The truth about Islam -- what every non Muslim American needs to know! This is long but it is so important. He (the pastor) is from Egypt and knows a lot more about Islam and the Koran than you and I will ever know. CHRISTIANS & JEWS, THIS ^ SEGMENT IS MOST IMPORTANT! This is the most powerful thing I have ever seen concerning Obama. Please, if you love this country, pass this information along. And pray. Pray for this nation, for the coming election, and, as the good pastor said, for Obama. Pray for McCain too. Pray for all the leaders of this country. And pray for our Lord to come again and bring His perfect Kingdom soon.
Regretfully, I think you have gone past the point of rational discussion. This has become an obsession. At this point, I don't feel that you are able to discuss anything without your intense disapproval of Islam, and your persistent claim, yet not factually supported, of a nexus between Obama and your belief.
Since you posted this on both boards, I will voice my opinion on both: I watched much of it and found it very compelling. Aside from the admissions of Reverend Wright inferring to Jame H Cone's liberation theology and Obama's association with the "Reverend" Wright for two decades, the picture becomes even more clear. The references to Malcolm X (which I really want to now look deeper into) about bringing a unity under the Islamic faith. Lastly we have a man...Barack Hussein Obama...who is born with a muslim name taken from his father who is from several generations of devout muslim. By the Koran's standards, he is a muslim by birth if not by public proclamation. What I take from that which has been expounded upon in this video is that: 1. OBAMA is lying about his muslim faith which is acceptable under terms of Islam. 2. OBAMA has committed apostasy against Islam by adopting his own "Christian" faith and according to what is spoken in this video, must at some point repent. His children can not grow up to be Christian, but are muslim by birth. Now I take this stuff with a grain of salt, but its very interesting. I will agree with ready2cmyking...I would at least watch the videos (skim through them at least) and then do a little homework. The internet is a wealth of information. Personally, I don't like Obama on his liberal policies, but the other addendums quite frankly, have me thinking about the video that has the muslim cleric shouting that the islamic flag would fly over the white house. I've heard that before prior to the video and was only reminded by the video. Its like the guy says. So many people are willing to vote for this guy and not even know anything concrete about his life.
Hatt, did you listen to the pastor in the links above? I took over 2 hours of my time this evening and listened to every word that man said. He is an Egyptian and he knows Islam, so I think I trust his knowledge, after having lived in a Muslim country, a little more than I trust yours. Obviously, you are of the "Islam is peace loving" belief, but that is exactly what the pastor is saying is so dangerous for Americans to believe. Again, did you listen to his entire message or are you knee-jerk reacting a fragment of it because he dares to compare evil of Islam, as well as Obama's empty words, to the Bible? Interesting too... There is, and has been since the fall of man, spiritual warfare going on in this world.
Do you presuppose that everyone in Egypt or Middle East countries is Muslim? Sure is a surprise to the Coptic Christians, the Druze, the Jews, and other religious and non religious persons. You confuse Egyptian with Muslim, or (name any Arabic speaking nation) with Islam. I traveled, while stationed there, and lived in Sinai, Cairo and Alexandria. Got to know mainstream Egyptian families, and a few bedouin. Somehow, I think that your hatred or fear of Islam, which is inappropriately directed, has colored everything that you see or hear. OK, you've managed to convince the few that listen to you that Obama=evil. We get it. How much more do you need to convince yourself? By that token, I guess if Christianity is judged by The Reverend Tony Alamo's ministry, no children are safe.
Clarification about calling Egypt a Muslim country (which I did link to in my post^) Hatt, I'm not trying to pick a fight with you or anyone on here about this. I just care about our country and the people of our country - especially my own children! I don't hate most people who are Muslims because they are simply deceived. But I do hate the religion of Islam because, as was pointed out in the video clips and translation of the Koran, it calls for the slaughter of Christians, Jews and anyone who is unwilling to convert to Islam.
I'm not picking a fight either. I'm trying to understand your thought process. By the way, your 2nd sentence in post # 6 implies that others who may not share your thoughts do not care about our country etc. I find that sentence to be arrogant and untrue. Your 3rd.."I don't hate mostwho are Muslims because they are simply deceived". What does your religious teaching say about hating others. How Christian is that? Sounds as if, based on the 3rd sentence alone, that you have missed the most Christian of virtues of loving your fellow man. Let me ask it this way, Ready? And, please tell me which version/interpretation of Bibles you use as your reference. Helps me to know which sheet the choir is singing from. How do you observe the 4th Commandment? Is there an exception to this Commandment? If so, where is that spelled out? Please speak to your interpretation of Psalms 104:15. I have heard some discussions that it doesn't appear to read how it reads, yet my copy of the Soncino Chumash which has the Hebrew on one side, and the English translation beside it seems, at least to me and about a gazillion others, fairly plain enough. If I get to know how you think, perhaps I'll be able to more completely understand your reliance on a few selected references.
I’ll consider this post Religious political fanaticism, and ask, “Why?” “Why did you get me to waste 1 hour of my time reviewing that crap? Especially on a beautiful Sunday morning? I should have read your last paragraph first. “Please, if you love this country, pass this information along.” Propaganda, fear, and love; all in the same sentence. How can someone one who leads their life from a book, with four different writings, with minimal to no factual validity, and requiring a multitude of blind faith in individual interpretation, cast aspersion on the factual validity of another’s religious belief? Solely for political reasons, makes it even worse. Those videos were religious superiority hogwash. Who can be the religion on top propaganda mixed in with political marketing? Don’t look at the speaker; look at the audience in those videos. It looks like they emptied the local senior center to fill the seats. Contrived? Maybe, maybe not. The speaker keeps laying on the fear factor and then closes with sympathy and love. If you were sold on hating them and then loving them, please pass by the desk and pick up your sign. I prefer to leave this type of primordial propaganda to those who are easily fallen to it. Religious fanatics bickering to the point of war? Now there’s fear. Pass that along.
You know, if you look, you can find hate in the name of Christianity as well as Islam. There are radical factions in every religion. Before one religion "throws stones" at another, maybe a little self examination is in order. Consider the Spanish Inquisition or the Crusades as an example of Christianity. Christ said, "Let he without sin cast the first stone". I'm not going to waste my time looking at those videos because I believe that, at it's core, Islam teaches peace, as does Christianity, and the sooner that everyone realizes that, the sooner we can live in peace on the one and only planet we have. My $.02. Mike
Hatt, yes I did say that I don't hate (maybe I should have said "feel hatred towards") some Muslims. Watch the videos in the links. This is the kind of Muslim that I feel compassion for and this is the kind of Muslim that I feel hatred towards. I'll do anything in my power to keep a Muslim out of OUR white house! Ridicule me all you want, but please people, think more about Islam and Obama's connection (even if it's just a possible connection) to it before voting for him. He wants change. Question is, what kind of change, exactly, is it that he wants?
You can use whatever criteria you care to chose your candidate, but I'll never base it on religion. I care for his views and policies less than I do for McCain's. Will I vote for Obama? No. But not because of religion, only because I feel he will do less good than McCain. To play the Devil's Advocate, if Obama is elected, maybe some Islamic extremist will leave us alone and worry someone else. Mike
The guy that did the videos is a Christian Egyptian who purportedly has studied Islam. His name is Usama Dakdok and I don't think his gripe is with the muslim people. I decided to take a look at his website (no harm in that) and his efforts are to show at the top that the Quran asks to show us the straight way and it is his belief that Jesus is THE WAY. His concern is that the core of Islam teaches that infidels should be obliterated. You can search the verses and read them yourself. Take a look at this links:,2933,344409,00.html,9171,1001173,00.html?iid=chix-sphere This isn't taking place in Indonesia or Pakistan. This is Great Britain! We are likely to be next. To me, just as important as who wins the Presidential election, these news stories are beginning to take great hold in the West. Remember the hoopla about instances like muslim women wanting their faces to remain covered on driver's licenses. How about the protests at the Tyson Foods a month or so ago? We are opening a backdoor to something very bad, I fear. Honestly, I sincerely hope I am wrong about it. All I can say is just watch the news and judge for yourself.
The problem as I see it is that there are too many weak, liberally minded people in charge that are afraid to **** off people. We have to have rules and if you're offended, you're free to leave by whatever means you care and go to whatever country you chose. Do to the increase in terrorist threats, we need increased security which means giving up a little personal freedom. I'll take that if it means being safer. Mike
Our constitution separates religion from government. So why is it important which religion McCain or Obama has?
I usually ignore Jesus crispies, but this post just vomits ignorance and hate from someone who supposedly follows a forgiving god. You are sick, hypocritical, warped and your hatred will consume you. ...but if you show up on Sunday, all is forgiven. Give me a break and keep this kind of hate-speech off the airwaves. It has no bearing on the election. I have held my tongue long enough, because most of posts are simply religious in nature and not vitriol anti-religious rants like this one. I figure your other posts (while I do not agree with them) are innocent enough. See...I believe that you can believe anything you want to believe and so can the next guy. What happened to love thy neighbor? Organized religion, period, is actually more of problem in this world than the lack of or the differences between.
Its not about religion; its about deceit. You listen to what Usama Dukdok says and a lot of it makes sense. His birth certificate bears several inaccurancies and lacks the official watermark seal. Was he born in Hawaii? His supporters will say yes. Why? Because Barack says so. Was his daddy a Kenyan muslim? Yes. By birth that makes Obama a muslim. What's his family history? His mother is dead; his father is dead. There are no records. Birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, school records, etc. Some of his college records are obscured. This doesn't seem the least bit odd? Is Barack a Christian? He says so, but that doesn't make it so. His 'spiritual mentor' who named Barack's autobiography preaches black liberation theology and separatism. Obama attended this cult-like church for two decades, attended at least twice a month, sat through probably 500 sermons and never heard the anti-white, anti-American, anti-jewish sentiment. He denounces his association with his 'spiritual mentor' (which means trusted teacher) after two decades only after the videos leaked to the media. So where does this leave Barack? So what religion does he adhere to? He has a Muslim name that he resumed using during college. For years, he was "Barry." He chose to revert back to his muslim name. After college he was taken in by Wright's church, which according to Dukdok, allows muslims to worship in their church without renouncing their faith or proclaiming pubically that they are Christian. In his book, Obama notes the valuable lessons from Malcom X and has the endorsement of Louis Farrakhan. If Dukdok is correct about Islam, it allows Obama to either (a) speak deceit about his religion as long as his heart is true to Islam or (b) if he has become a Christian or anything else, he must repent of it...again according to what Dukdok says about the Quaran which he claims to have studied as an Egyptian student. What do you believe? Well, I believe this: I don't adhere to his policies but I do not know enough about the man and neither does the American people. We don't known much of anything except what he has allowed us to know. Is that someone you want to rush into the presidency?? Not me.
What a steaming pile of cow flop. Factcheck .org sent staffers to Chicago to look at the birth certificate. Read their report here.
Jester, since you appear to be an expert on religious identification based on blood line, do you accept as a Christian someone born Jewish who converts to Christianity? Even of their parents were Orthodox? Seems that based on the proselytzing that Christian churches do, that they accept fully, one of their converts, no matter the background. Yet, you and ready appear to hold yourselves as our the true defenders of the purity of Faith, and that you decide a person's Christianity. What ordination do you hold that permits YOU to decide who is or is not a Christian. Based on the vehemence and hatred that you two spew forth, it sounds a sif the loving attitudes and ordinances that Christianity promotes have fallen on your deaf ears. Did God on High anoint you two as "Decider's in Chief". If your tolerance is what passes for acceptance, I am unsure as to how many Christians will themselves pass your test.
I believe you commit false witness against me if I may say so. I challenge you to find anything that I've said that was hateful. I'm asking questions and I'm attempting to debate the merits of Obama's candidacy to be our next U.S. President. I approach Obama with guarded caution and not on blind faith as you apparently do. The blind cannot lead the blind or else both fall into the ditch. First you haven't found an instance that says that Obama isn't Muslim. You answer my question with a question. Find links (such as that one) and find me something to disprove my suspicions. Don't give me links to commentary. Give me factual data. In the mean time, I will look closer into the birth certificate story. One link does not make this man a Christian. Anyone can claim to be a Christian, but you know a tree by the fruit it bears because you won't find an apple on an orange tree.