My mom just moved down and has waitressed all her life and has always made a living solely doing so. She is a very young, attractive, in shape and energetic 50-something year old. Where would be some good places for her to seek out employment? This area and as far as city of Raleigh, outlying areas of Raleigh, Fuquay-Varina, Cary. Especially ones that have breakfast and lunch hours, but nights are okay too. Anybody have any suggestions?
Big Eds in the City Market Downtown. The beginning of the week can start of slow but you can make $100+ on some Saturdays working 7-12. I worked there for MANY summers. It was a great atmosphere too, I would still imagine it is and they only serve breakfast & lunch and closed on Sundays. Good Luck to your mom.
If I was going to be a waiter, 3 places, all in Raleigh, quickly come to mind: 1. Angus Barn 2. Capital City Club 3. Cardinal Club
i worked at cracker barrel as a server for many years. The side work is aweful ! In fact i think there was a class action lawsuit against them for that very reason . I also waitressed at red lobster and made a mint ( 100-200 a night) . Chains will do really well at lunch/ dinner . There is a new Fridays at white oak maybe they are hiring
Kent~ You have to wait for someone to die or retire to get into the Angus Barn! However, it wouldn't hurt to try! Frogger
It would seem to me that places like Outback where you always have to wait would be a good place. We always seem to have to wait for a table at Lone Star too.
I believe I've heard that before. Some wait staff have been there for many years. My ex-neighbor got on a few years ago somehow and does well, with some customers tipping 100%. Lots of corporate types on expense accounts, etc.
The OP asked about breakfast and lunch, I think Angus would be more dinner hours, plus its a pretty good drive from this area and with gas prices, I'm sure she could find something closer and make good money. Probably some of the other suggestions would be good choices. :cheers:
Oh yeah!! :hurray: I know you are glad to have her closer!!! Cracker Barrell is one place I'd start at then maybe the Draft House (lunch)
Crabtree also has that new seafood rest. also. Good Luck to your mom, let me know where she will be, I am a big tipper.:lol: Used to be a waitress, so I tip very well.
I can't think of many places that serve breakfast and lunch that are local, except IHOP maybe? It seems like for lunch, Logans might do good. Most of the decent places I can think of that are local would be for dinner.
If she is looking for breakfast and lunch, there are several little diners that serve just those meals around Garner and Raleigh too i believe and no, i know not much help cause i honestly cannot recall names