Who has a Wii - and is it worth it?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by cece, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    i was wondering the same thing....considering it for christmas this year. everyone would pick this over all the others (xbox, playstation)????? how much are most of the games? the xbox games are crazy expensive unless you buy older ones.
  2. Aglassnut

    Aglassnut Well-Known Member

  3. Soccermom81

    Soccermom81 Well-Known Member

  4. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Wii'er probably going to spring for one this Christmas. I know it's going to be fun, but just the thought of the price including accessories makes my wallet ache all ready!
  5. cmdknw06

    cmdknw06 Well-Known Member

    I got my wii not too long after they came out, I LOVE it. My son loves it too. We have the Tiger Woods golf game, the Wii Ski, brain game, cooking mama cookoff and a few others. We also got the wii fit last week. We love the wii fit, and my son is very good at the golf and bowling!

  6. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    We have the PS3 and love it! We had a hard time trying to decide between the wii and the PS3 but went with the PS3 to avoid having to buy so many other items like a wheel to to driving games, and others controllers. Although the price is not bad at all.... However DH liked getting a Blue Ray to watch movies in HD with the PS3 too! LOL My little girl even plays on the PS3 and she will be 6 soon! Both are great!!
  7. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    We were thinking about doing the same thing for Christmas. Fortunately we were able to find one so now my Christmas shopping is done. But the big question is now what? I know it comes with one Wiimote and one numchuck. What accessories should we get? Should we open the thing to make sure it works (when the kids aren't around)? Are there any wires that we need to hook it up that aren't included?
  8. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    As I suggested earler, you certainly can share the Wiimote, but it's always better to not have to share (and there are some games, such as Mario Kart, where up to four can play at the same time, but each player needs their own Wiimote. Personally I haven't played any games that required the nunchuck (yet). I have the one that came with it in the drawer collecting dust.

    The only other "accessories" are what amounts to bling for the machine. You can buy sleeves for the Wiimote and nunchuck, or steering wheels for the car games (or bats, rackets, and golf clubs), but none of these are required to play the games. In spite of the reasoning DAH22 gave for buying the PS3 over the Wii, you don't really need the wheel for the driving games, and most can and do use the Wiimote also as standard game controller.

    This is a good question. I think you probably should, especially if you listened to Clark Howard and did not get the extended warranty. Be careful, though. Once out of the box, you may not want to put it back in. :)

    The only extra wires I had to buy were for my HDTV. But even this is not really required. You can hook it up to an HDTV with the wires that come with it, but you will not get the full HD effect.
  9. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    Thank you. I was wondering about all the different sleeves. What about the Wiimote charger and cooling station? I've seen it suggested but didn't know if that would be a waste of $$.
  10. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    I may get the charger station one day, but in the mean time, I have a big box of batteries (no, it doesn't use them up *that* fast).

    One thing you should know about the sleeves is that they need to be removed to attach the Wiimote to things likt the steering wheel, etc.
  11. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I got me one of them Wii game systems and the Dance Dance Revolution game; so I been getting up at the crack of 10:30 every morning and cuttin’ a rug till around supper-time.

    Yep, I’ve lost me some weight cause of it too; which is a good thing cause my big ole dancin’ rear-end has been wearing out the floors in my trailer-house over the last few weeks.

    I think this is a much better hobby than just sitting around listening to the bug zapper while thinking about all the stuff I should be doing. At least now I’m doing something while nothing gets done.
  12. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I don't have the charger, how expensive is it? We bought our system in June and already have had to replace batteries. We only use the game about once a week! We don't use the sleeves either, but I wish we would (I was over-ruled in our house, the others don't like it apparently)
  13. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

  14. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    $20 for a dual (2 Wiimotes), and $40 for a quad (4 Wiimotes).

    That's not bad. On my main Wiimote, I'm replacing them every six weeks or so.

    I have a nice dent in my coffee table that should be posted as a deterrent for those who don't want to use the sleeves. They are cheap, comfortable, and they do protect the Wiimotes (as well as furniture). I hope at least you use the wrist straps! Do not let them overrule you on this.
  15. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    The charger holds 2 Wiimotes and has the rechargeable batteries for around $25 at BJ's. But there is also one that has a cooler for the console, it's about $30. But I'm not sure which one is better.

    This is the only thing my kids will be getting for Christmas so I want to make sure we've got all the stuff we "need" to have instead of having to go out and get it right after Christmas.
  16. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Yes, we do use the wrist straps! They're not allowed to play if they don't. And if a kid has a tantrum while playing (it's happened twice), it gets put up immediately, and no one gets to play anymore. My lefty son wears it on his right hand sometimes, but uses his left hand, it's very odd to watch him bowl. But he does good, so more power to him. Just odd...:confused:

    I didn't realize BJ's sells Wii stuff. Do they sell games too then? How are their prices and variety? I want to get each of my kids a game, but really don't want to spend $50, which is what all the good games seem to be! I want to get my oldest (9) a fishing game and younger one (5) a baseball game. And I wanted to get Mariokart too for all of us!
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
  17. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    BJ's does sell games. They are priced about the same, but some games are less. You really have to dig through their bins because the games get all mixed up.

    I only priced the stuff at BJ's because I didn't have my kids with me. But as far as prices go they are consistent with the others. I've been told not to buy the new games to go to the game store by the movie theater at White Oak and buy games there because the kids get tired of them so easy. I don't know how true that is, but it would definitely be cheaper than buying them brand new.

    Thank you guys for all your advice about the Wii, especially to Redneck Rich.

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