That's the one that YELLS ALL THE TIME! And has pretty much nothing substantive to say. Remember him?
Whenever I read "Blingo's" comments, I always think it's a woman. It's funny that you read Blingo as a man. Spunky
That is funny, that we "read" a gender into people's posts when we don't know anything about them! Sometimes I get surprised, too. Now from your posts, I get the idea of a line-dancin' blue-haired lady.
Oh yeah! I DO remember him. Did he get banned though? He's not on the members list, unless he has a new name now?
I miss all the action! This place is a little boring now..... not directed to anyone personally, but the drama used to make the day fly by.
This is news but not too all silly.... though considering how well some of the "old timers" know me it could be a dang miracle. Ahh.... you want me to look in to prices of billboards for ya there?..... hmmmm what's the letter for this one....DBF? hahahahahahahahaha
Speaking of that, I have a Sister-n-law that types EVERYTHING in caps. It drives me nuts. I know it doesn't bug some folks but I look at it and think "Really, it's too much trouble for you to push the shift key?!" :?
Blingo does it on purpose to annoy people. It works, too. I'd rather see all lower case and no punctuation than all caps. I don't even know why.