PTA Question

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by CrazyFabulous, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    curious.....why would teachers NOT join the pta at the school they work for? also....why is there much less parent participation at the middle schools? this boggles my mind b/c parents should be involved in middle more than ever!!! :evil:
  2. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    As a past PTA President in a middle school, to answer your first question about teachers not joining there could possibly by 2 reasons; 1) the Principal is not encouraging the staff to join. 2) They personally feel no sense of support of one kind or another from the PTA at the school. Now, the answer to your second question about the parents, the 1 and only main reason I can think of would be that the PTA at the school is not motivating, energizing and active enough.

    While PTA President, the absolutely wonderful and successful Board members and myself had an extremely successful year that year. Our membership from teachers was just under 100% and the membership from parents went through the roof. We started with a small amount of cash on hand and with all of the fantastic fundraisers and unique ideas, the PTA was able to do a whole lot for the school, the teachers, the students and ended the year with a cash on hand balance which was significantly larger than we started out in the beginning.

    For those who know who I am and remember the 8th grade class graduation from that year, we had one heck of a terrific cookout for the staff, parents and students of the graduation class.

    You have to start with a strong, positive, motivated and creative PTA Board.
  3. Jeepgirl

    Jeepgirl Well-Known Member

    I can't answer for the teachers, but I know one teacher didn't participate in the middle school PTA because she had a child in elementry school and particpated in that PTA.

    As for me, I always felt like the PTA was made up of a group of parents that were all in a "click" (like in high school) and if you weren't part of that "click" you weren't welcome.

    This year they had tables set up but none of the volunteers seemed to be pushing registration.
  4. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Could it possibly be that some parents are financially drained by the time middle school comes around? Every year every school asks for this or for that in regards to fundraisers. It's hard on many. By middle school, they feel they've donated so much that it is just hard to want to do it yet again. That and it might be that middle school supplies are rather expensive. These things add up.

    And why do you have to renew the PTA membership every single year? Why is it not good throughout the lifetime of that particuliar school? I know it's to raise funds but I for one feel that is all we ever do....raise funds for the school. I grew up in NCPS and we'd have ONE major fundraiser. Parents were asked to join the PTA and pretty much all did but they were not reminded of it. There are PTA reminders in your child's folder every few days. Years ago, parents would join w/out being asked. The reason I have such a bitter taste of the PTA is from a situation that happened years ago at Cooper Elementary. I have not wanted to join since then. Have I? Yes, but not every year.

    Why does it seem we are always raising money for electronic equipment? Examples...computers, media carts, etc. Yes, they have raised money for playground equipment which is wonderful but it just makes you wonder why schools seem so focused on computers.

    I remember going to school and having the cafeteria/auditorium packed full of parents for PTA meetings. And, it was NOT because their student was performing. I noticed now that if there is a PTA meeting, they tend to have some type of performance mixed w/ it. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying it is different than how it used to be. MOre people seemed to join PTA long ago and more seemed to be involved w/ it.

    I do agree w/ CrazyFabulous about parents needing to be more involved w/ the middle school. I for one can not but not for reasons you think. Had another IEP meeting yesterday and now we will have to escalate to the next level. It's sad really. With all the tension between us and the administration, there is no way I even want to be involved. I have pulled 2 children out of middleschool so far but can not pull this child out. So, I have a real problem w/ the middle school and wanting to join the PTA. That and who in their right mind spends $800 on a bench?! Was told the PTA bought that bench. That, is NOT a good use of PTA money IMO. So, middle school, I want to be involved but just feel too mnay things have happened at that school for me to get involved. My daughter was being bullied last week on the bus where the kid kept harassing her. Called the school as she didn't want to feel like a "snitch." Their first response at the middle school "well, have you considered putting her on the special ed bus?" For something someone else did!!!! Are you kidding me? why punish her for the harassment? She has NORMAL intelligence. Why would you want to put her on the special ed bus? Yes, she was in the wrong too for barking back at him. But personally, I wouldn't have held back. This kid has been doing this to her since day one. Situation has now been resolved but this is the type of thinking at that middle school. So wanting to be more involved w/ a school that "claims" to care about the kids....I don't think so.

    I collect the box tops, I used to donate time when I had more of it, donated supplies here and there when I can, etc. I do what I am able as the teachers are working beyond hard. I can not say enough good things about the teachers(elementary level). I feel the least I can do is do whatever I am able to help. Whether it's joining the PTA or not. Being a member or not being a member does not necessarily dictate whether or not you are involved in the school.

    I know I went off on a tangent and people will get all over my case for some of this. These forums are for free expression and after yesterday's meeting, I feel like expressing myself--LOL. AGain, I have nothing at all against the PTA. It is a wonderful organization. I just think it is going in a different direction than it did years ago when I was little. Schools used to seem more of a focal point for families than they do now. Hope I didn't offend anyone. If I did, those were definitely NOT my intentions. I feel my kids go to an excellent elementary school and am happy they are there. My feelings toward the middleschool are abundantly clear. I think at the elementary level, the PTA has done an excellent job raising funds for what is needed. I think there should be just a meeting w/out a performance and more of a social mingle type thing b/twn parents and teachers. I think more ideas would come out of that type of meeting. Just a thought. I do not even know what the middle school PTA tries to raise funds for. They don't seem to update like the elementary school does. That may be another reservation of parents at the middle school level...what are the funds truly going for? Parents like to know.

    Okay, probably said way to much on this thread but some threads I just have to say something about. I've got tough skin so say what you want. I know very well that some on here will be irate at me for saying such things. Bottom line, these are MY opinions based on MY experiences w/ MY kids. I can only speak fo rmyself and no one else.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  5. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I disagree with the 'clique' thing.....I have been in and involved in PTA going on 8 years. I attend meetings and I volunteer for everything I can manage to squeeze in. I didn't feel at all that is was 'cliquey'. matter of fact, it was a very diverse group, we all got the jobs done and that was that. Now if I saw one of my fellow PTA peeps at the grocery or in the halls of school, we merely just spoke to one another....just my experience here.

    I absolutely agree with your last statement. I am not sure which school you are talking about, but at MCGEE's MIDDLE open house....ummm, there was no push at's kinda discouraging. Hmmm....maybe I need to be on that committee.

    As far as teachers not joining, well it should be a job requirement IMO. there were many teachers present at last night's kick off meeting. they had great input, which I appreciate.
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    Why should it be a requirement? Are you required to join professional associations and clubs related to your work? I recall when some teachers had issues with the orientation and methods that a PTA had.

    I am a PTA member. And I realize that the 5 bucks or membership isn't a hardhip for most, however, it is for some.

    Some people object to joining a national organization like the PTA and operate a local Parent Teacher Organization. Some operate as PSTA's. Some parents have a different view of how well the schools are providing for their own child's needs.
  7. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Steph, I hope you don't take my responses the wrong way, just like you, I wanted to chime in! Heck, I know we agree on how frustrating it is at the middle school level! :mrgreen::mrgreen: This parenting thing is HARD!!
  8. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Hatt....they just should, they benefit from funds raised by the 'organization'. How can they expect parents to be more involved when they are not.

    Also, you can be in the PTA and not pay the dues, due payers are only different in they get to 'vote' on things, should the need arise.
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    I'll address that "benefit'. Yes, the PTA donated gift cards in the amount of 50 dollars this year. Of that 50 bucks, ten was ours for joining. And that gift card measure no where near how much we provided to the classroom.

    At last count, I got into my wallet to the tune of 1400 bucks for school related expenses. The pencil sharpeners alone cost 75 bucks a year to replace. Those neat little canvas seat bags that we provided were 12 bucks per, and we needed 25, not that the kids take good care of them, and no parent ever offers to repair or replace them. Copies of materials that the school apparently cannot afford to pay.

    Every teacher buys things to try to help their children learn.

    For the twenty years she has taught, we understood there were going to be times when we had to chip in to provide things that the school could not or would not.

    I do appreciate what the PTA brings.

    I wanted to shed a little light on some things that happen behind the scenes.

    In my mind, teachers are more than "involved". They are committed to the children. If ALL parents wold do their part, we'd be so much more successful.

    And thank you for being proactive in your child's education. We do appreciate it. If only more parents were....sigh
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2008
  11. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Hatt, with all due respect...I know that teachers give way more than they receive, on all levels, so many levels. I also know that they do that because they want to. It's part of being the type of person that can devote their life to teaching.

    To me the PTA is not about what can be gained or given in monetary measures, it's about being involved with my children's school. It's just that simple to me.
  12. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    KB, we aren't in disagreement. To use an analogy related to Maslov's hierarchy of needs, until the schools get funded as they need to be, we won't be able to reach for self actualization. Once we get funded to meet the needs, then we can reach beyond.

    As I said, I do appreciate all that you and other parents bring to us. That's why we have 7 members of our family as PTA members at our school. And that's why I serve on the Parents Advisory Council there as well. I am determined to make a difference for all children.
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    of course we aren't disagreeing....which is why I preambled my last reply the way I did....its all good my man!! it's all good...:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
  14. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    PTA are a great thing. In some ways the fundraising aspect gets to be a bit much, but at the same time having been the fundraising VP of a PTA I fully understand now the money WE DO NOT get from state and federal funds.

    As far as electronics .... we need them period. It's the way of the future and personally I want my child to have every advantage as he progresses in his education and being a mature adult. I know personally there would be about 60 less computers at a local elementary and 1 less neo cart if it were not for the dedicated parents and the over worked / under appreciated PTA. JMHO

    I don't think it should be required for teachers. After being involved as I have been for the last 3-4 years I am perturbed over the lack of funds they have from our education system to teach our children. They already put in enough of their own money.

    I think in middle school the kids may feel a little embarrassed if parents are "too involved." That could be one reason it slacks off ....I won't. DS's will just have to get over it. :mrgreen:
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2008
  15. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    As a way to benefit and support teachers, why not give them membership. Seems funny you want to support the teachers and raise funds for their instructional material needs but require them to pay $ to join.
  16. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Mom, for us, we perceive that if it's to have value, we have to invest.

    What's a free sample worth? Not much, usually. And, we do see ourselves as committing to the school in our support.
  17. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    This may have been said in one of these post but boy some of the posts were so long I couldn't read them all! LOL

    To me the PTA may seem clique-ish (sp). That's because the same d*mn people have to volunteer all the time! Heck half the time the same people on one committee are on three other committees. I was a committee of one last year. Fine by me. I got the job done.

    I read an article recently about some schools complaining they don't have volunteers or a PTA budget like more affluent schools. Since when does being economically depressed mean you can't volunteer at a Fall Festival or sell some gift wrap or other crap to coworkers or to friends or other family. You don't have to buy the crap yourself if you can't afford it. There have been many times I couldn't afford to participate in a fundraiser by buying something but I at least sold some items. This one really gets me.
    I'm not going to name the school but there is this one one I know of whose PTA pres was the only member of the PTA. Her child was severly handicapped and in a special education class. It broke my heart to hear of the time and effort (not to mention her own money)she put in to the school when she had so much to deal with her child. She told me all about the things she did for the teachers, etc. The principal wouldn't let her do many activities involving the kids because he said the families couldnt afford it.

    I'll stop here befor my post gets so long that everyone loses interest in it!!!

    dangerboy's wife
  18. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    I've enjoyed reading all of the posts here in this thread. There has been a wide variety of comments. I suppose I'd have to take away from this thread that the majority of individuals who left comments here believe that the concept of the PTA is a good thing but the functionality of it and the structure of it is all screwed up in some cases.

    I have to say that any individual PTA is what everyone at the school puts into it; that's from the Principal to the teachers to the parents to the students. Over the years while my children were in school I was involved in the PTAs from kindergarten up through 8th grade (South Johnston does not have a PTSA). Every year with each different Board that came in, the PTA would change a bit. But for the majority of those years the PTAs were awesome.

    The year I was elected to be PTA President I was coming off of a couple of years of being a Board member for some incredible PTAs which were very productive for the school. When I was asked to consider running for President, I made it perfectly clear to everyone that if I were to be President that my Board would be all about the children. I strongly believed that at that time the Johnston County Board of Education under Dr. Jim Causby was doing an incredible job of taking care of the education of our children and that we were on the threshold of new schools being built to deal with the overcrowding. Knowing full well that it would be my goal to put the children and teachers first above all else, I was elected President of the PTA.

    Our Board did incredible things that year and all we did was with the sole purpose of putting our children and teachers first. We had Freshman Congressman Bob Ethridge visit the school twice that year; once to speak to the entire student body and his adventures of being a Freshman Congressman in Washington DC and once to the parents and teachers at a PTA meeting. We had Mike Maze from WRAL come to speak to the student body (the kids enjoyed Mike Maze more 'cause he was on tv - lol). We would set up lunch for teachers every few months or so. The time the PTA set up Subway with all the fixin's I think went over the best. The Subway up at 42 was fantastic and extremely kind to offer the PTA a wonderfully discounted price on everything because it was for the teachers. (in case anyone is wondering - the lunches were free to the teachers). We'd have ice cream socials for the student body (the ice cream socials were free to the entire student body).

    In the couple of years prior to me being PTA President and including the year I was President, our Boards would rally parents to 1) Protest against the implementing something called "End Of Grade Testing" and 2) Campaigning for the 1st Bond Referendum to be put on the ballot to finance the building of new schools in Johnston County. There were many a time parents would drop their kids off at school just to have their car met by parents passing out fliers about the latest issue our PTA was either campaigning for or protesting against. Yes, our PTA was definitely opinionated about local issues. Our PTA would have Forums for candidates from either the Board of Commissioners race or for the Board of Education race. Our PTA would invite folks from the Board of Elections to set up at the PTA meetings for Voter Registration Drives.

    So, again, I state that each PTA is what the school makes of it. I could go on and on about the various pro-active things the Board I was honored to be President of did through out that 1 school year but my head would swell and y'all would stop reading. So I'll stop for now. Think outside the box.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2008
  19. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    not many teachers commenting here.....

    im just sayin.
  20. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    PTA importance

    I am on the board of a PTA and have only for about 6mths or so. I have been very impressed with the way the PTA board has conducted business. It is all for the children and teachers. I do think it is important for school staff, teachers and assistants to join PTA. They need to remember that the PTA reimburse them for some of their expenses. The teachers usually get $150 and the assistants $50. It is my suggestion that if the staff can't atleast put $5 into a membership then they shouldn't be able to receive their reimbursement. Our school is trying to only do 1 fundraiser this year. And no it's not selling anything. Our Fall Festival is hopefully going to be the only thing we do. Yes I do think it is very important to help in any way you can at the school. It onlu helps the children and gives the teachers more time to teach when you volunteer to do things that she might have to do.

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