Has anyone ever tried a diet pill that really worked? I am thinking about trying Hoodia and didn't know if anyone had any input.?
i used a diet pill from Starlight International several years ago and it really worked. I wished I could find them again. I have Hoodia now but haven't started it yet.
I used phentermine, with my doctor monitoring it, of course. It worked really well; made me not hungry and I lost weight because I wasnt interested in eating the wrong things. But there are downsides to it. I had to get my heart monitored on a regular basis, and it made me extremely edgy. Sometimes I wasn't hungry and forgot to eat. I got a lot of cleaning done, though LOL! It was only for short-term use though, and I had to discontinue it because I am diabetic and losing weight is a balancing act. My sugars kept spiking because the body thought it was starving and it started storing up glucose. So he took me off of the meds. I used to cut the pills in half, too, as I didn't like how it made me feel so nervous. This was a few years ago, so I am not up to date with the medication now. I DO know that it was one-half of that Phen-fen that used to be on the news, and was taken off the market, but not the formula in question. I think phentermine can be found online, too - perhaps not prescription strength. Whatever you do, make sure you have some sort of medical help with the use of it. Just my experience...
none of them will work without change in your diet and adding a good amount of exercise. most jsut help boost your metabolism and add thermogenic to burn existing fat w/ diet and exercise. I have used/tried them all. Hydroxycut & Lipo6 are by far my favorites.
I dont know not really worried about anyone else BUT I do think that there are some out there that are better than others, and that was my question.
Oh I know I was actually asking for suggestions guess I worded it wrong, but thanks for the reply! I have heard a few people talk about Hydroxycut and they seemed to like it.
If you want to PM me with specific questions you can....I have tried them all. :mrgreen: Hydroxycut works very well, it makes your workout awesome! it does make you jittery AT FIRST (about 3 days) but then it goes away. Most that 'boost' metabolism, are going to make your heartbeat race at first.
*see weight watchers thread*8) Diet pills can be very dangerous, I know I have tried them all. Best course of action is watching your diet and getting a little exercise. Good Luck.
I lost 75 lbs in 6 months with the help of Metabolife several years ago before they changed the formula. However, with that being said....Now that I have borderline blood pressure issues, I have to be careful about anything that makes you jittery. I tried to take Slimquick for a while, but I didn't like the way it made me feel, and I didn't see that it was helping anyway.
Honestly, I was going thru a divorce, so I don't quite recall. I can tell you I didn't excersise, but I probably didn't eat as I normally would have either. Doesn't really matter though, they've changed the formula since then, and it doesn't seem to work like that anymore.