Everyone please say a prayer today for all the innocent lives lost on that horrible day. We will never forget.
God bless them and their families. I would have thought that number would be bigger (just from news reports). This is a very sad day, a day I know none of us will ever forget. And Cleveland Firefighter, thank you for all you do!
Always a deep reflection for us all. May we or our children never experience anything like it again. On a cheerier note........Happy Birthday to our fellow poster SR!!
I remember exactly what i was doing the horrifying morning of Sept 11Th . That was supposed to be mine and hubby's beach trip morning after dropping the lil ones off at school . I was waiting for the light to change to green and i listened to it all on the radio .I had to pull over and pray right that second and every second after . This day is so full of sadness for not just me , but everyone . God bless ..They may be gone but never forgotten !
I can not count the 911 tributes I have watched or the stories I have read. For many of you that was all so very far from home, but for a few of us here, in NC we were much much closer. I was living on Long Island fifty miles away. It was truely the day the Earth stood still. No one could even speak. I had my kiddo pulled out of school long before the rest caught on . I stayed at work as long as I could then went home to watch it all unfold. when the airspace was closed the silence was deafening. All up and down the block people were glue to their sets, watching. Telephones were spotty because they were routed beneath the Towers and what was available was for emergency use. All the bridges and tunnels were closed. We were trapped on a island, a big one , but trapped nonetheless. When an F-16 went overhead - half the neighborhood ran out to see it is was "ours" or "theirs" though we really weren't sure what a "theirs" was. i saw it all live and held hands with folks who had friends and relatives in the towers. I attended vigils in the hope that somewhere , somehow I could help aliviate someones pain. For months afterward everywhere we turned the fire departments were draped in black. On long Island we had volunteers but most worked as professionals in "the city". It happened on a beautiful Tuesday morning with crisp air and bright sunshine. No one knew how it would end. Friday morning every school on the island kept every child inside for recess and all sports were cancelled. All outside activities were cancelled..The wind had blown the smoke our way, and filled the cool, fall air with the scent of a fallen building, burned lives and death. I will never forget.
Pepper, I wish I could hug you right about now. Your story is evocative. And if you don't need the hug, I sure could use one, today.
I was home at my parents' house in VA....I was preparing for my 11/10/01 wedding. Just sat down with my cup of coffee when I had CNN on. At first I couldn't believe what I was seeing...was I still dreaming. The phone rang and it was my dad....all he said was "did you see it" How could I plan a wedding during this time? It brought alot of memories for my Husband's family who lost a loved one in Pan AM Flight 103 over Lockerbie and to see it over and over again on TV...It opened old wounds. For all the families of 9/11....my heart goes out to you all. And for our cousin Robert on Pan Am flight 103...not a day goes by that we don't think of you. we miss you.
Pepp, I have chills after reading that. Thanks for opening your soul and allowing us a peek in. Your words are worthy of being published! MSN
Ros... You gave me chills too. How did you get through the planning? My story, I was in the mountains with my friend and her two young children. She & her DH had a timeshare that he could not make so she invited me. I took my 3 young kids and my 5mo pregnant self over there and we were having a great visit. I woke to feed my 2yo and turned the T.V. on upstairs. Like ROS I thought I was still dreaming as I sat in a daze. I watched the second plane hit thinking it was a replay of the first but then realizing the other tower was already smoking. Time stood still. I will never forget that feeling. A feeling of shock, of helplessness, of rage and anger and of denial; "They can't do this to the USA!" But as the hours went by, I realized that it was real. As the towers fell and countless people died inside of them, my friend and I cried and mourned together while our children watched cartoons in another area. It was the day that changed America forever, both as a nation and as individuals and it should be remembered and revered for all time. I pray: MAY GO BLESS AMERICA!! MSN
Everything was pretty much done...I was arranging the seatings for the wedding when 9/11 happened. It was hard but we needed some happiness in our lives.