Ok What the heck!! I went to the doc's office this morning, and stepped on the dredded scale, and i have put on two dang pounds!!!!!! I have been following the plan, and exercising my butt off everyday!! Well, butt still there TRUST ME...:lol: What the hay is going on? I have weigh in saturday morning. Who else is coming???
i read somewhere in all the literature i got that when you first start exercising you can expect that - muscle weighs more than fat so they say
Very good post. Thank you! You're exactly right about the diet mentality. I have always loved my sweets and junk food. I mean, I eat my veggies and some fruits but not like I should. As for eating carrots, celery, or anything like that by itself...bleakkkkk.....I can't do it. Guess I need to find that balance of which you speak. :lol:
I'm not a big fan of raw carrots. However, with dip... they are yummy. I use the powered Hidden Valley Ranch dip mixed with fat free sour cream. Two table spoons is only 20 calories and a yummy treat. Another favorite treat is Breyers Free Fench Chocolate ice cream. Because of the fiber ... each half cup serving is only one point. It is the best FF ice cream I've tasted. It doesn't even taste like a FF product. Breyer's is on sale this week BOGO at Food Lion.
I'm with everyone else here regarding the scale being different, not to mention that muscle *does* weigh more than fat. For my work outs I alternate between things... sometimes I do a dvd, sometimes I use Wii Fit. I know that sounds silly, but honestly it does get you moving and sweating if you do the aerobics. Part of Wii fit is doing a body test every day that measures your BMI and weight. According to it I've gained 4lbs this week, and also last week I gained about the same. According to the WW scale, I was down 4 last week... not to mention all of my clothes are too big. Something I've figured out is not to worry too much during the week. Your weight shifts about 2lbs per day naturally (give or take). This is why weighing once a week is good. And I swear, Doctor scales are set to some ridiculous norm that makes it seem like you're 80lbs heavier than you are:mrgreen:. Just stay on track! For water I've been using a 32oz nalgene bottle. I fill it twice during the day while I'm at work, then once more before I work out. (Man I just responded to virtually all posts in this thread in one post!!)
Light ranch in the bottle has 70 calories, 7 grams of fat. Hidden Valley does have a FF ranch in a bottle but it tastes YUCK to me. The dip I make is fat free with only 20-25 calories depending which FF sour cream brand you buy (I usually get the store brand).
Ahhh, toothpick, you don't count. You're so small that it doesn't matter if you don't stick to it. :mrgreen:
Alright now, stop that toothpick stuff, you and i both know it ain't true and watch, i will meet a new 4042er and they won't believe it is me from reading this:lol::lol::lol:
Yep, I'll be there. I may go early to weigh-in and then take a walk before the meeting starts. That's the plan, at least. Had a HECK of a day today ... hubby had outpatient surgery ... came home mid-morning ... in the afternoon, developed complications .. so we had to go to the ER ... I got plenty of exercise getting lost around the hospital! (Wake Med) Am just getting the chance to eat dinner ... hope it doesnt reflect in the scale tomorrow morn!! :-/ (He's home now, and doing ok ... sleeping off lots of meds.)
I hear ya, my DH had to work labor day, darn that was my excuse to sit around, swim, cookout, and drink beer:lol: Oh well, didnt need it anyway. My weigh in stunk. Gained some, because of water retention I think, I have been working out REALLY hard, had to stop that actually because it was affecting my health. Got a step aerobics thing that I am going to dig out of the closet, brush off the dust and try it out. I have the Wii Fit, but their step aerobics sucks. Does anyone do step anymore? I used to go to a class for it, but that was YEARS ago. DS was 6 months old. (holy crap I feel old):lol: