Thanks nsane!!! Haven't talked to you in a while. Hope you're doing okay!! As for doing a great job....don't get too excited...for me it's only been 2 weeks. :lol: I've never been known to stick to anything for too long. It's a wonder I've been married 25 years to the same person.
I know that feeling! I've been with mine for fifteen friggin years! Back in the day I had a new bf every few months. The longest I dated was about a year. Fifteen years is a lot to me! Honkin' my own horn here! I've lost 20lbs! I started Atkins five weeks ago. My plan is to get a jump on the weight loss and go for a nearly absolute healthy/semi vegetarian lifestyle. I miss cereal! I can do Atkin's because unlike most, I have a savory tooth. Not a sweet tooth. The only thing I've joined is Spark People. It's like a free weight watchers, online. They have meal plans, food trackers (I use FitDay, bought the software, well worth the money!), exercise trackers, etc. There is a Johnston County "team" there too. But it's still new, three members. Does any one else use Spark?
Never heard of spark, but I know I am loving my weight watchers group. I go first thing Saturday morning, it really gets me pumped for the weekend, where before I would find reasons to sit on the couch and snack. i am starting to see some of the changes my face is getting slimmer, and I can start to see my collarbones if I push my shoulders forward just a tiny bit. I havent seen my collarbones in a long time:lol: This is a sign of things to come....
Eat this, Not that - I have this book and its pretty interesting. It's not WW points - but you can 'test' your knowledge!
I will have to look into that book. Looks really interesting. Thanks Bandmom!8) Elims, How are you dear? You coming on Saturday?
I have this book too, and I really do like it. It give some great information. Is anyone else worried about weigh in this week? I just... bleh! I'm not feeling confident!
Yep - I'll be there! I've been having a LOOONG week at work. Been doing so-so with the diet and exercise. Trying to keep it all together for the week, at least break even! Not exercising enough - need to take more breaks and get that done!!
Good luck tomorrow! This week has been a good week, other than TGI Fridays last night. :lol: I am looking forward to Monday (believe it or not) and see if the Holland girls can meet their goal. We made a goal that we will get our first star. I have been their 6 weeks and haven't gotten it yet, I know I'm bad. I am back on track and will do better each week. I only have 1 pound to lose to get my first star. Come on girls we can do this! :grouphug:
I know what you guys mean about the bleh feeling. i think I am getting ready for TOM, so I am really worried about what the scale is going to say. Think I am going to start taking my Midol now.:lol: I slacked monday and tuesday, and did not exercise, I feel like a blimp. we shall see. See you there Ladies!!! I am sorry that it has been roughfor you this week elims. Positive thoughts your way))))))))))))) BTW...LOVE the lose for good thing that they started. I have around 2.5 till my first star! maybe i can do it this week?
Girl, I'm trying!! I've done good all week but I don't feel as if I've lost anything except maybe 1/2 pound. I've even been drinking my 64 oz of water a day.....:ack: We'll see. I will be so po'd if you and Rhonda get your stars and I don't. :evil: Especially after losing last week without really trying. Brenda
Today I'm all about positive. It's turning out to be a great day!!! One of our employees found their lost nextel, so I didn't have to order another one. (I hate dealing with nextel) plus.......I won $100 on a $10 scratch off! :hurray: