Fall Festival

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by MLH, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    We are looking for Vendors for our Fall Festival at McGee's Crossroads Elementary. Anyone out there know of crafters, monogrammers, hairbow makers, Christmas items, pocket books, home businesses, etc. Please visit our school webiste to get an application to be part of our Fall Festival on November 1st. www.johnston.k12.nc.us/mcespta
  2. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Are you seriously charging $50 per spot PLUS 20% of your sales???

    That's way too much for an event like this. I might be willing to pay the $50 but I'll be danged if I'm gonna give you 20% of my sales. That would eat all of my profit up.
  3. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    What about buisnesses that will not be "selling"? We were thinking of using it for advertising, etc.
  4. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention! I just sent the info to my sister and then read 20% part and told her never mind. LOL Thanks! :) She can not afford to do that. Most places that do craft shows NEVER take a percentage of sales and they just take booth rental fees and they also sell drinks and cookies to make money for the school, church, event and so on.
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I've been doing a lot of research looking for craft fairs from now to the end of the year and this is the ONLY one that wants a percentage of your sales. Most people only make about 20% on what they are selling. I know I would go in the hole if I did that.

    festivalnet.com has some great listings, you might want to tell your sister about that site.
  6. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Well, 20% of nothing is nothing - lol
  7. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    good point :)
    but it kinda made me feel like you had to be selling something to set up. Hmmm
  8. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the site!! She does embroidery and things like that at craft shows at her church and a few other places so she will be excited about this link!!
  9. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Hey, send me her info. I have a pocket book that I want monogrammed.
  10. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Also I'm looking for someone to go in with me on a booth rental at the Coat's Farmer's Day show. It's Oct. 11 and booth rental is $65. Do you think she'd be interested in splitting a booth with me?
  11. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    I will PM you and I will ask her about that too! THANK YOU!!:)
  12. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Michele - Try.....

    McGee's PTA... you can also post your event here.

    Just one word of advice after doing the Bazaar at another school. You're not going to have a great turn out with taking a % of sales especially with a fee of $50.00 up front. The "going" rate in this area for an 8X10 space is $30 - $50.00........ Good luck
  13. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Thanks for everyones input. I have left a message with our committee to see what we can do. We were going by this from a vendor that wanted to set-up , the prices are what she said she usually paid. She said that her company offered the 20% as a fundraiser donation.
    You do not have to sale. We know that is this a great time to get contacts for you to get back in touch with for Home shows, etc.

    Also I can't open the www.craftlisters.com link. Is this correct?
  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Not all "at-home businesses" offer fundraiser donations. I can think of one right off the top of my head that does not.
  15. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Thanks again for everybody's response. We will look at everyone's application. We are not trying to make this over priced at all. We are wanting it to be affordable for everyone interested. The Fall Festival is our ONLY Fundraiser for the year. Please get with me (email me at momof305@yahoo.com) to let me know what kind of fundraising offer your company offers. The Fall Festival Committee will meet on Thursday and we can look at the different options. It may be that we can adjust our fee if you don't have a fundraiser option or if you don't want to do the 20% we can set another booth rental fee at a higher rate. Please know that we are wanting to work with everyone that has something to offer for the festival. Please let me know your thoughts.

    Thanks for your consideration in helping McGee's Crossroads Elementary PTA.
  16. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    To be honest I don't think you can really ask more than $50 for a spot, period. I've checked into MANY craft shows in the area and $50 is the highest I've seen in this area. Now there is one coming up in Coat's in November that is $65/spot. You can set up at Mule Days for only $50 and that brings in way more people than a little school will bring in. I'm not trying to be ugly about it, I'm just letting you know what I have seen in the area. I am doing a show at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Garner in December and I only had to pay $40 for that spot.

    Hope this helps!
  17. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    I agree, I know I sale a home based business and we do offer a 20% cash donation to the school but you must sale $600 in product first. So just in my opinion do like most places do and offer a craft fair and make your money off baked goods, drinks, hot dogs, t-shirts and etc. Let the vendors pay a $40 to $50 fee to rent a booth then they bring in the people and you guys make funds off the booth rental fees too. Just to help you out though I have never seen a craft fair that does booth rental plus a percentage of your sales ever and like I said I do a business (Kitchen goods LOL) and my sister does embrodery and she does lots of craft shows. Have parents in the PTA bake cakes and cookies.... sell a can coke for $0.75 and a hotdog for $1.50 or something like that to make your money! You really will have a better turn out with vendors and hopefully get more people in to buy t-shirts with the schools name on it and buy food you guys prepared. My sister sells t-shirts also if you would like her information for a quote let me know and I will pm you that information. I was not trying to be snotty with me agreement but that is a steep fee and work with vendors that do fundrasiers on a set basis for them... :)
  18. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you'll need to have more than one fundraiser if this is all you're counting on. Maybe have a raffle that day too or something that would allow you to 'cash in' on the attendance for the craft show. Food is usually your best bet - keep it simple (hot dogs, drinks, baked goods) if you have too much variety you'll end up with stuff leftover and waste money. Good luck!

    I agree, a few yrs ago I did craft shows and all I paid was the booth fee. Most of these people are there to earn money too! Plus - other than the 'honor' system, how will you know that they are giving you 20% of their sales anyway?​
  19. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    WHOOPS!!! http://www.craftlister.com/

    No s on the end........
  20. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    The Fall Festival will consist of lots of food (ie, hot dogs, cotton candy, pop corn, fried dough,etc). We will have lots of games, 3 inflatables, rock wall, buggie jump, helicopter visit, basket auctions, we will be selling our school t-shirts, etc. We have a lot planned so we are not looking for a ton of vendors. Thanks to everyone for your advice, it has helped. If you are interested please pm me and I will let you know about the fees after Thursday's meeting. I will consider a PM as a first reponse on the first come first serve.

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