Well, I had a really busy summer and I was not able to be on here at all for a while. So I come back and find that Devilock is banned :shock::neutral: and Clif changed his username and his av. What in the world did I miss. Yes, I'm being nosey. Any other big events I missed? I need an update:mrgreen:
opcorn: Oh dear, have I opened the proverbial "can of worms" up. Wait, don't tell me, Clif and Ken threw down 8)
If a newbie can make a suggestion........If there ever is a throw down please do it here.......http://www.4042.com/webcams/index.php Sorry to interrupt.:twisted:
I missed the whole Clif, Devilock mishap. What happened? I just figured that Devilock quit posting for a while. Who was the third?:allears:
One that didn't come back was only banned for a few days. He looks in now & then, but he's too busy with work, school, gf, etc., to get involved here right now.
ok, say maybe not enough........ Ken was being his usual anal self Clif was being his usual ahole self with a bit of denial mixed in...oh, and crying to webbie...... and well.... Nevil got caught somewhere in the middle. Webbie got tired of it ...... poof, ban, exile ---- > new screen name for the one who returned to eat crow. They others have moved on to better places 8)
Good summary! :cheers: (But the words "physics" and "perpetual motion" will always carry a little extra undercurrent from now on.)
And we can't forget the cool chat feature that we were directed to for a while to play on while he shut down the whole board to clean up the place.
:shock::boxing: So Ken is not allowed back still. Sounds like it got pretty ugly. I know Clif and Ken both love a hearty debate and Nevil always seemed to just like being nasty mean. That must have been quite entertaining for all! Thanks for filling me in folks. So, Clif, I guess you have to behave yourself here these days, huh? :mrgreen:
blingo :? I thought it was BBB IIII NNN GGG OOO..... BBB III NNN GGG OOO.. and Bingo was his name O..... :jester::jester: