New BMX Track In Johnston County / 40/42 Area

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by comparkbmx, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. comparkbmx

    comparkbmx Guest

    Theirs a new bmx track on the grounds of the old go kart track off Cornwallis road in the 40/42 area.

    The track is an American Bicycle Association sanctioned track. More info on the ABA can be found at Practices are held ever Tuesday & Thursday evenings from 6:00 / Dark. The track also holds races on Saturday evenings with practice & registration from 4:00 / 6:00, with racing shortly after.

    To get involved all you need to do is show up with a bicycle, long sleeve shirt, helmet & long pants. If under 18 you'll need a parent/guardian with you. The track also has rental bicycles & helmets available at the track.

    For more information you can visit the track web site.

    Or call the hotline for up to date schedule info for the track at (919) 841-3710.

    This is a great facility and is providing another outlet for children and adults to participate in sporting activity.

  2. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Very Cool!!!
  3. OmniOne1

    OmniOne1 Well-Known Member

    Oh wow. Thats really awesome. Hopefully some kids will go try that out. Good place to start a hobby.
  4. cool, is that just up from where Cornwallis crosses over I-40?
  5. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Yea - where the go-cart racing place used to be.
  6. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member


    I'm sure we'll be checking it out very soon, too!!!
  7. comparkbmx

    comparkbmx Guest

    We've had allot fun out there so far. Many kids & adults have been out and have become hooked on bmx. BMX is great family fun sport where everyone can be involved. It's unique in that you can participate at your own pace. Practice & race when you want to without being committed to a practice schedule which dictates if you play in the game.

    I hope this provides an additional outlet in a community of great people to have a good time and have another option for something to do. The track is a "National Caliber" facility, however, don't let that scare you. We have kids as young as 4 racing out at the track.

    I also believe a National event will be hosted at this track soon which will bring in allot of out of state folks to the 40/42 area. It will be an economic boost for the area for sure as thousands of participants from states as far as California, Texas & New Mexico will patronize the hotels & restaurants in the 40/42 area.

    Spectating at the track is free of charge, so come on out and check out what everyone's been talking about!

  8. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Are you going to pay the 4042 webmaster for the advertising?
  9. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    My brothers all raced BMX when I was a kid, mom & dad never let me. They wanted me to be "girly". Thing One loves riding her new 16 inch Huffy that Gramma got her for her birthday, maybe when the training wheels come off I will live vicariously through her. ;)
  11. comparkbmx

    comparkbmx Guest

    A very fair question. Maybe I do not understand the scope of this board. I understand it to be a tool for dialogue within a close community to communicate about different events and things important to the community.

    I don’t' see it as an advertising tool, rather a vehicle to spread to the word to the community about their being another outlet for sporting activity for children.

    The bmx park is operated by community members who are volunteers who live and work in the 40/42 area and participate in the sport of bmx and have wanted a venue in this area.

    Although a fair question, I think the comment comes across somewhat pompous and uninformed. We really hope this park provides a family type environment where kids have another option for recreation close to their community.

    This will be my last post about it here.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2008
  12. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    you mentioned that spectating is free, but is racing free? if not, you're advertising..

    from the faq on the website:

    How much does it cost and do I need a membership to participate?
    A. Membership is required. Temporary memberships may be signed for anyone wanting to give the sport a try. Temp memberships are free and may be used for practice and 1 race with a $1.00 fee + the $10.00 race fee. A full memberhsip to the American Bicycle Association (ABA) must be purchased after temporary membership has been used. Full membership costs $45.00/ year.

    How much does it cost to Race & Practice and what are the Rewards?
    A. Practice is $2.00 / rider. Single Point races are $10.00, Double Point races $20.00 & Tripple Point races are $30.00. Multiple riders within the same family receive a $1.00 discount per rider from the same family!
  13. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    Pompous and uninformed?.... Pot calling the kettle black?.... :?
  14. comparkbmx

    comparkbmx Guest

    I'm glad theirs people here with enough time on their hands to serve as the "advertising cops" for the site.

    For the record; I haven't been approached by anyone from the moderating team or site staff.

    Comp Park is a family run program with the assistance of great volunteers from the 40/42 community. It's not a revenue machine put in place to make anyone rich. The people in this sport do it because they have a passion & love for the sport.

    Thanks for the Support
  15. comparkbmx

    comparkbmx Guest

    You'll need to qualify this statement.

    I think I've been very civil, even when replying to an empty comment which is obviously intended for nothing other then a negative sentiment.

    I’m open for debate & criticism, but please have some substance to your argument.
  16. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    Okay, okay, okay.... Let's please stop.....

    I am personally glad to hear about new businesses in the area. Yes, technically is is advertising in an area not really set up for that sort of thing, but it is informative none the less.

    Should one repeatedly start new threads about the same thing to promote said business then I would definitly have a problem.

    I know a couple of people who have been to this business and have nothing but wonderful things to say. I think it sounds great!

    Just my 2 cents...
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I agree, and likened it to GCAA "advertising" on the board, but I am sure they ran it by webbie first.
  18. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    6. Postings concerning business "opportunities", advertisements
    for products or services, multi-level marketing, etc. should be
    posted in the FREE Classifieds - not in the Discussion

    #6 on the "READ ME FIRST" section.


    to advertise.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2008
  19. comparkbmx

    comparkbmx Guest

    Cool, thanks for the info. New to this site and didn't know otherwise.

  20. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I do what I can. :mrgreen:

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