I will definitely be ordering from you. I do want to look at all of the stuff, not just popcorn. Although, that chocolate covered caramel corn, or whatever it was called, was da bomb!!! OMG!! Sinful. But, we will be having more of that.
Thank you so much for the interest so far! I now have the brochures scanned and can email them if you'd like. Please feel free to PM me. My family and the Cub Scouts thank you for your support!
Any idea if the flavored one's are Gluten Free? I know regular is but not sure about the flavored one's.
I don't know.................they have a website for nutritional info: It's www.trails-end.com I'll look on there and see what I can see. OK: Here is a link to the nutritional information for each kind of popcorn. There is a PDF of the panel from each product on the right hand side. http://www.trails-end.com/TESales/p...ectedStateFilter=36&SelectedCouncil=Tuscarora
just saw this thread, hey girl, can you email it to me, i understand some types of popcorn are WW approved:hurray: Gds did not do the boyscout thing this year so have not gotten my yearly stocking of the popcorn
Sure! PM me your email address. If I don't get to do it today, I will do it when I get back from VA. I'm heading out here in a few. Thanks!!!
Oh ok. Just checking to see if our boys knew each other. We meet at Oakland Presbyterian church on Cleveland School rd. Good luck with your popcorn sales, hope your pack meets their goals.
Same to you! If anybody wants, please feel free to order from RCARP too! My feelings won't be hurt, it's all for a good cause!
Thank you, that's so nice of you. But you keep these peeps. It is all going to the same organization.
I love scouts. My son is a second year Boy Scout and has been in scouting since he was a tiger. I hope he will continue to Eagle
DS is a Webelo, this year, he started out as a Tiger, and I really hope he sticks with it as well. Good to "meet" another Scout Mom...............I'm assuming your a mom, could be the dad, LOL.