Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by cristianna, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. cristianna

    cristianna Well-Known Member

    Hi All!

    With school starting up, I just thought I would start a poll of which elementary schools are your favorites and why!

    My little girl will start next fall and am just wondering which schools are the best, based on experience.

    We are not happy with our assigned school, so we have been thinking about putting our house on the market to move to a school location that is more favorable.

    Just curious about everyone's experiences!

    Hope everyone is having a great start to your school year!
  2. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    Polenta is a great school , My son , He's 9 years old went there last year and we loved it , Great staff , Great teachers . I thought it was the most wonderful school . Good luck and i hope you find one you both will enjoy

  3. wreckinstuff

    wreckinstuff Well-Known Member

    East Clayton is my favorite. They have finally been able to get rid of the cottagges this year with the opening of another elementary. So i guess my favorite should be that one. my oldest has excelled there. they have a wonderful staff.
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I thought you were going to do a Poll? I love Polls, I was waiting to enter my option "No Opinion". :mrgreen:
  5. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I've had experience with:

    Cooper (3 years)
    Riverwood (1 year)
    Riverdell (1 year)
    Polenta (2 years)
    Cleveland (1 year)
    Westview (2 years)

    And then for middle schools:

    Cleveland Middle (2 years)

    Write me privately if you want any info on the schools listed above. I can only give personal experience and am NOT a professional by any means. I homeschool just 2 of my 7 kids. Good luck. You will have a VERY hard time w/ going somewhere other than your assigned school. They won't do it w/out valid reason.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  6. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    Isn't everyone on here just going to say the school their child goes to is best? How about look at the numbers and do the research yourself? Everyone's experience at a school may not be the same as an experience you will have with your child. Everyone is different.


  7. cristianna

    cristianna Well-Known Member

    I totally agree! I've done sooooo much research. I've used both of the sites you've recommended, which partially leaves me to my disappointment in OUR assigned school.

    But at the same time, I know that parental involvment is KEY in the test scores reported. Luckily I have alot of insight into these test scores from my mother-in-law & my aunt, who have taught elementary grade levels for a really long time. I also have several close friends who teach in public schools (from LD to High School AP Classes).

    Unfortunatley, they do not teach in the Johnston Co. School Systems.

    I know everyone has different experiences, but I can tell you if I was not happy with my childs school I would certainly voice my opinion. :mrgreen:
  8. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    I agree with involvement

    My kids go to Polenta. I also have had interaction with Cleveland Elem. Both schools are fine. As with life, you will find good and not-so-good in everything. But staying involved is the absolute key. Make sure the staff knows you, get involved (dare I say) in the PTA, etc.

    Be a volunteer in your child's room, as well in other areas.
  9. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Test scores :evil:.

    My Little One had her first Math test of the year last Thursday. They were told on Monday, told to study, told what it was on. She took the test, made 100%, as did 2 other kids. The rest of the class was below 70, with the majority below 60%.

    The teacher threw out the test! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    I'm so mad I could spit nails! THIS is one of the reasons why numbers are so high. The majority of the kids don't do well, just toss the test out and do it over. They were all told this test would count, and to study! So, punish the ones who do what they're told and coddle the ones who don't?!

    Frogger :cuss:
  10. Soccermom81

    Soccermom81 Well-Known Member

    I have had experience with 2 yrs. at Cleveland, and now my children are at West View (2 yrs. there also). West View has been open for only 2 yrs. They are a wonderful school. I volunteer in my childrens classes all the time, and they are open for you to help out as much as you want. Cleveland was the same. Both are great schools.
  11. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Dont' even get me started on this one!!! I 100% totally agree w/ you Frogger on the testing and wanting their scores to "look good." Our IEP team met, we were totally 100% against our daughter taking the NCextend version of EOG's. We want her to take EOG tests as she always has. Shoot, how else would we compare progress. See, the NCextend tests aren't counted w/ the schools as the regular EOG's are. If students don't do well on EOG's it makes schools scores go down. Ahh, hello....might that mean we need to work a bit harder?! And this "prepping" for the EOG's in elementary is stupid. Really. I went to NC public schools. Teachers taught, students learned and we all took the test. They did their job, the test should be relatively easy. You never heard people getting worked up over EOG's when I grew up here. Prepping kids I feel is like cheating. And for that long? They could be learning something new instead. I get furious w/ the middle school. I think the SCORE class is the dumbest thing. And yes, I've voiced this to them before. You don't prep children for tests. My daughter last year brought books home that were testing books. Really?! No need. We have some great teachers, let them teach and NOT teach the tests and scores would go up. Just my opinon. Flame, torch me if you want on here. But I see no reasoon to get all hyped up about these scores. They fail, they get another chance. They fail again, they get yet antoher chance in summer school. I honestly think w/ all the prepping that goes on at the end of the year, the kids are just flustered and worn out by test time. I for one am a horrible test taker. Always have been. Did terrible on the SAT's. Yet, was at the top of my departmental graduating class in college. Go figure. Some kids just don't test well and should not have the added stress of the EOG prep. Frogger, your child should be commended along w/ the other 2 in her class. Not just thrown out b/c the majority didn't do well. That is ridiculous in my opinion. Again, my opinions are worth about .02. Take it for what it's worth--LOL. I just feel if we have such great teachers in this community, why all the focus on EOG's and prep work for them? Teachers are doing their job well and it will show at test time. But limit the teachers on teaching testing stuff, and you are limiting the potential that teacher has to instill such amazing stuff in her/his students.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  12. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    :iagree: Moving over, sister. This soap box has enough room for the both of us!!

    When I was in school, we didn't have that BS. These tests were started to grade the teachers. Show them where they are doing well, and show them opportunities for improvement for the children. They were never supposed to grade the kids.

    That's one reason I'm leaning on putting Little Bit into The Greenfield School starting next year.They test, sure, but the scores are in no way put towards the kids. They're used as intended. Novel concept!! 'Course, there are many other reasons why the switch, but that insane testing is the kicker!!!

  13. cristianna

    cristianna Well-Known Member

    Again, I TOTALLY agree! It is ridiculous when our children our prepped all year long fog EOG tests! Instead, our teachers should be concentrating on TEACHING our children instead of PREPPING them!

    It all comes down to ONE thing and that is School FUNDING! If our teachers were teaching as they should, the EOGs should not be a problem. Also, it is hard to believe that tests are thrown out and even worse, children who are not ready to move on to the next grade or need extra help are passed by just because of these scores.

    I know for a fact, that children who should not make a grade ARE being advanced because teachers are told to do so! :confused:
  14. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I know for a FACT too!!! One of my kids was in this exact situation this past May. I begged the school NOT to advance the child. Said it would be a HUGE mistake and that they'd get further and further behind b/c they are not ready to move forward. This child also needed a year more of maturity. I lost my battle as a parent to fight for what is right for my child. I've retained 2 of my 7 kids. One was my fault as I never should have started my kindergartner that young. He wasn't ready. I blame it on being a first time parent--LOL. The other one we retained b/c we didn't feel they were ready to move forward onto a more mature grade level. Was the best decision we had ever made and never had a bad effect on that child that the schools tell you will happen. Glad we did it. The others have not needed retention. Yet here we were last May trying to do what was best. Child failed EOG's, and did not do well during school year. Though improvements were made, it was not enough. They promoted the child anyhow and do fully expect this year for the child to fall further behind b/c of this. How can you move onto another concept if you don't first fully understand the first concept such as math? Some kids just need a little extra push. We have one that went to summer school this summer and now he is almost on par w/ his peers and should not need any support services by year's end. Progress. But that was b/c we suggested he do summer school and fought hard for it. I think schools need to listen to parents a little more at what they think is best for the child.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  15. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know of any schools who offer P-K program. Thanks
  16. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Off topic/same topic

    I am hearing the venting about the current grading systems and EOG's (keep in mind I also DO NOT have any children in the schools yet....) does this go all the way up through the high school level?

    My thought is they are going to get one heck of a rude awakening once they hit college!!!
  17. cristianna

    cristianna Well-Known Member

    I know River Dell does. If you go to ncreportcards.com You can look to see which schools offer them. I would call them to double check and inquire as to when registration is.

    Hope this helps.

  18. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Back on the orginal topic: I agree with soccermom. I had one year with Cleveland, on my 3rd with West View, we love(d) both very much! They seem to follow the same guidelines, criteria for the most part. PTA involvement is very big in both schools, but I enjoy being a part of my children's school, I like to know what's going on, and what I can do to help. The teachers all seem great, and haven't heard any complaints at all (probably will now though!) :lol:
  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Cleveland has a P-K program, it is a Head Start program. You have to meet income requirements or your child needs to have Special Needs (ex. speech therapy) to get in.
  20. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I have 5 years experience with Cleveland Elem. I am staying right here so my girls can attend Cleveland as well.

    Be involved and be available is the best advice I can offer with any school. My son probably held the world record with tallies at Cleveland, the teachers/admin and I worked as a team - they knew they could call me and I would offer advice for dealing with my stubborn child, speak with him, or come in for conferences and reinforce at home. Ferguson has since retired, and Lori Johnson (loved her!!) is now at Westview so I can't offer any opinion on what Cleveland is like now, but hopefully it will be more of the same for me when Thing One enters kindergarten... Well, not more of the same as far as behavior, but more of the same of the school and I being on the same team.

    I have also had the same positive experience with Cleveland Middle, so maybe it's just me. <snark> lol

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