Sarah Palin VP Pick?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Redneck Rich, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member


    I hear all these folks (mostly NC Family, my side in Wisconsin are pretty conservative) complaining about her appearance, potential personal issues and that type of BS.

    I say dislike her for her ideas, which I do, not for that irrelivant crap. It sounds like she at least has a brain between her ears and I encourage all to step into the 21st century.

    America is ready for a woman or a black man to break through that glass ceiling, I just wish all of her citizens are!
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    But it looks like you are doing it for all the wrong reasons, based on your other posts.

    I also invite you to join the 21st century.
  3. pcroom

    pcroom Well-Known Member

    Truce Hugh..................pick on another!!
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    You are absolutely correct that we should be beyond this by now. Hopefully these type of people are in the way minority. I cannot stop shaking my head on that comment.

  6. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Here are a few reasons I think the GOP picked her:

    Governor of Alaska (don't they want to drill in Alaska?)
    Wants/needs the female vote

    Since I am just catching up on things here...does anyone other than me find it strange that she and McCain only had one meeting together? That is why I keep stating that this was a GOP pick.

  7. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    You forgot - Desperation
  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    What a great belly laugh. Thanks!

    Sherry :jester:

    P.S. Forgot NRA!
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2008
  9. johnstoncogirl

    johnstoncogirl Well-Known Member

    Meeting once, mayor vs. legislator, fake pregnancy, nude pics of Palin, etc.

    Sherry, I think it is strange too that he only met with her once. I have a friend who works for the campaign (national, not local, so he actually works with McCain from time to time) and he thought what would be most important to McCain was to choose someone he liked and could work well with. I don't know how he could know that if he only met her once.

    The quote above was the entire comment. This doesn't make sense to me because it ignores all other experience of both candidates. Palin spent years running a business, on an oil regulatory board, as a small time mayor, as governor who cut spending drastically, vetoed pork projects, negotiated oil pipeline through Canada, etc. To make a similar comparison focusing on only one item on the resume of each you could say Palin - 2 years executive adminstrative experience as governor (and six as mayor) vs. Obama - zero administrative or executive experience; or Palin - however many years running a business vs. Obama - zero years running a business. Etc. I don't get the comparison of mayor experience to state legislator experience in the first place. Regardless of whether it is a big or small town or district, comparing the duties of an administrator (mayor) to those of a legislator is like comparing apples and oranges. I don't find how leading others to believe that is her sole life or work experience is a convincing argument, but as a Republican I am happy that seems to be the favorite one going around because it does not appear to be working.

    On a lighter note...Someone in an earlier comment posted a link to the Kos blog post accusing Palin of faking her last pregnancy (claiming the baby is her daughter's). I won't even dignify the post by getting into it too much but found one comment thread they linked to hilarious. A commenter posted a picture of Palin from two months before the baby was born and offered it as proof that the baby was not Palin's, but her daughter's. Palin was wearing a bulky sweater and had her arms in front of her stomach so it was hard to tell either way, but what was hilarious is that the photo was of her entire family including the daughter who was supposedly the real mother. It was very obvious in the picture that the daughter was definitely not pregnant. Those at the blog were so excited over the picture of Palin that they didn't seem to notice that the picture of the daughter in the same shot completely destroyed their theory.

    Now for the nude pics! A British tabloid posted what was supposed to be a nude picture of Palin. A blogger linked to the paper with the NSFW picture and commented that it looked like Julia Louis Dreyfus to him. Someone then googled Dreyfus' name and "nude" and found the same picture, but reversed, in a matter of minutes. I know this crazy stuff happens on both sides of the aisle, but it sure seems to be worse when the subject is a woman. After all, I don't recall anyone posting faked nude pics of Joe Biden a week ago when he was chosen! :)
  10. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Now there’s a reason to vote??? The "A" typical, 80% of Americans, mentality heading for the voting booth this year. If you really look at it, John McCain made the perfect choice for the stupid vote.

    In my 35 years of voting privilege I've watched the choices go from bad, to worse, to the current circus act. The fact that anyone would think either choice would make a 'real' President is purely party politics at this point. Neither choice is going to represent the core needs of the average Joe in America. Business as usual in DC won’t stop until we stop it, and that’s not happening in my lifetime.

    McCain's a "dead man walking" with a beauty queen running mate. Obama is naive to the big money wall he is going to hit in DC with his 'change' theory.

    Will a real Presidential candidate please stand up!!!
  11. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Not sure how that's going to work out. Women want a woman in office, so let's just pick a woman, any woman. Women don't look at issues, do they? Who's going to compare where they stand of health care, taxes, the economy, the environment, abortion rights, gay rights, the war in Iraq? How many Hillary supporters are going to get behind her just because she's a woman, even though her stands are totally different from Hillary's on every issue I have listed above? Not too many, I think, and most of us are insulted at the suggestion.

    I disagree with you about the GOP telling McCain who to pick. I know that Gingrich has been pushing her for a while, and McCain probably listened to him, but I don't believe anybody could have made him pick somebody he didn't want. I think it was entirely McCain's decision.
  12. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I think people will be surprised at just how formidable an opponent Palin will be to the Obama/Biden ticket. She is not just a woman with a pretty face. She's strong-minded, holds fast to her principles and brings an approval rating of over 90% from the citizens of Alaskans. Biden's own flairing temper and his potty mouth may get him into trouble. Lest we also not forget that the Democrats hopes still lie with a junior senator who hasn't even fulfilled one term. Palin is an executive leader of a state who isn't even running for president but only to serve as vice president. Is America willing to vote for a great orator with no proven track record in leadership, especially in a crisis? McCain and Palin are the obvious choice because they both represent newer ideas and a variance of direction but with both having a track record of political knowledge, leadership and toughness under pressure.
  13. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    In all fairness, it should be pointed out that Palin hasn't even fulfilled half her term as governor of a state.
  14. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    No leadership experience? Have you even bothered to investigate what he has done in his short life?
  15. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Who scrubbed Wikipedia's entry for Sarah Palin just before nom announcement?

    Posted by Xeni Jardin, August 30, 2008 10:48 PM | permalink

    Friday's edition of the NPR program All Things Considered included a piece by Yuki Noguchi on some suspicious whitewashing that went down in Sarah Palin's Wikipedia entry just before she was revealed as the GOP's candidate for vice-president. Snip:
    Someone — and apparently it was just one person — felt like the existing biography wasn't appropriate for a vice-presidential candidate. On Friday, 15 minutes before the rumor that John McCain had picked Palin as his running mate, a Wikipedia editor discovered 30 mostly favorable changes had been made to the Alaska governor's profile. She was called "a politician of eye-popping integrity" and sections on her participation in a beauty pageant and her alleged use of influence to get her former brother-in-law fired were diminished.
    That user is one "Young Trigg." He or she was thanked and lauded by other Wikipedia editors for thoroughness, before questions of a possible conflict of interest emerged. Brian Krebs at the Washington Post writes:
    Perhaps more tellingly, some of the same users editing her page were almost simultaneously updating McCain's Wiki entry, adding information dealing with accuracy, sources and footnotes to each. ​
    Palin's Wikipedia Entry Gets Overhaul (NPR)
    Tug of war over Wiki entry on Palin (SJ Merc)
    Wikipedia Edits Forecast Vice Presidential Picks (Washington Post)
  16. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Another reason I don't trust Wikipedia to have accurate information.
  17. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    True, but she doesn't take possession of the White House in January either. If it were Biden with Obama on the ticket--although I don't really care for Biden--the ticket would look better proportioned. Plus, there is a difference in that Obama is a senator for his state where as Palin has run a state government.
  18. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I take in to account his achievements, Hught. However, I do not believe given the two choices, that he is the most qualified. Obama is simply a questionable figure as to whether or not he's ready to lead a nation. if he loses the election, he finishes his term and is likely re-elected as Illnois senator. By 2012 he will have had eight years experience in national politics and the public will have a better understanding of what they get. With Bill Clinton, he came in with a dozen years as a popular governor and despite some of his shortcomings, was a good leader IMO.

    Palin, however, is in the win-win position for the GOP. If the Republicans lose, she goes back to Alaska as a popular governor and even more years to gain experience. As a vice president, she will acquire more experience close to the presidency and will likely be the GOP's voice for the next decade. Because I doubt Hillary will challenge an incumbent Democratic president in 2012, Palin could be a serious contender for the GOP nomination in 2012 win or lose. I think Palin will likely become the first woman elected as president.
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    You are assuming John is capable of remaining President, you say "National Politics" experience is critical, she could assume the Presidency of the United States of America within the first month with no "National Politics".

    John's choice of this VP after meeting her only once and calling her his Soulmate, already indicates he is out of control of his campaign or that his judgment is very much in question.

    Again you are assuming she will just remain in the VP position and that Obama will not be ellected for a second term.

    I hope John has a long and fulfilling life but I am a realist. We have all seen the wear and tear this position puts a Human Being.
  20. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I understand what you're saying, but that is too presumptous IMO. She does have some leadership skills obviously, but lacks long-term experience. Obama is not a seasoned politician either. The difference being that Obama comes in as PRESIDENT from DAY ONE with only four years as junior senator from Illnois and a lot of unanswered questions from his past. There are no hypothetical situations to introduce in the Democratic White House scenario. If Obama wins the election, he becomes the president and his inexperience for being president no longer matters. That's why its important for the American voters to not put too much weight into the VP candidates. Its who they are putting into the Oval Office come January that's most important. For what its worth, I'd want Biden in the Oval Office. Clearly that's the same sentiment expressed by Democratic voters who have rejected him twice in his own presidentual bids.

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