Yeah like the moron in a black toyota pick up truck on Raleigh Rd passed me and I was doing 60 (down by the bridge). Guess he was running late for an after school program? :? I almost followed him, but I was on my way to an appt. I can CERTAINLY see the benefits! Teenage deaths would hopefully/probably decrease. (note, I don't have kids to shuttle around though)
'They' (the teens) do that ALL the time on that rd, and it that spot too!! It's terrible on Ral rd! :?
I think the restricted licenses are good for 17 year olds and full licenses at 18. not before. THis 16 year old junk has to stop.
Our oldest was 16 1/2 before she got her license because of medical forms that delayed everything..and boy was I glad! She had already lost 2 friends in accidents and had been in one herself. She was a more cautious driver than most that age but still the extra 6 months resulted in more maturity once she could get her license. My youngest one just turned 16 this summer and she is hoppin mad because we have not let her get her license. I don't feel she is ready and her inexperience and the risks to herself and others is not worth the "convenience" having her license would bring. If I get my way she will be 16 1/2 before she sees her license. At that point she will only be allowed to drive to work and school. I strongly believe kids should be 16 when they get their permit then 17 when they get their license.