The Best of - DR RYAN WILLIAMS #1 Chiropractor

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mnredsky, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    First and foremost I want to congratulate Dr. Ryan Williams on his Best of Johnston County award this year. It's about time we got it right!! Yes, I am a patient. So from personal experience I know that he truly cares about the health and well being of his patients. Not only does he have the expertise, knowledge and education to be the best at what he does, but he also has heart and compassion. This is rare to find in any doctor of any kind so this I thank him for.

    Now, after reading the "Best of" insert from the good ole' Cleveland Post yesterday I have to ask myself 2 questions:

    Why is it that a certain other chiropractor got a front page news story on the same day that the "best of" was published? Coincidence, I think not. Someones pockets got a little greener. :?

    Also, on the surface of this certain chiropractors VERY WELL placed advertisement in the "best of" section it seems he has congratulated Dr. Williams on his VERY well deserved award out of kindness or maybe even true feeling <insert sarcasm here>.

    BUT! How was this congratulatory advertisement put in the SAME paper that is suppose to kept secret until the day it's published? How did he know he had not won in order to congratulate the doctor who did?

    Personally, I think something smells on the high hog and drips with condescending notation. If he truly wanted to congratulate the person who VERY WELL DESERVED this award he could have done it WITHOUT his own picture or logo and just signed his name.

    So the "surface of true meaning" for congratulations is tinged with a bit of an "ouch" for me.

    BUT, let me say one more time that we finally got it right because:

    Dr. Ryan Williams and Crossroads Family Chiropractic ROCKS!!!! :hurray::hurray:
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    :iagree: although I was shaking my head at some of the others, such as CarFix being voted #1 and some of the others..... who voted for this anyways? Also - C3 Pastor, #1 Pastor - well they DO have the most members around, so if they all voted, then that explains that one..:mrgreen: (nothing against him, I woulda voted for my pastor if I'd known about it)..
  3. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    This was a well deserved honor for Dr. Williams. He is great, and I always tell everyone about him. Me and my dd go to him, and he has always fixed the problem. Not to mention, yesterday he told me he thought I had lost some weight, so that's #1 in my book!
  4. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    :lol: he's such a nice guy.
  5. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

  6. Chimp

    Chimp Well-Known Member

    Well, perfect timing...I am looking for a chiropractor. Where is Dr. Williams located??

  7. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    27 Annette Dr # 109
    Benson, NC 27504
    (919) 989-1888

    LOVE THEM!!!!
  8. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    27 Annette Dr # 109
    Benson, NC 27504
    (919) 989-1888

    Yep, like HG said.... Love them and SO WILL YOU!!!

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