Do kids still play these childhood games of my youth?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    :ack: lol
  2. biguncfan

    biguncfan Guest

    I remember hearing of a game from my parent's youth called "jumpboard". Basically the same thing as a seesaw but each kid standing on either end and jumping. I always wondered if it was BS fed to me or if kids really did this.
  3. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Yes, my daughter learned all of those games and more. We have a cul-de-sac near us so adults would pull out grills, everyone would bring a dish and drinks and we would watch the kids. Four square was funny. My teen learned to ride a bike, jump rope and basically just be a kid in that area of our neighborhood.

    Even though she is a teen we still play games and have parties. Scavenger hunt is still fun and I always notify families what the teens will be looking for, who will be arriving and when. Adults seem to like it as much as kids.

    Each year we have a Halloween party. Asked the teen if she was planning on having one this year and she looked at me like I had lost my mind. Guess they still want to have fun at sixteen, seventeen and eighteen. The game where I read off a scary story and they have to reach into a bowl to feel something in the dark and try to figure out what it is seems to be a big hit. We always have wipes and stuff because as they get older they figure things out quicker so the items get juicier and gross.

    Great times,
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    You are gonna have to give me some tips on some of the grosser things you use, been doing it with my grandkids every year too but now that they are 10 and 11, gotta figure out more gross stuff to put in the bowl.
  5. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    my 7 year old still plays 10/16 of those with neighbor friends.
  6. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    My daughter is in Kindergarten and when I am in the carpool lane to pick her up they are outside playing..... She is always playing Red Light, Green Light, Stop!! They play doggie doggie wheres your bone and Seven Up Thumbs Up game on rain days all the time! All the games we played as a kid!!
  7. CheerBearNc

    CheerBearNc Guest

    My kids all play tag, hop scotch, red light-green light 1 2 3, simon says, sometimes they all have fun playing school. My kids act out a lot of different skits and they write notes to eachother ALL the time. We will be watching TV and the kids come in with notes for us to respond to. My 3 year old has become obsessed with music and he sings everything- I mean EVERYTHING. From asking for a snack to having to go pee, it is all in song. LOL He is very bored while the 2 older ones are in school.
  8. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member


    We are actually getting all of this ready for this Halloween so once I am done we will pull out the others, age appropriate, and I will send them to you.

  9. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    I was no good at marbles. Just about everyone could clean my clock and always end up with my best marbles: the crystals, honey bees, and boulders.

    I always marveled at how some shooters could just make their marbles stick and how accurate a shot they were.

    Everyone kept their marbles in an old sock.

    How about hop scotch?

    Anyone see kids playing that game?

    I ride through a lot of subdivisions and I don't remember seeing the chalk outline on the sidewalks or parking pads.

    - - - - - - -

    I gotta hit the rack, but here's one I didn't mention: swimming in creeks. Not so much a game, but still a favorite childhood memory.

    Not many swimming pools in my day, but plenty of clean creeks, some of which were ice cold.

    There was a favorite swimming hole in my area and we had a high rope swing, the works.

    The horse flies would eat you alive at this particular site but it was worth it.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2008
  10. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    Most subdivisions and apt complexes wont allow chalk on the sidewalks anymore . Apparently it looks bad .. :roll:
  11. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I remember playing this Halloween game when I was 10, it was gross and tons of fun. This is the perfect game for a children’s Halloween party, and I’d bet some adults would like it too. This Halloween game is an oldie but a goody. Using regular every day items to gross out your kids and your kids friends is what Halloween is all about.

    Gather everyone in a circle on the floor. Lighting should be very dark (only candlelight at the most), you don’t want the kiddies seeing the actual contents. Pass out paper and pencil to each child/adult and when it time for them to write their guess put a flashlight on the person's paper, or people will cheat. Have a few cute Halloween gifts for the top winners. Weave your tale of terror of a young boy or girl who went out trick or treating alone.

    Jamie was her/his name. Jamie had ventured out from his neighborhood, cutting through the woods to get more neighborhoods. Jamie’s parents had no idea their child had gone so far. As the night loomed on Jamie’s parents became frightened and headed out to look for him. When morning came all they found were these remains.

    Here is his brain, which now feels no pain.
    (a peeled squishy tomato)

    Here are his eyes, still frozen with surprise.
    (two frozen peeled grapes or olives)

    Here is his heart. Be careful lest it start!
    (a large lump of uncooked liver) We did this last year age 15 before that age something that felt gooey like jello or something. Make sure to have wipes if using actual liver.

    Now we have his hair, which once was so fair!
    (a handful of corn silk or wet fur or yarn)

    Feel these drops of his blood. All the rest turned to mud.
    (a little ketchup thinned with warm water)

    One hand all alone, just rotting flesh and bone.
    (a damp plastic glove filled with red gelatin or ice)

    Now touch his ear. He nevermore will hear!
    (a dried apricot)

    This is his nose. It will never smell a rose.
    (a pickle, a hot dog or a soft chicken bone)

    These worms are all that’s left to feel. For this little boy was a lovely meal!
    (wet spaghetti)

    Of course you can change the story and say absolutely anything you want. I just think the kids find it scarier if they are thinking this could be them.

    Have fun,
  12. littleguy

    littleguy Well-Known Member

    should you give credit to the web site you copied this from or is this your web site?
  13. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    My mistake. We have used this for so long that I didn't even think about it or remember it. I do think Kaci knew that this was from a site and we have been using it for a while. I was also giving her tips on items to use.

  14. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Thanks Sherry, i have used some the ideas for the body parts but some are new to me and great as the kids are getting older:) Didn't go to the website but i guarantee that story and the yucky stuff in a bowl is a lot older, we had a neighbor do it for us when i was a kid and that was uh about 40 years ago:lol:

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