Wynston Subdivision Our "BABY" (that is her name) must have gotten scared by the storm and we haven't been able to find her since. She has a bright pink collar with a tag on it with our phone number if you happen to find her. We live on the pool side near the front of the subdivision. She is a light colored cat with really really blue eyes. Definately has part Siamese in her. I would post a pic, but I don't know how on this board. Thanks Rick and Jenn
Thank you Vivian... I sure hope she returns too. We haven't had her very long but she was a momma's girl and momma misses her. Jenn
Whooo Hooooo Baby Girl came home... Her collar is missing, but she came home......:hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray:
Yay! :hurray::hurray::hurray: Cats are experts at slipping out of their collars, she probably got it caught on a bush or something and just slipped out of it. So glad she's home, safe & sound!
We are very happy she's home. Needless to say when the storm was getting closer yesterday, I made sure she was in the house.