Are we ready for Hanna?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KDsGrandma, Sep 1, 2008.


    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Me too. We have very spoiled dogs as well. We had one area of the yard fenced in for exercise and the other part left open but with the underground fencing, that area was reserved for training etc., the area that was fenced in had two dog houses for shade during the day when they were outside in that area, both of these ended up in the trees after Fran. Thank God the dogs were house pets as well and even if they were outside pets we would've brought them in.
  2. OhMeOhMy

    OhMeOhMy Guest

    I'm not ready for a Hurricane yet!!!

    I would love to have some SNOW about now - I can handle a snow storm :)

    Since I'm from MN and this will be my 1st hurricane, I have NO idea what to expect and what I really need to be doing. I do know that the animals are in good shape with plenty of food.

    Grill is ready - but it always is :)
  3. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    OhMeOhMy I am a transplant as well from MI/AZ and I never really thought about hurricanes until I had to experience Fran a few years ago. You need to go to this website and familiarize yourself with it. Also, don't wait to the last minute to get necessities!!!! If you do you will not get what you need!!

    Best of luck to you if we do get hit hard....hopefully we won't.
  4. browns rule

    browns rule Guest

    Geez girl, that was 13 yrs ago time flies
  5. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    13 years ago....WOW....had a newborn durning was miserable!
  6. seabee

    seabee Guest

    actually Gustav was affecting Hanna early on even Joe P talked about it.
  7. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Actually, it was 12 years ago. Sept. 5-6, 1996... that date is plastered in my memory for forever. :ack:
  8. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    I couldn't remember exactly when it was, I am really bad with dates. All I remember is that I had to spend a week with my in laws because we had no power at our house. That had to have been one of the worst weeks of my life!!!!
  9. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I went through all of the hurricans in I understand what it's like to loose a home ect. Lost a brand new home when the Cape Fear flooded over. That is when I found out that I was finally preggo with my daughter. Everyone said it would happen when I least expect it..yep right after I lost everything. Had enough and moved back here after she was born. That was 9 years ago when that happend.
    I lived in Hampsted when Bertha and Fran come through, the damage that I saw was just to hard to ever forget.
    We need to hope and pray that this one doesn't hit here..rain is all we need and that is it.
  10. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Yep me too when Fran and Bertha come through, I lived in Wilmington and came up this way in Willow Springs and stayed with my parents who as well had no power for a week from Fran. But, where I lived was much worse and I couldn't go home for a week. Thankfully all I had was me and one dog at the time.
  11. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I hear ya! We went 9 days with no power, no water, no A.C. - and it was so hot and humid. My parents didn't have power or water either and their subdivision, which was wooded, looked like a war zone. I hope we never experience anything like Fran again, it was terrible!
  12. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Yes it was..
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    y'all are scaring me:shock:
  14. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    Don't mean to scare you and I think NC has gotten better about being more prepared so if something like Fran happens again, hopefully it won't be as bad.
  15. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Every time I look at that, it's tracking a little more to the east. By the time it gets here, it might just go up the coast and all we'll get is a lot of rain. I'm really glad they're not predicting it going to the west of us any more, I think that would put us on the tornado side of it.
  16. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    I've been seeing that too KD's but I am not holding my breath that they are correct until it starts moving north.
  17. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    <------was working third shift at Polk Youth Inst. the night Fran came through town. shift hours were from 10pm to 6am. It was almost 9am before my relief got to the prison, and it took me over 2 hours to get from the fairgrounds area to the Riverwood golf course area that day.

  18. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I was living in Selma when Fran came through. So many of those old oak trees came down, every street was blocked. DH & I went out with chain saws and helped clear some of the streets.
  19. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Fran was a wake up call for a lot of folks inland that hurricanes can have widespread effects. I remember the lines for gas in Selma, too. I stopped at Stancil's. They didn't have a lot of power and you could only buy a few gallons at the time as I recall. The day after Fran came through people took to the stores. I went to Eckerds (when it was over where Family Dollar is now) for a few items and of course people tried to get by the best that they could. Thankfully, we were only without power for three days in Clayton. I'm going to start buying a few bags of ice and gallons of water just in case.

    Now Floyd was another bad one for its flooding up around Rocky Mount. Severely damaged many buildings and was the final nail in the coffin for the old Tarrytown Mall. One shopping center, River's Edge on Hwy. 301 was nearly completely covered in flood waters. You could barely see the Food Lion letters on the top of the building. If you're in a flood prone area, keep a close watch on the water levels. I remember Debra Morgan and Jim Payne (former anchor) on WRAL that night talking about how it wasn't that bad in the Triangle when all of sudden they started getting stories of survival going on in Rocky Mount and how they were using boats and helicopters to pluck motorists caught in the floodwaters.
  20. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Just curious - I haven't gone to the store the last couple days, and I do need a couple things, can I go tomorrow morning, or is everything gone already? I do need milk, and should get a flashlight, batteries and water, just in case. I don't think we have anything to worry about, but I do want the bare essentials just in case. We have a generator, and a gas grill, and I think my hubby has gas for both things already.

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