bit already. I can't believe you're still have that thinking in your mind nowaday. Just to let you know I'm not supporting Obama, my candidate is Romney but he did not win the nomination of his party. Back to your argument of "no experience"....A leader needs to have a vision, not the hand-on experience otherwise we just need a high school drop out to do the job. Bush has no foreign experience, no real fighter either but he started two wars. Clinton was young and had no foreign experience whatsoever...but I believe he was a good president (except his personal conduct...but who cares?). Reagan was a movie star with no real foreign experience (he might have had experience in movie only not in real life) but he was one of the greatest presidents of the modern time. Defeated the "Evil Empire" and ended cold war. So in summary: these president had no experience...but a GREAT VISION.
thank God for AL Gore or we wouldn't be burning up these web pages we visit daily, had it not been for him creating the internet and all, still a blow hard hypocrite