Anyone else having theft problems...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ladybugg, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. ladybugg

    ladybugg Member

    I live off of 42/50 hwy in a subdivison and for the past two weeks we (my husband and I) have had things get stolen from us. Last week it was my husbands work trailer that they got about $1000 worth of tools out of and then this morning I headed out to work, I had a censor go off in my truck telling me to check my gas cap and then I noticed that my gas tank was about a quarter tank lower than when I parked it last night. I am wondering if anyone else is having any problems with theft in or around this area. I know I heard on the news late last week that thefts were occuring off of Cornwallis road, which isn't all that close by but close enough I have to wonder. In the beginning I thought maybe it was a guy that my husband let go from work, but now I am beginning to think otherwise. Either way, if no one has had any of these problems, please beware that there are thiefs out there meandering around our neighborhoods. Please keep a look out for everyone!
  2. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Ladybugg - Do a search on this forum, there are a bunch of threads dating back starting about 6 months ago! I live very close to you (maybe even same neighborhood???) and we were robbed last May, so were some of my other neighbors. Others on this forum have been recently as well! Everyone has been warned to be very careful, keep everything locked up tight, leave lights on outside, etc...Thieves are taking things from cars, garages, whatever they can these days.
  3. ladybugg

    ladybugg Member

    Thank you! I am really concerned at this point as I can't lock my gas tank. And with gas like it is, I know I can't afford for it to be stolen from me! I have spoke with the Sheriff's Dept., so maybe they will do some ride-throughs over the next several weeks during the night.
  4. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    You can buy a locking gas cap at the local CARQUEST (I have to mention them first, since I work for them) or Advanced Auto Parts.
  5. ladybugg

    ladybugg Member

    Ok. I know I'm a female...but I really didn't know they had such a thing! I will go out to get one on my lunch hour. Thank you for sharing!
  6. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    just a tidbit of info: my car was parked in my garage, but i didn't have my garage locked, they still came in it. so make sure you lock your door to the garage (if you have a door, or garage for that matter!), because thieves don't care!
  7. Vinalexnc

    Vinalexnc Well-Known Member

    ladybugg & DMJmom

    I also live very close to 42/50 and recently had about 8 gallons of gas stolen out of my shed. I normally keep my shed lock but must have forgotten one Friday evening after cutting the lawn after work and the next morning the gas cans were gone. Also been finding
    empty gas cans (none have been the was stolen from me) thrown in the woods along the road I live on. I have notified the S.O. regarding the dumping of the gas cans. It appears that at least the gas theives live right among us.
  8. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks for posting this info - I will pass it along. It was only a matter of time before this starting becoming a problem!

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