Wearing your pants several sizes too big to showcase your drawers may get you some oohs and ahs from your circle of friends, but over-sized attire just doesn't seem like the best choice when you need to make a speedy exit from the scene on foot.
I gotta ask this to you forum aficionados who can find anything on the net. Was not the style of "sagging" started in prison? Irregardless, why is it STILL in style? I don't get it. Maybe I'm just an old fart. Is early 30's, old when it comes to "young in's" style?
The young hooligans want to carry that image of being tough. The prison roots is what I've always heard, too. It's really actually kind of funny. I see guys all the time trying to cross the street or walk down the sidewalk and the whole time they have to use one hand to hold up their pants. I'd seriously imagine that most police would prefer thugs continue to dress like that. That way, its much easier to run them down.
Suspect unfamiliar with terrain of escape route - big mistake A car burglary suspect plunged 200 feet to his death after he jumped over a wall on San Francisco's Telegraph Hill while trying to flee from police, authorities said. The unidentified man died early Thursday after police say they received a report that someone was breaking into cars on a city block near Coit Tower. Authorities say they attempted to arrest the suspect after they saw him getting out of a car. But the suspect ran and jumped over a wall — apparently without realizing there was a steep drop. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Police said the man was a suspect in two burglaries.,2933,421001,00.html
Tazed? Good for the the tazing officer, although how he kept a tight shot pattern and actually hit the dude while laughing hysterically, I'll never know. Telegraph Hill burglar just saved society the cost of a trial and incarceration.
om, no?......... not convincing huh. Of course I thought it was old. Om some days yes, some days no.
I feel the same way...I am in my mid 30's and some days I feel old and some days I don't. When I really felt old was back in April I went to City Limits and 3 guys walked up behind me and my friend while waiting in line to get in and one of the guys said something to one of the other guys about it being his 18th birthday. At that time I realized the 3 guys behind me were only 2 years older than my oldest son.....I really felt old then!!!
It's a good thing your jaw didn't drop. Your teeth might have fell out.............heya. I'm here all week. Please tip your moderators.
Used to live right next to the railroad track viaduct up in Milwaukee and my Paper route ran parallel to it. An idiot held me up while my Brother was delivering papers across the street he ran home and told my Step-Dad, he came running out and it panicked the idiot. The idiot thief then jumped over the viaduct wall and dropped 20 feet and snapped his ankle. Really wasn't much of a problem for the Police to gather him up after that. :mrgreen:
That's true. Inmates started letting their pants sag to signal to other inmates that thay are not homosexual. The homosexual inmates, on the other hand, always wore pants that were very tight, probably a size or two too small. I guess they started doing that to advertize what they have. The saggy pants became a sure way an inmate could say, "that ain't me," in case anyone might be wondering. Inmates are not allowed to let their pants sag, and CO's constantly tell them to pull them up. But inmates order sizes that are too big, so the pants just slide right back down after they walk a few steps. (It's hilarious to watch them play basketball in too big pants!) I couldn't believe it the first time I saw teenagers walking around looking like inmates. I thought to myself that they probably don't have a clue where that comes from or what it means. Then again, maybe they do... Snuff, former NC DOC employee