Are we ready for Hanna?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by KDsGrandma, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    For all of you that were here for Fran you remember one of the items that everyone was clamoring for was ice. Well my wife, then my girlfriend, was calling all these gas stations and grocery stores to find out if they had any. Well I had the phone book giving her all these numbers. I told her to call the Amoco in Selma.........but I gave her the number to Parrish Funeral Home in Selma.........hehehehe. Here she was listening to the phone ringing ready to say "Do y'all have any ice?" only to have the lady answer the phone saying, "Parrish Funeral Home"......hehehehe. The look on her face.....priceless.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2008
  2. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    OK..that is funny unc :)

    Quick tip on the ice and I started it last night. Fill up your empty milk jugs with water and freeze them...I started mine last night.
  3. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    we had an ole pecan tree fall in our house and was out of it for 45 days! god, that sucked.... so, I will be prepared for Hanna... better to be prepared...... when Fran hit, we had family from Charlotte bring us the basics we needed. Fran was HORRIBLE!
  4. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    I hear the stores are already crazy!
  5. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    As long as I can get me a few cases of beer I'll be good to go. Got gas for the generator, gass for the chain saw if needed, and a spare fridge in the shop where the generator is located to keep the beer cold.

  6. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

  7. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I posted this earlier...:mrgreen: Also - start emptying your ice maker bin into grocery bags and store them in the freezer.
  8. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I was at FL at 40/42 this afternoon - the only thing I noticed a shortage of was water, mostly the larger containers. There seemed to be plenty of bread and dairy products.
  9. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    Good idea, thanks! I was wondering what I was going to do with all that ice!
  10. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I grew up with my family being in the snow plowing business in Massachusetts... those were some long nights! As kids, we used to go with the plow drivers and shovel walks, etc... throw salt out. Or we used beg to just ride along because we thought the plow drivers were cute! My mom would cook enough for an army knowing that we'd be feeding hungry plow drivers for a couple of days during a big nor'easter.
  11. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I work for Food Lion in Benson, and we are well stocked still for the storm. We have been a lot busier then normal for this time of the week..we think it's because of the storm..there is plenty left though.
  12. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I'm still questioning the path of this storm, though I'm no hurricane expert by no means! But they keep saying it's just going to brush the coast and go out into the ocean. It looks to me like it's headed straight for us though!

    I moved to NC just a few months after Fran, and it seems like everyone told me that was a "surprise", like it changed course last minute, is that true? Wasn't it headed someplace else? Can't remember now where it was supposed to be going?
  13. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    If I remember right it was suppose to be SC that was getting Fran..but since we stick out like a sore thumb, those hurrican's tend to like us better.
    As of just looking and tracking it myself..looks like SC might not get it again.
    Looks like we will. Now Hanna is small, and I'm still worried about power ect..but Ike is scarying me big time..that one I'm really going to keep a big eye on.
    You just never know what is going to happen..just be ready for it the best you can.
  14. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Actually, I think the local TV stations were all hurricane, all the time, but they had done that so many times before and we dodged a bullet, people didn't really take them seriously and prepare. Same with snowstorms in the winter. Weather forecasting is far from a perfect science.

    Every time I look at the projected track for this one, it has moved a little more to the east, much to my relief. At this point, I'm just expecting a rainy and windy Saturday. BTW, when they project those movements, they are looking at the effect other weather systems are having on the hurricane. I'm assuming there's a high pressure system that they think will cause it to turn at some point.
  15. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    That is what we can hope for that it does move more east then west. But, as of this morning it's still going NW at 11 mph.

  16. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Yup, that is what I see too. I am seeing some rain and being breezy.

    Now Ike on the other hand!! I looks like he is going west...keep going...keep going.... don't want anyone to get him but he does look SCARY!!
  17. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    AH HA!!!!!!! Now I know where I got the idea from :jester:.... I knew I heard it before 8)
  18. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Is there anything left at the store? I have to go today for a quick grocery run. :cheers:
  19. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    Hanna sounds like the only thing we have to worry about is if you have a good umbrella. But Ike? Cat. 4 already? Where ever it lands it will "hit" like "Ike" on "Tina".
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2008
  20. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I have to totally agree that Hanna won't be too bad. However, Ike is scaring me. It's already a Cat 4 and still a ways out. Gives us plenty of time to prepare. Trouble w/ one storm after another is the potential for damage due to not enough clean up time. That and if any o fyour yards are like mine, ground gets too saturated and trees fall. I have two(well many but just 2 affected) giant oaks and one is headed straight on the house if it goes. We've been wanting to cut it down for years just due to the way it leans. Looks healthy but wow, it's going to go one of these days. We even get nervous just at regular t-storms w/ this tree. So, one storm after antoher may do that one in. I used to live near the coast(near Morehead) so done the evacuation thing before along w/ prepping the house. Everyone is right on w/ preparedness. Can't stress that one enough. Here it's not as bad as the coast as far as boarding stuff up. That's a pain. We used to tape every window in the house. And, evacuate to family up here in Cary area.

    Well, all I can say is if the power goes out, we will have a good old fashioned Hurricane Party. Propane is ready for the grill and meat is in the freezer--LOL. Of course, our house is always stocked just b/c of the sheer # of people living here. We don't have a generator.

    OOH, one more thing!!! Anyone who takes meds that can NOT go a day w/ out them(for whatever reasons) needs to refill early. I take heart meds and 2 of my kids take meds that they can not live w/out. So do think of going to the pharmacy if necessary. I"m actually doing this today. I think generally this area is now prepared and things should not be as bad as Fran ever again. Learn from the past. Good luck everyone. We'll all be watching NOAA I' m sure next week adn tracking Ike.

    Stephanie--mom to 7

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