As long as they don't mail anything in another language I think we are okay! Just kidding folks. Looks as though the authorities have checked with all military bases and they deny that they had anything going on that would have caused those noises. We heard two at our homestead. If anyone finds out something please post so that we all know what happened. Could be North Carolina decided to succeed. :lol: Sherry
We were outside helping a neighbor build a swing set in Riverwood. It sounded like some something exploded. Really scared us.
My room mate and my neighbor were outside last night and saw a jet fly overhead. Shortly after, the "boom" happened.
What kind of jet? Unless it was a fighter jet it is unlikely that it was related. If it was a fighter jet it would place some of the military's responses in doubt.
I seem to recall that we did see a jet after the boom and later on we saw a Red Cross helicopter. We only hear one big boom. It sounded like someone was using dynamite. Just like when they were using dynamite to clear the ground to lay pipes in our neighborhood months back.
A couple of points about a sonic boom (few, I guess, remember them). A sonic boom will sound anywhere from a low "thud" to a crack of thunder, depending on where you are in relation to the aircraft that made it. Also, depending on your surroundings, you might hear a double boom because of an echo effect. Military jets are forbidden from flying close to Mach 1 (the speed of sound) over inhabited areas (except under emergency situations, of course) since the early 70's (or was it the late 60's?). A pilot can't "accidentally" create a sonic boom because the "speed limit" is well below Mach I. Just a few bit's of trivia from a fan of flight who remembers hearing sonic booms from the old X-14.
I was in clayton at lowes foods sitting in my car and heard a loud thud and it shook the car and myself. Everyone in the parking lot immediately started looking at each other and looking around. I really have been sticking to the sonic boom theory, although it is kind of hard to believe based on what Clif said. Because really, if it wasn't military, it had to be someone unauthorized to be flying, but in that case the radars would have picked them up and (I would think) we would know about it on the news. But who knows, the news only tells us what they want, and what the government wants. Another though was maybe underground natural gas lines breaking but because of the range that must not be it, and there again, someone would have figured that out already. I guess the aliens popped into the atmosphere for a second to have a look? Edit: One more idea would be a meteorite, would that possibly make that sound? But someone should have seen that also. I am just really curious, I want to know what it was!
A meteorite could make a sonic boom, but it would have to travel far through the atmosphere before it got close enough to be heard (the space shuttle also makes sonic booms, but they are so far up that the booms go unheard). A meteorite big enough to travel that far through the atmosphere and still be big enough to make sonic boom would probably hit the ground with enough impact that the sonic boom would be the least of your worries.
If there wasn't any damage, I'd say forget about it. We've got an airshow to the west and military bases to the south, east and northeast. It could have been a meteorite. Maybe a Skunkworks jet. It's a mystery and a very rare, isolated incident. To me, its not a news story. It's a momentary musing to be forgotten.
I am my source. I've heard it before in TX and NC and VA. Maybe the jet wasn't from NC, maybe somewhere else. It wasn't the aliens! It wasn't a gas explosion! It wasn't Thunder! It wasn't an Earthquake! It wasn't a meth lab blowing up! It wasn't a still blowing up! It wasn't a meteor crash! It wasn't a car crash in several areas! (all of the above we would have heard about by now on the news - somewhere) A jet returing back to base or heading out.
Yep, one of the pilots hot-doggin' a little bit on the way back from the air show. No harm done, as far as I can tell.
No, it just took 10 years off DH's life, LOL. He thought his motorcycle in the garage blew up and I was dead, since I was working in the kitchen. That's all the "damage".
If the boom were caused by the F-22s returning to Virginia, there would be no radar signature, would there? The F-22 employs stealth technology and probably wouldn't show up on radar.
Oh, ok. Since you know so well, why did both RDU and the military deny there was any aircraft in the area that could have created the boom? Not all jets are capable of going supersonic.